Is it weird that I find cleavage more attractive than tits themselves? What does this say about me?

Is it weird that I find cleavage more attractive than tits themselves? What does this say about me?

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LOVE that girl you posted. Big chin and busty girl thread?

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I don't have any pics of chicks that look like her, but I've got the two other pics of her that were shared by the dude that originally shared them

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I enjoy a lot clothed women too.
Works better for jb content too if clothed.

And here's the other one

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Thanks a lot user

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No problem user

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Nothing weird. You enjoy buildup and teasing as opposed to the full climax.

That's why stories aren't just the high points. That's why jokes aren't just the punchlines.
That's why every single day of your life isn't incredible excitement -- because then the truly exciting and wonderful days would be worthless.

A lot of people get bored of the people they're with after a while bc the excitement is gone. A clothed girl is hotter than a naked girl because there's still excitement in the chase.

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Maybe you're like me and think boobies are special and don't always wanna see them right away. Like saving them for a special time.

Quite eloquently said

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Because your turned on by what your don't know. You enjoy surprises. Even though you can see massive cleavage it's the surprise factor that get's you. Try sex in public / risk of getting caught would probably be your wet dream. Psychologist here ask me anything.

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lota people are like that. sometimes things are better left to the imagination

probs because head-sized boobs are nasty.

Is she 12yo?

haha post examples so i get what you mean


How do I get over the anger of ex gf who would do anything for me sexually. But nearly/pretty much cheated on me and was liking another guy and they watched a movie together at her house with popcorn for a school project.

She still wants me. supposedly. she could start liking another dude again easily and she's pretty cute.

But she's been deep throating me and letting me fuck her ass and really trying to make things right but I cant let go of that anger and hurt and lack of trust

Ayy, while searching I realized there is one more pic of this chick out in existence.

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That is a strange story.. So let me get this straight she is your EX girlfriend? If that is the case you need to get out there and date. Stop seeing her cut ties completely. This could make her want you more and you could rage sex her after blowing her off and her seeing you out having fun. OR talk to her see what she wants ask her straight up if she is interested in you or the other guy. Man up either way.

>you will never be that cardboard
why live

I broke up with her after that incident. I am currently still rage fucking her. She's letting me slap her and go hardcore too.

Don't think shed let me facefuck her and anal her this hard if she didn't wanna be with me. But the anger and lack of trust.
It's hard to simply switch to "just use her" mentality

it hurts

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Well believe it or not the situation is good for you. You have the ability to make the decision. You just need to decide what's important. The rage sex or the emotional attachment which you have because your jealous of the other guy situation, If I had to tell you. Cut ties man, doesn't sound like a healthy thing either way because at some point she will probably start dating someone and fuck you emotionally and no longer physically. You have the power.. For now.

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good shit

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You're a fucking degenerate...

...just like me.

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You're probably an ass man too.

Hope her bust size is bigger than the temperature mmmm

unlikely, small but perky

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Yeah I know. Feelsbadman.
It's also not jealousy. She's fucked up a lot in the relationship..
Like the day I broke up with her she sent a few pics of herself to some guy she barely met. No nudes but still

but she's really fucking my brains out. And doing my laundry and giving me money or gas and bringing me food when we meet up.

Just need a way to not be as emotionally attached to her. She fucking broke trust big time.

not for euro sizes perhaps ;)

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do continue

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I love how comfy women are with showing a bit of breast~

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did you have a traumatic sexual experience?

Such a good angle for me to cum on to~

big cleavage is a social status symbol

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I don't think so.

Makes them more noticable in a good way~

Fuck please be a legend and drop more

Sex studies suggest fetishism is created by the association and allure. We don't get to see the breasts, so they become taboo. The cleavage is a means for a woman to flaunt the taboo without openly breaking it. It's a middle finger to anything denying you sex. It is inherently sexually alluring.

It's why when women were way more modestly dressed, men fetishized seeing a little leg or neck. It's why repressed muslim men fetishize a little bit of exposed hair on a woman.

If women walked around all day nude, it would quickly desensitize men to their nudity. It would instead shift to things like a woman bending over, or how she talks, etc.

yes I concur

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Have anymore ??

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Fellow psych fag. This good post

Cousin's DDD tits in her modeling pics. Love sharing her pics and other people jerking to her.

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