Discussion thread, what do you guys think of sex dolls that are made to resemble children...

Discussion thread, what do you guys think of sex dolls that are made to resemble children, does it do anything to prevent or exacerbate molestation and should they be illegal or is it just a doll.

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I ask here because I figure you guys are the reigning experts on wanting to fuck kids

>is it just a doll
yeah just a doll with fuckholes the resembles a child, bought by pedos te resemble fucking a kid
'just a doll'

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but is it enough to resemble it to make it illegal, it still technically is just a hunk of silicone

imagine buying a baby doll, hollowing it out and putting a fleshlight inside of it
probably isn't illigal. but very, very immoral and you're a huge pedo

Agreed, I'm not arguing against that part about it making you a pedo, if you're buying the doll you're clearly a massive pedo or your rozen maiden obsession is getting out of hand
but the item itself is not what it resembles, bit of a stretch here but the California dream van isn't a real car, sugar looks like cocaine etc..

its just a doll, so I think its fine, definitely not socially acceptable though.
what about fucking a piece of plastic is immoral?

i think its the same with lolicon. as long is it isn't a real child, i'll be allowed

because it's a child. are you trolling?

Well he is right about the immorality of imagining fucking a kid

sidenote, I love also that Sup Forums somehow provides a space to discuss shit without reeing arguments based on feelings, usually. Try it on any other website and everyone would probably degrade into crying that you're a pedo, and getting no where.. We live in a society where degenerate image boards are beacons of meaningful debate

I see nothing wrong with this. Seems to control the urges. Not like he’s gonna go out and rape some kid with this in his apartment.
What I find interesting is how the OP is obsessed with what people are stimulated by. Who the fuck cares?!
Some people are stimulated by architecture. Go hassle them.
Better yet, protest a furry convention...
Eeesshh mind your own interests....

I think it would do both! make it worse for pedophiles who intend to rape kids, but curb it entirely for those who hate being a pedo

i see it more closely relating to necro and not pedo. you can get 18+ dulls, but they are still "dead"

granted i think furry is close to bestiality but thats just me (thats for a different thred)

So whether you have sex with a doll or fap to this pic, there is no child present, being harmed or witnessing a lewd act.
Nothing illegal is or has been done. You simply don’t like it.

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Depends on the person

Some pedos want an honest to God relationship
Some just want the sex

And for others it just their taste in porn so to speak. Not something you want to do or experience

It normalizes them, or at least subconsciously pedos will normalize their fetish.

I don't care if they were born with it. Serial killers are born mad and religious people are born retarded, so all of you should be executed equally.

Equal rights, amiright?

if you argue against plastic dolls you are arguing against the safety of children. pedos at least would have an outlet, and instead of raping kids, they could fuck plastic bags. if you outlaw dolls, they wont have an alternative.

Show me one pedo who thinks their sexuality is normal. They know they are freaks, and they're not basing that on the availability/lack of child sex dolls.

but if they have not raped a child, they're not the equivalent yet of a serial killer, just one fantasizes about killing

>Show me one pedo who thinks their sexuality is normal
whole ancient greek culture was build on pedo relations

It's not a child. It's a doll in the general shape of a child. No one gets hurt from this and it's potentially stopping would be child rapists from doing anything. It'd be nice if there were studies done to see if it works but doubt anyone would sign up for it because of the stigma associated with being a pedo (even a non rapist). Perhaps ex-cons? If it did work loosening up the laws on it universally would be a net-good despite how you may feel about it.

I need one.

i find them disturbing ang revolting.

but they are only a piece of silicone and plastic.

if that stuff relieves some pedo urges i see no reason to ban them.
there will always be pedos

that doesn't mean that i have to like them.

Also pedophilia is completely normal and when people realise this again everyone will be better off for it.

Until then enjoy the many that are in the hunt for no good reason.

post her ass


Where do you draw this 'objective' sense of morality from?

guys draws loli mouth on a napkin and fucks it
are you a retard?

Who cares what they pretend they're doing, its a doll, not a child, no one gets hurt. Do you also believe other thought crimes should be punishable?

You mean just like this guy did?

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Your conflating pedophilia and hebephillia.

Hebes are biologically normal, pedos arnt

Let the pedos have their toy. If it saves one child from being molested, its worth it.

Nope it's normal, the sheer number of pedos across all time as my evidence. They will never go away, they never did and never will, they aren't an anomaly, hence they are normal. Sorry.

Gonna go out on a limb and say that people probably feel about preteen sex dolls the way they feel about loli porn.Like/ indifferent / deus vult

if it's a pedo who is mentally ill enough to act on their desires, a doll may either help them relieve their urges or make it worse. both could happen. but making these things illegal, telling those guys to supress their urges won't work and can only make things worse. if there were none of these dolls, there wouldn't be less actual children molested.

the real solution would obviously be to treat pedophilia more openly as a mental illness so more people would seek treatment without having to fear getting jailed.

Nope, this is idealistic nonsense. There are plenty of us who do not see it as an illness and would refuse. As much as everyone wishes we would go away, we wont, no matter what people do. Cant even kill all of us.

>As a mental illness

Pick one

I'd much sooner a pedo be fucking a doll instead of going out and fucking real kids.

If the guy wants his doll, give him the fucking doll.

The infinite well of knowledge that is his asshole of course

I don't know about sex dolls, but increased availability of lolicon tends to decrease molestations, much like the availability of porn tends to decrease other sex crimes. Individuals who view lolicon are more likely to molest, but it's more of a correlation not causation, like how individuals who take medicine are more likely to die of illness. I could see sex dolls serving as waifu stand-ins for real children.

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give 'em to pedos so we don't have to see them outside ever again.

It depends on whether it stops them going out an raping kids. If it does, cool. If not, nah.

>Lolicon and Real Dolls are not real people


I want to get some of those new robot children that are indistinguishable from real children.

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Despite what the media likes to spew, they dont exist

show me 1 ancient greek you know

One can never be sure. They are indistinguishable, after all.

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yep but it hurts some anons feefees so execute anyone who even thinks about getting one.

>>Lolicon and Real Dolls are not real people
>>hurts user's feefees

the people who end up raping kids are parents or teachers or someone like that in a caretaker position. none of us basement dwellers and weeaboos who like to collect loli dolls are ever going to harm a real child.

instead of equating play and fantasy with real life like jack thompson and all the other church niggers like to do how about you mind your own business?

Well, they might initially be used as a form of stress relief or entertainment but could potentially lead to real-life criminal acts.
Any person that purchases them already shows an interest in the matter and is therefore likely to seek a way to carry these fantasies to the outside world.

So yes, I do think violent videogames should be illegal.

Now what's all this doll shit about?

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think of the costs!

im just saying that the culture, on which whole of western history depends did not find these kind of relationships wrong