Literally no billionaires, no corporate sponsorships,and no super pacs. She's like Lambeau field...

Literally no billionaires, no corporate sponsorships,and no super pacs. She's like Lambeau field, the closest thing any of us will ever see to "wholly owned by the people."

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>Bloomberg is spending all the money she needs
Its quite funny. Liz can't fund raise.

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Looks like bogdanoffs sister/cousin. can i have a quick rundown on who the fuck she is. never saw her before

e. warren is a democratic candidate choice for 2020. cons and libs both make fun of her for saying she is native american when she is clearly not. heavily attracts wine moms

>e. warren is a demonic candidate choice for 2020.

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>native american


Your next President, burgers. How does that make you feel?

She's most similar to Bernie when you compare positions and grassroots support, but she explicitly supports capitalism, has more detailed plans (probably the most detail of any of the candidates actually), and attracts college students instead of poor working people.

Warren and Bernie might be spoiling the vote for each other. Together their votes would add up to more than Biden.

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You are charmingly easy to fool. I'm glad people like you still exist, really.

I think you mean President Pocahontas, bucko

>Together their votes would add up to more than Biden.
Assuming 100% of her vote would go to Bernie if she dropped out, or 100% of hers to him.

In the real world, people make their choices on too many factors for that to really happen.

Just think, when Hillary hands the reigns of power to her, what a proud day for women that will be!

>Assuming 100% of her vote would go to Bernie if she dropped out, or 100% of hers to him.
His to her, sorry.

I'd unironically support this if they wouldn't end up being pawns of shadowy male masters, like rich executives and the like.

But that's not a picture of President Sanders.

The biggest phoniest cunt you will ever meet in your lifetime. Up until recently every application she ever filled out she lied on. Every discussion with bosses, professors, voters started with this fallacy...." As a person of color...."

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Fuck Pocahontas. Throwing my vote away if she runs.

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Yeah, like I said, she attracts college students and he goes for the poor working class, even though their policy would be very similar.

Warren is the second choice for Bernie supporters, but not the other way around.

I'd be happy with either one, well not happy but they are better than Biden.

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>spinning a fundraising failure as a plus

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If she runs, Trump will win.

gross. for the people my TUCCUS

Shit like this is why Trump is going to win a second term.
Good job, idiots. All you have to do is put forward one halfway decent candidate, but instead you've got a deluded old woman and a couple crazy old white guys.

How will he do that from prison?

He's not going to prison you retard. If he loses the support of the Republican Party he'll resign and the VP will fill his role.

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I do think Bernie has a better chance. Then again, Hillary Clinton nearly beat Trump, and she was far less compelling.

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We have a crazy and completely indecent candidate already in office, so all bets are off.

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