Liberals are celebrating in the streets

Liberals are celebrating in the streets.

Attached: Capture+_2020-01-07-19-12-29.png (1080x2034, 274K)

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Yeah. This is bad.

Yeah we're having a BBQ

you sure seem happy about it OP

Attached: 1578079574875.jpg (660x373, 35K)

nobody but iranians are celebrating
you are fucking stupid

Right. And only Iranians cried about a terrorists death.

Trump was impeached and like the petulant child with an authority problem, he acted out without consulting authority for permission. As predicted. Did I miss anything?

An authority. Who exactly as the Commander in Chief is an authority above him?

Are you American? If so, you should know about America's separation and balance of powers

Do you think Trump should be a King?

He killed a terrorist. And he's not impeached yet because Pelosi won't turn in the papers. You missed a lot but go back to your CNN and hear how it's literally the end for Trump for the 1000th time

>Iranians shoot a US base housing Iranians

OK, off to a great start.

>who is an authority above him?
Too bad you don't know shit about the Constitution.

>He killed a terrorist.
>He killed a government official of a foreign state
ftfy, you idiot
big difference between that and drone striking some fotm terrorist leader in the Syrian desert.

liberals are probably inside their homes watching television

Trump is impeached after the House voted to impeach him
the Senate confirms the removal of the President after a trial which we know they will try to help him cover it up

>he's not impeached yet because Pelosi won't turn in the papers

Article I, Section 2, Clause 5 provides:
"The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment."

Your man is impeached, and now in full wag-the-dog mode. Have the guts to live with it.

Attached: 1576991267310.jpg (558x768, 53K)

A lot of professional internet arguers are educated by memes and corrupted memes (propaganda)


Congress approved nearly 4,000 troops a few days ago. So he had War Powers granted and acted as the CIC

[Citation needed]

Yes but where is the source that this gives him war powers?

Actually, he hasn’t been impeached yet. They voted to do it, then never did it. Looks like the Senate is going to dismiss it now. Like it never even happened ...

Don’t you ever get tired of losing?

And they say internet users are fat! But just look at those mental gymnastic skills. They voted, it's done. He is impeached. What does the Senate have to do with it? They convict and remove, not impeach.

Fatty :)

Oh yeah, that link is talking about after Trump broke the constitution and bombed Iran.

The senate doesn't have authority to 'dismiss it'. Impeachment only takes place in the house, and it was final when the votes were recorded and the gavel dropped.

this stupid bitch obviously isnt american, what would he know about the american political system

He's impeached and McConnel is in a corner before forced to decide how overt he wants to be with covering up for Trump's crimes now that the mustache man wants to testify.

we're so fucked

Attached: christ how embarrassing.png (776x874, 118K)

If you got out of mom's basement more than once a month, you'd know this is wrong. Kys, MAGA cuck

Yeah, I suppose every citizen has deep understanding of the politics of his own nation... Did you ever saw something outside your room?

Congress, SCOTUS.

Liberals stopped celebrating as soon as they learned no Americans were killed.

Actually, I'm in bed.

How do you keep a job as an agitator with such shit English? I would think that would be the primary qualification.

Go home, Vlad xingstein

Trump: "hmmmm how can I get some Americans killed...… we have some vulnerable basess……. I bet I can kill an Iranian general or some shit, and they'd bomb the SHIT out of our bases!! YEAH!! I wasn't smart enough to tank our economy, but this'll get some markans killed! I gave us the largest trade deficit ever and made our allies hate our guts!! Putin's gonna LOVE me even MORE"

I could agitate anybody regardless of language. Its my special skill.