911 operator, AMA

911 operator, AMA

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Are you dispatch or a calltaker?

Whats the craziest call you've had?


a woman calling, saying that her pitbull was eating her disabled child alive

her retarded dog breed was eating her disabled child alive, fucking fantastic..

god pitbulls are disgusting

Have you ever had anyone apologize?

holy shit! legit?

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do you sometimes have to take a break because you got a particularly disturbing call? / how often

Do you guys have some way of seeing the callers gps coordinates they called from in order to send help right away or do you gotta ask them for their address?

you're taking really long to respond considering your occupation

checked. yeah, not much i could do, but it was surreal. most calls are paranoid homeowners thinking that their home is being broken into. her screams were so real, they couldn't be recreated by any actor or actress.

why would she call 911 and not just smah the pitbulls fucking face in? i mean it's not easy to just beat a dog's head in, but when it's eating you fucking child? and what did she expect to happen when calling 911? by the time they'd be able to get there, the whole child would be inside its stumach

they're relatively understanding to that kind of thing, but honestly? most calls are bullshit, like people claiming that their mail was rummaged through.

she was panicking. you're right about the call time, that's what made it disturbing. all i could do is try to calm her down while the dog was attacking. even if the responding units were there in two minutes, that's two full minutes iof a pitbull rampage.

I reckon they freeze, do what's easiest and what they have been taught so early on: just call for help

when did this happen?

why not just shoot the dog? you're American, right? don't you all own like 20 guns each? pitbulls are diqgusting dogs anyways

i know you're partly trolling but on the topic of guns, that was another chilling part of the call. she loved this dog, but she was begging for the police to come and shoot it. hearing the noises in the background was intense.

What if i called you saying come clen up my brains from the ceiling *bang*?

"and i oop"

Why do you keep hanging up on me whenever I try to order a Goddamn pizza?

march 2017

since you're obviously female, show us some of those cop titties.

i'm a male. the only obvious thing is that you're a retard,

doesn't mean that you shouldn't still show us those cop titties tho

Have you ever felt like you fucked up and let someone down?

why do you think that working with the police department means i have free access to nudes? dumb.

what the fuck are you talking about? show us your stupid fucking 911 operator male cop tits you absolute retard.

no, i always acted professionally. however, that does't mean people haven't died on me/

What are the demographics of your district? Big city? Lots of negroes?

big city. many people of color. high crimr but they're reluctant to call the police. offical calls are usually white women.

Has your job made you racist?

I stuck a toothbrush up my ass, can you send halp pls?

Boy, for a dispatcher you sure have shitty typing skills.

Have you ever Fucked a black woman? ;)

You know we all roast the shit out of you fags on the other side of the mic right?

t. Paramedic

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