I just found out that my girlfriend of 2 months fucked a guy 2 months before we were together...

I just found out that my girlfriend of 2 months fucked a guy 2 months before we were together, it really breaks my heart but I really love the girl. She's told me that she regrets it and that we weren't really together, just "seeing each other sort of". This has got me fucked up, I don't know if I should leave her or try to make it work.

What do I do Sup Forums?

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She doesn't regret it lol shes just getting it out of the way early so she looks better than if you found out later on

If it was before you were together why does it matter? Or can she not date before you? Lol

I found out when we were looking at her phone, she didn't want to tell me.

We were kinda seeing each other, and she saw me the next day

She has to be a pure, pretty princess! Never defiled.

I can fuck whoever I want whenever I want though.

Didn't ever say that lol, just wondering what people think about it.

If it happened before you were together there’s nothing to be upset about. You could have fucked someone else during that time period too but you didn’t. Either get over it and move forward with the relationship or don’t and walk now but either way whit whining about trivial shit like this.

Sup Forums in a nutshell


>kinda seeing each other

Being this big of a fucking cuck. If you like her, make it official. Otherwise, yeah- Jerome's gonna stick his nigger dick up "your" girl's ass.
You can't help the past. Move forward or dump the hoes ass. What else can you do?

I was reading messages with her and me when she saw that guy, she was telling me she only wants me. After the fact that she fucked him.

eat her ass

Start dating adults

Already do.

We are both 24.


It's called courting OP. It's an ancient and accepted tradition.

It wasn't until people introduce rampant premarital sex that courting became a big deal. But if you want to keep the premarital sex, people should probably learn to grow the fuck up about it.

When you court, that means you go on dates with them, but you aren't considered "exclusive". The whole point of this practice was to find someone worthy of being exclusive with, rather than just jumping from boyfriend/girlfriend to the next in a series of drawn out serious relationships that fail.

Courting I believe is a more egalitarian and just means that can actually reduce pain. As long as people aren't giant whores about it. See when people are courting multiple people, AND fucking them, it makes others jealous. It complicates.

I would say to OP or anyone, you should not consider it any kind of betrayal. But you should put into context what kind of person that makes her. Take it into consideration among all her characteristics and weigh them.

And I don't think it's just an issue for women. I've known plenty of men who were slutty man-whores and would just plow through women and it was gross. There's no respect there. But there are different stories.

She might have been more serious with him, and you won her. Figure out if she fucked like 1,000 dudes because she dates 10 at once and fucks them all, or if it was just a rarity. Figure out if you really should give a fuck moving forward.

But very much understand that it was no betrayal because under the stupid rules of modern hookup culture which you're partaking, fucking everyone is OK as long as people aren't exclusive. I don't play that shit. But if you play the game don't hate the players.

>I found out when we were looking at her phone, she didn't want to tell me.

And she wouldnt have told you if she could get away with it. Grow a pair and find someone else.

Ain't no one gonna read that shit except the guy who's gf got fucked by Jamal- o of pure desperation

>she slept with someone before we had ever agreed to be dating
I mean, "kinda of seeing eachother," isn't even that concrete a state of a relationship.
I feel like this is such a non-issue.

You're not wrong there, I did read it lol.

Feelings go away in time, I'm sure I'll be able to find someone else.

She wasn't seeing other people, she said this was a one off and after the fact she decided that she loved me.

tl;dr version:

Courting multiple people is normal. Until you are declared exclusive, expect people to date others and don't bitch about it if they end up choosing you.

Well there you go. Put yourself in her situation.

I have tried to date women, and in the extremely rare occassion a different woman wanted a one-night stand I don't consider it anything at all. I wasn't exclusive with the person I wanted to be with.

Of course it hurts the male because, while society won't admit this, we want to be wanted. And the idea of the woman you're with now not really being into you and lusting after another man while you're in the middle of dating her, especially if you already have feelings for her, feels bad.

But you won. Take that raw emotion and revel in it to heal your wounds. Dominate her. Fuck her. Make her happier than she's ever been in a dozen ways. It will burn those bitter feelings away.

