Fb ig cont

fb ig cont

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Nerds/girls next door/art hoes?

More Naimh please op

Anyone interested in more jeannie?

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More of this voluptuous ass?

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You're a nigger, OP.

op got more?

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redheads plox

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more thick slut

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Which one?

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I'd take it

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Keep her going!

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Anyone interested in her?

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My gf

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Anyone want her full set?

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What did OP do to warrant being called the Gamer Word?

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1 or 4

Niggers are self-appointed pastors and rev'runs. All they have to do to gain the title is stand up before a nigger church coongregation when they're still niglets and start screechin', preachin' and nigger babbling and sheeit. This impresses the hell out of all the low I.Q. niggers who start ooking, "Mmm hmm! he gots da spirits!" Once the niglet realizes this brings it tons of attention and it can make dat green off of its hustle, a rev'run is born. Fast forward 15 to 20 years and it's wearing a lime green suit, driving around in a purple Cadillac, knocking up sows in its coongregation, stealing money hand over fist and livin' large.

nice trips btw

Girl next door

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Imagine the poor doctor on duty when a niglet hatches. A smelly fat 17 year old she beast with her legs open, about to plop out a lifetime crimi-monkey. I just cannot figure out how this poor doctor would know the difference between her pushing out her 4th dumb chimp or her just taking a 6 pound shit. I would bet the doctor skips lunch that day, and maybe dinner too. Gotta be the worst job on earth, delivering shit covered crime monkeys.

God damn

The onions boy meme was the water.
The "turning the frogs gay" meme was an old study about frog populations in WATER. If you drink tap water it's toilet water with xenoestrogens from plastic trash leeching and birth control pills. Also will give you cancer because the chemicals the use to treat the toilet water. The best way to consume water in a city is reverse osmosis system manually adding the minerals back with electrolyte and mineral supplements to mimick a natural water source then storing in glass jugs. You basically have to become a water scientist to avoid dying from cancer as a tranny fuccboi. Now show me your boipucci.

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Zyklon Ben "Pulling the Trigger on Every Nigger" Garrison here.

I've had enough of the chimpouts in Ferguson and I'm heading down there right now to cleanse the city of the savage nigger hordes using my trusty AR-15 and some sticks of dynamite that I have left over from my last string of synagogue bombings. The streets will run red with the blood of savage subhuman coons once I'm done with the place.

Wish me luck, White brothers.




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DSL! Fuck me

Any requests?

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There will be so much blood in the streets, you’ll be able to float a dingy down Main street.” said Skinhead Militia leader and prominent Antisemitic cartoonist Ben Garrison in a recent call for open race war in America. Appearing in a video on YouTube, which has since been removed, a shirtless and heavily tattooed Garrison called on his “racial brethren” to rise up and “cleanse the genetically inferior filth from our homelands and return the Aryan race to rightful its place of domination over the earth.”
He had some particularly harsh words for the “anonymous Internet trolls” who edit his racist and Antisemitic cartoons to make them about libertarianism, saying “on the ancient Viking Graves of my divine Aryan ancestors, I vow to mow you down like weeds, you spineless kike cowards!”
Though little is known about Garrison’s past, he claims to have done three tours in Vietnam where he “killed more gooks than you can shake a burning cross at.” Upon being dishonorably discharged from the military for what official records call “a spree of genocidal massacres,” he returned home and began making racist cartoons under the pseudonym of A. Wyatt Mann. He says that he used a pseudonym because at that time he was trying to infiltrate the government so that he could “bring down the entire kike system from within.”

1,4 maybe 3 for that body

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Either contribute to the thread or shut the fuck up asshole

this bitch is hot, more?

Are you in every fucking thread

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I've been to prison and let me tell you something. The key to surviving and not getting shanked or punked is to be the one behind the punk shanking him. Its kill or be killed, rape or be raped. I remember my first day in some big fuckin coon named Darnel the biggest shitskin in the joint tried to get my ass in the showers, he beat me down pretty bad and was about to put his filthy nigger dick in me.

Laying on the floor with blood gushing out of my mouth,that iron smell in my nose, my head feeling like it was going to cave and water showering into my ear, he grabbed my ankles and pulled me back. In a final attempt to save my white anal purity i grabbed a bar of soap on the floor flipped around kicking him in his nigger multipliers, as he gasped in pain i shoved the bar of soap down his watermelon hole and that bar got jammed in his windpipe and he began choking to death.

On his knees with his hands on his throat nothing coming in or going out just the look of terror on his face as his life began to fade. i whipped out my dick, put it to his lips, grabbed his greasy fuckin cornrows pulling him forward and said "i'd make you suck it you subhuman faggot but im not into bestiality" i then jabbed him in the throat causing the soap bar to fly out of his mouth like it was something out of a fuckin comic.

he fell to the ground and as i walked away i looked at the shocked skinheads in the shower. "didnt know niggers had talent as fucking pez dispensers, hes all yours boys"

Thats the day i became known as Ben " Nigger Dispenser" Garrison some would call me Pez but i frowned upon this as it sounded like a aztec monkey name.

If you'd like to know more about my days in prison just let me know

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id fuck her hard

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With that out of the way, let’s look at whether the science supports what’s being said.

First, no credible scientific body has ever said climate change threatens the collapse of civilization much less the extinction of the human species. “‘Our children are going to die in the next 10 to 20 years.’

What’s the scientific basis for these claims?” BBC’s Andrew Neil asked a visibly uncomfortable XR spokesperson last month.

“These claims have been disputed, admittedly,” she said. “There are some scientists who are agreeing and some who are saying it’s not true. But the overall issue is that these deaths are going to happen.”

“But most scientists don’t agree with this,” said Neil. “I looked through IPCC reports and see no reference to billions of people going to die, or children in 20 years. How would they die?”

“Mass migration around the world already taking place due to prolonged drought in countries, particularly in South Asia. There are wildfires in Indonesia, the Amazon rainforest, Siberia, the Arctic,” she said.

But in saying so, the XR spokesperson had grossly misrepresented the science. “There is robust evidence of disasters displacing people worldwide,” notes IPCC, “but limited evidence that climate change or sea-level rise is the direct cause”

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