How much longer until liberals just outright endorse pedophilia? I give it 5 years

How much longer until liberals just outright endorse pedophilia? I give it 5 years.

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Were they already?

Trudeau does, one of his best friends is a pedo and he openly refused to fight pedophilia when somebody asked him to.

Japan embraced it. And everyone loves Japan so it's only a matter of time

no no no no, well yes

Maybe the insane ones. I'm liberal, but more in the sense of minding my own fucking business

hahahahah best answer ever. Eventually they will get their objective, rule the world, they understanded that the army wasnt the viable option.

Probably around the same time I become a liberal.

Lol not even. Most people frown upon it there but if you can give a fat pedo some cartoons to whack it to he'll be less likely to touch kids irl.

>as if they're not already pushing it in the mainstream

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NOW I understand Hitler.

They already have. They’re just afraid of the backlash from dads with big guns and the law

It’s pretty incredible to witness the degeneracy that the left has sunk into but I’m certainly not surprised.

They’ll get what’s coming to them soon enough

Quints of truth

Yep, more of the crazy hyper-liberals. I'm still a level-headed liberal. I don't get triggered when people don't like the same things I like, so I can't be a conservative

another ~5 years of gentle prodding until the masses have been desensitized. then they're going full retard.

Winning answer here. I'm so screwed up im already soft dating lolis though so not a whole lot will change lol

They already are

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Check em

Next week

Hope I'm the one to put the rope around your neck

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Fookin ell m8

repeating digits

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they already do

OP you're really not fooling anybody. You are clearly a huge pedo faggot yourself.

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We all are you deluded faggot...

confirmed as republicans

80% of all convicted pedophiles (think Epstein/trump) are republicans. red states have the highest pedo conviction rate in the US.

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Yeah nevermind that it's the conservatives that are straight up fucking children, often little boys, which makes them pedo faggots. Instead lets take a picture which, could be photoshopped, and claim it represents (all) liberals!

Is this the best "evidence" you have? Is this really how far you have to stretch and reach? Meanwhile conservative politicians and religious leaders are caught almost daily being actual pedophiles.

KYS you russian shill faggot

So only Republicans like cunny huh?


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Conservatives fuck kids in secret
Liberals fuck kids in the open
I guess humans are just into fucking kids

ah quite so, a britbong (or Russian)

republicans are genetically drawn to men, trannies or children. end of.

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sadly, i'll long dead before society realizes that

Sounds like a bad case of good taste to me...

Pedophilia is only considered bad because children, when going through therapy, are taught that the actions that happened was wrong and therefore end up traumatized after the fact. Not because of the fact they had sex with an older person.

Liberal bad haha please like

and kids like being fucked. this whole pedo witch hunt thing was fucking stupid.

It has been realized and accepted many times in history, from the Greeks (ancient times) to the Dutch (70's/80's). The pendulum swings...

The sacred quintups have spoken. Death to jews! Death to pedos! And death to Natalie Portman. Yes, Natalie. Shes with he Illuminati


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Republicans refuse to end child marriage.
Papa Duck Dynasty said girls must be married by 16.
Roy Moore.

They weren't even ranting and raving, just claiming they were level-headed people. Is that all it takes to trigger you?

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I'm liberal as fuck, but this is some retarded shit

>oh no these gay submissive bottoms are going to rape a little girl!

Dear God...

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one for the books

I promise you, no legit liberal has ever endorsed pedophilia. The president was literally in kahoots with Epstein lol

Quint's have spoken.... We must now strive to understand Hitler now

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It happens once a day somewhere on Sup Forums, I wouldn't go breaking out the champagne.

never, it will never be accepted or endorsed by middle class and general public, with exception of homosexuality/pederasty, but relationship between male (especially white male) will never be accepted and in fact it will just become more vilified

elites however are and have been practicing it for many years now in their semi closed circles