It's just a clump of cells

>it's just a clump of cells
Fuck you.

Sincerely, every sane person.

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They are being spared.

The only women you ever see want to abort babies are the ones who go out whoring around all day. They're the ones who fuck anyone and anything, and are filled to the brim with STDs. They just want abortion as a get out of jail free card.

>implying I wouldn't want to kill an actual baby

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We all are.

let me guess, you’re a manlet. fuck you.

Just a clump of cells

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Just a clump of cells?

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Odds OP is a woman?

sometimes there is something wrong with the child or the mother could be in danger. no woman wants to get an abortion, but sometimes its in the best interest.

I mean.. it never had to know the pain of everyday existence. In a way, getting aborted made it's life less filled with suffering.

You’re not just wrong, you’ve never been right.

this pic is gold, did he just catch a bag of giant black dildos?

But hey the things dead so we could use it's stem cells to live effectively forever but y'all ain't ready for that yet

Don't really see how this disables any pro life arguments. I'd personally put a suffering baby out of it's misery if it were to be born like that, but those birth defects are rare.

Nah just a khv who wishes he could determine the quality of life of potential mothers and defective children.
I bet you'd love every place in the world to be like Alabama. They banned abortion even for rape victims

no I'm very right, why is it always males who want to force your agenda on women? is it a control thing. not your body, not your choice. most women get abortions cos they don't want to breed with the piece of shit that impregnated, too many deadshit fathers.

I don't give a shit about that fetus anymore than I do for any other stranger. it's the mothers choice if she want a human to grow in her womb or not

>no woman wants to get an abortion

are you fucking 15 you naive little shit?

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There are enough ugly stupid cunts in this world. Abortion is necessary and should be encouraged.

well, youre also just a lumb of cells, but the thing with 12 week old fetuses and earlier are basically blank slates (i dont mean blank slates as with the whole sleftist notion of gender and such). they have no personality, experience, no thoughts, etc. its basically like a miniature braindead person at that stage. Killing it has 0 consequences, it is human but not a person at that stage, so youre not ending something with an identity, murder is wrong because you end a life that was still experiencing things, still learning, still choosing, killing such a person would remove all that.
but killing a young fetus and you have basically ended something that hasnt even started, it is inconsequential. it didnt even know it was alive, nothing changed when it died, it would have been just as if it was never conceived in the first place.

The majority (I would imagine) of the women that are having abortions are uneducated (probably naturally mentally deficient) and financially unable to sustain the child without the support of the taxpayers.

I don't understand the point in keeping the child alive to live a life of criminality.

34, far from newfag. its ok with age hopefully you will be rational, go shoot up a school.

thanks to abortions :)

Get learnt. This is a miscarriage not an abortion. I was aborted and I turned out fine.

You have the critical-thinking of a typical woman.

are you a fucking christian or some shit?

you have the education of a 12 year old virgin with no life experience, that's why youre here.

>that's why youre here
Why are you here?

I think as men we shouldn't enforce control over women. Ignoring deformities and rape, having control of childbirth is the difference between letting women live a more fulfilling life or being stuck single, with a deadbeat dad, or under immense socioeconomic factors that keep certain women at the bottom.
Obviously some women have support systems who will take care of their little bastards but what of the women who can't? This creates a whole new generation of people prone to be exposed to and be integrated into elements universally known to produce social outcasts like criminals and drug addicts, who without intense time, money, and therapy, will never be able to escape their destructive cycle. And let's not even get into who pays to raise all of these little bastards. Our foster care system is already horrible as it is.

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OP, you dumb as hell, if you think abortion is bad. It's +100 virgin move king. Be smart, and not retard, and just don't give a shit about the topic. You aren't the demographic for abortions. So just let it be king

to troll you butthurt mutha fuckers.

Stop aborting babies...we need to send them to die in wars

Christfag or kike on a false dilemma roll

>to troll you butthurt mutha fuckers
Troll how?

Outlaw abortion. The most important thing is that the federal government gets to decide exactly when and how Americans procreate. Republican, small government, right?

my bets on christfag

Now I know you'll say something like
>What about the degenwrate women who will abuse this system?

If you weren't aware, life naturally plays a cruel but well deserved joke on some women who abort too much. They become unable to support any kind of life in their destroyed wombs. Fast forward when they want to actually have children with the love of their life, they won't be able to. However, I believe as a human race we must be more accepting of the 50% of us who will inevitably find themselves making mistakes they wish they could do something about.

def male

you forget that overpopulation is a thing, so abortions are definitely a necessity

just to make you butthurt, be contrary as possible, people are too easy to rile up here.