Since you've already made it known it bothers you what she did, make it known she can make up for it in ways. Tell her how to make up for it. Make her blow you. Tell her it will make you feel better. It will. And it will make her respect you more. Don't let this linger where she thinks she's holding some sex trophy over your head, it will create a rift.

This is solid advice, you're making me think I can make this work. But I don't know if I can just forget about it just like that, everytime I see her and we fuck all I can think about is her bending over for another guy.

>She wasn't seeing other people, she said this was a one off and after the fact she decided that she loved me.

Oh yeah she loved you alright to fuck someone else one more time and get it out of her system.

Like someone else already said: she would never tell you about this and you would never known if you didn't see the messages. Do you really wanna put yourself through this again?

Leave, you won't get over it probably.

She's a woman she serves no purpose in your life other than as a leach. Just ditch her and go MGTOW. It's that easy, as long as you've got the balls.

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Make it work. Forgiveness is key. She was honest with you. That speaks volumes. She could of never told you and you would of lived a lie. Forgive her and love her as she loves you.

Just fuck her until you get bored or something better comes along. Don't commit, she's not worth it. If she was into you she would have: 1) not gotten with anyone once seeing you semi-regularly despite the circumstances, 2) reveal or hint to you, without you asking, her sexual history up to meeting you, 3) not claim she "regrets" guys she's been with because that shows she doesn't own up to her decisions.

>I found out when we were looking at her phone, she didn't want to tell me.

such honesty

>She could of never told you and you would of lived a lie.
She was doing just that until he saw her phone.

Are you a complete fucking sperg? Fucking faggot, she has complete autonomy of her own body. She can do whatever she wants whenever she wants especially if you two weren't together. This is real fucking life. 90% of pussy is already used, quit being such a fucking retard

user, this is kinda your fault. You probably were "saving yourself" or involuntarily celebate. Women are never incels, unless they are dykes. Times have changed, courting, now, is more about convincing a woman to get off of the cock carousel. That's just life user. I hate it too. It didn't stop bothering me until my current girlfriend told me the same shit you did, but luckily I fucked a girl the day before we met and the evening before we met, and twice in my new apartment before we were "official". It felt good, watching her get red faced and angry, but I told her basically the same thing your girl is telling you, and unfortunately now that the shoe is on the other foot, it makes sense. Break up with this whore, and remember this golden rule from the book of pook

You either talk to one of them, or all of them.

And until you decide to settle on one girl, you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO KEEP FUCKING OTHER GIRLS TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM HEART BREAK. So start up the fuck fest, don't invest to much in the first girls, because like buying a car, you really need to know what your options are and what you can afford.

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Spoken like a true incel

Or you just make the smart decision and avoid them altogether. I take anaphrodisiacs and my sex drive is gone, so now I can just focus on improving myself and partying with male friends.

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Whore ass bitch slut

Leave her, honestly.

She fucked the guy and saw you next day. And this is what you found out looking at the phone. There are many things that you will never know and she doesn't tell. This can't end well.

if you like being cucked then it sounds like you have found the one for you, profit

Very much this. Getting mad about people your girlfriend fucked in the past is immature. If she cheats on you that's a different story, dump the twat.

I think it fine since it was before you two were together. Why are you bother by it?

We were practically seeing each other.

All I can think about is her and that guy right before me.

Have you considered you might be a cuckold?

You should have asked her out sooner. No promises were broken from the sound of it.

But if you feel that bad, dump her and move on. It's ok for her to fuck anyone she wants if she hasn't made a promise to you about exclusivity. And it's ok for you to leave her because you thought she wouldn't do that to you.

Tit for tat.

She'll do it once, she'll do it again. There's someone better for you OP.

Do you know if they see each other or talk?

imagine being thia broken

Turbo cuck.

>getting upset about something that's none of your fucking business

Just invite him over already so you can watch them fuck

This! If they have any relationship at all, dump the cunt. Messages, social media, work. Dump her

Nah they don't talk at all, he called her over once after he was hassling her and she fucked him. But hasn't spoken to him and has blocked him.

You werent dating, moron. She has had sex before you get over it, bitch.

Lol so true