There seems to be a rise of theists (generally) on Sup Forums as of 2015-ish.

>just to make you butthurt
Why do you want to make the people here "butthurt"?

Nt op but ty brother, this is a good point.

this is the most unchristian place, kek.

I don’t want to have to support niggers and whores. Abortions should be mandatory if you can’t prove that you can support the kid. I would love to work in the forced abortion clinic.

You'd think Republicans would support abortion more since liberals tend to lean toward wanting one.

I think they are just more vocal than before, because atheism is on the rise and they are afraid to lose their dominance in many sectors.

look at the culture on here, sexist and the biggest degenerates on the internet, you have the rare few that are ok, but mostly revenge porn.


Def not true. Christfagging has been around a bit it's just not as blatant, it's all in the language. Kikery can also be hidden in similar language just to cause more divide.

cause its stimulates my balls which makes the tip of my penis have precum; a natural adhesive, to which i have countuine my arts and crafts.

I don't care. A woman has the right to choose. But I want my right to call her pussy a crime scene.

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I think they should get free abortions as often as possible. We don't need this multiplying.

According to the webm I don't think her multiplying is an issue.

If I get some spare time I might finance a sort of reality show on something like liveleak, or maybe selfhost, where I pay a couple hundred bucks to a random dickhead whose idiot boyfriend didn't pull out, to pay for her abortion, as long as I can record it, you know for the fun of it.
If it's self sustainable with ads I was thinking one abortion broadcasted per week.
What do you think?

>countuine my arts and crafts
What's your current project?

Believe it survived and she got arrested, according to rekt thread. Take it for what it's worth.

The best and brightest aren't the ones having abortions.
Pragmatic as it is: no child is an preferable option to a loveless child.

At this stage, no. Technically yes, but no.
Stop being a brainlet.

The Republican Paradox. They hate abortions but they also hate crime. Ban abortions and watch the crime rates rise in 20 years as millions of unwanted children grow up.


wrong thread, lol sorry

I'm against abortions.
But I support our wars and bombing campaigns that kill pregnant women and their fetuses.
Because I'm a pro-life conservative and don't have to make sense to you or anyone.

who fucking cares
is not an aborted fetus, it's a baby born with a skin disorder Harlequin Ichthyosis

Republicans mean divergent democracy you fucking retard. States rights, bitch.

The democrats were advocating for slavery you stupid bitch.

You don't need 20 years in the future to measure crime you stupid fuck-shit. Count how many Americans killed Americans LAST YEAR YOU STUPID SHIT.

Both Republicans and Democrats HIDE from you the sheer amount of Americans that kill each other,

Americans have the WORST imprisonment record IN WORLD HISTORY because this population hates itself that much and wants itself dead that much.You stupid fucking bitch.

Take your stupid, shit for brains to NBC if you want political reform. The facts are that Americans hate each other and the sheer stats proof that. Enjoy that. Faggot.

Late abortions are fucked up. Thankfully 98% are first trimester. Ban those and social problems will increase. Thankfully, your opinion doesn't matter. If "every sane person" gets full control of the laws and social standards, we can thrive underground. Hell, look at the drug world. We don't need your permission, we can dodge your punishment and keep doing whatever the fuck we want.

every sane person wishes you were aborted too

is the coat hanger too late.

>every sane person

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Maybe I just like baby murder

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It's really not about the fetus, it's about restricting the rights of irresponsible women

Wasting one's seed is murder.
And yet Jesus does it.

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allow third trimester abortion

caring what 3rd world shit hole country thinks u must be a beta male

Dude, can you stop being RUDE?!

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We're all clump of cells.

It's rare, though.

We're just a rat in a cage.

And the rat: horny.

Here's the thing. If you're married and you willingly fucked and the woman ended up pregnant as result, and you want to be a dad, but she doesn't want to be a mom, SHE'S the fucking retard. Yes, the baby is inside her, but it takes two to tango.


Honestly, people should just get auto-sterilized.

sterilize the lower class first, they hare having the most babies

Honestly, agreed. I know the reason they do it is for that welfare check. I know an illegal Mexican who's now pregnant with her ninth kid and she's getting over $1,000 in food stamps which she spends on trash food for parties.

I'll sterilize you with a karate-chop on the fucking balls, you punk!


ill send your jaw flying with an one inch punch, kid

do NOT test me...

>no woman wants an abortion
You must be new to the world.