At least we got rid of that terrible Obama treaty that was keeping Iran from developing their nuclear program before it...

At least we got rid of that terrible Obama treaty that was keeping Iran from developing their nuclear program before it was too late!

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Other urls found in this thread:

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It's technically illegal to mock a Presidency in Time of War.

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No, it’s technically not. The illegal to threaten a President in a time of war, or any other time - 1st amendment guarantees we can mock the government and it’s employees any damn time we want.

if you voted for this shit, seppuku is the only remaining honorable option

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Trumpkins 2017: Trump is going to get us out of all these foreign wars!
Trumpkins 2018: Trump is going to get us out of all these foreign wars!
Trumpkins 2019: Trump is going to get us out of all these foreign wars!
Trumpkins 2020: HOORAY! Bomb those dumb goat fuckers!

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Man liberals sure are gullible. As if Iran EVER gave up being a nuke power. Even Obozo's treaty did NOT prevent them from making one... just stretched out the time line a little. Get educated you propaganda parroting useful idiots.

You mean the one that Iran was building nuclear weapons with regardless?

Yeah so let's rip it up so they can hurry up and get it ASAP instead
That's real smart there

>Obama was a nigger Nigger NIGGER NIGGER

source: Shitebart

>supporting Drumpf
pick one

>liberals sure are gullible
>supports Trump

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Lindsey graham fucks boys!

It is technically illegal to neck yourself but still highly recommended in your case

Hows Hillarys war with Iran working out for you? Oh wait...she is the one that WOULDN'T have gotten us into this.

Half this thread could be put into Re-Education Centers

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Thanks for calling yourself out...we will keep that in mind...

Oh and let's not forget the irony that you are pushing for reeducation centers because we are arguing you act like fucking Nazi's

I really hope you die from diarrhea.

That is very specific and highly approved!

Is he not a douche bag during war? No, I didn't think so.

He said a President, not an impeached President...

Nah, you are still a worthless fucking Nazi...I know Trump makes you feel like a big boy but you are being Trumped

Drumpf voters don't know what honor is

Iran (Israel) nuclear program

OCD child detected

It's more like we told you this moron is going to get impeached and get us into an illegitimate war and you voted him in anyways... history will see you as the true idiot...with your "muh libtards" and "muh magas"...fucking moronic man

Sometime why people need to say that word, silly is it not?
OCD is a hell of a thing

You liberals brought it on yourselves. We tried to tell you "look back off, stop attacking this legitimately elected President but you wouldn't shut up.

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No clue, plus they keep pulling back the line in the sand...this is a war Hillary was supposed to get us into...and now this clown actually does it and they retarded is that?

Autism is strong in this one.

>Obama was a nigger Nigger NIGGER NIGGER

Cut and paste some more moron

um user
why did you just post a nigger fucking a whitboi

okay baby carrot penis

Well, he is making a vital can lock up children, fuck prostitutes, rob charities, piss off allies, collude with foreign nations, block justice, start wars, but if you are a nigger or a bitch WAAAH WORST THING EVER!

>You elected a nigger Nigger NIGGER NIGGER
>electing NIGGERS is bad
>don't ever ever ever ever elect a NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER to be President again
lol trumpshit

Hes got thoughts

Mudmen unite! Islamist for prison!

he isn't impeached.

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don't forget Obama was also supposed to do this and it was a bad thing

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Yup, now that Russia and China stated they will not aid Iran & the "massive, harsh...punishing" response Iran promised didn't even scratch a single U.S. service member, inflicted "minimal damage" - we have green light to strike their nuke sites, decimate their infrastructure. Trump won again.

That’s the great hypocrite at work he is a joke to humanity

I'd love to see a protest where everybody has signs like that lol

This. Iran all but admitted that's the best they could muster. Xi and Putin both just spoke in the last hour on their nation's respective state television, stating they will absolutely not be dragged into this conflict. So Iran's alone.

Iran is pretty much fucked.

Impeachment in the House
Trial in the Senate
what's so hard to understand underage?

Seppuku was a really good idea. Too bad it died out. Imagine if every time somebody really fucked up they had to off themselves. The people that were still alive would be so much nicer and more competent.

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>trump wins the war he claimed he would never start and that obama was weak and bad for trying to start

>durr they wont retaliate
You're either stupid or too young to remember 911 user

Uhhh, that user didn't say they wouldn't retaliate, lil kid. You underage user's need to learn to read before joining in adult conversations. Go back to eating paste in your special ed class, boy.

>Post literally doesn't have the word "retaliate" anywhere in it
Yup, leftists really are the dumbest cunts on Earth.

Lol go away Dick Chaney

>lil kid
ok boomer
>adult conversations
you mean those things the manchild you "elected" can't have?

>Being this upset over your typical left wing extremist stupidity laughed at
Seethe more, blue haired fat fuck leftist incel.

you literally have your mouth on trump's mushroom cock

>no u

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why are there so many fucking boomers here?
do they come for the trap porn?
did i just answer my own question?

>Samefagging in asshurt psychotic after being obliterated - much like Trump's preparing to do to the left's beloved Islamic Iranian regime.

Awww, poor lil thing. Trumps next 5 years in office are gonna have ya suicidal.

KEK! Yeah, the massive amount of salt and leftist tears on Sup Forums right now over their heroes in the militant Iranian extremist regime failing to kill any U.S. service members is pretty ironic.

>autistic greentext
nobody's reading it trumpshit
>5 years
hope you move out of your mom's by then

>Samefagging in asshurt psychotic after being obliterated - much like Trump's preparing to do in the bathroom shitting out Big Macs

Is now the time for fun things like politics when khomeini ackmidinajeet is plotting shit and trying to outwit us?

Weird seeing you unemployed left wing boomer incels being this bitterly upset Iran's strike failed to damage anything and Russia, China are abandoning Iran to be decimated by the US.

Everyone's right about Democrats being anti-American traitors.

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OP. samefagging you own thread won't change the fact that your beloved Iranian terror state is about to get fist fucked to oblivion.

lulz. true enough. Iran, Russia's announcement this evening has the leftists foaming at the mouth in despair. Really fucked up that left wingers in the U.S. hate their country so much that they hoped Russia and China would aid Iran in killing Americans.

nice wordplay dmitri
we scrounge burger fund after this buy you one yes

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they weren't abiding by it anyway. why do you think stuxnet was developed?

Trump killed their top military guy, who has planned countless attacks on US interests, most recent being US embassy in Iraq and who was responsible for killing and maiming hundreds of US soldiers in iraq.

Iran responds by shooting a few missiles nowhere near their targets, killing no one...and btw 4 of the 10 missiles failed...a move which is clearly to say we responded and save face without escalating further, and have things go back to detente.

Seems like a huge victory for trump and huge defeat and embarrassment for iran...losing top leadership and not even being able to get all their missiles to launch.

Live action shot of Trump supporters lining up to join the army in order to fight Iran.

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>1 million man standing military
>Air strikes will decimate infrastructure and Iranian military
>Durrr why iz duh Trumpers not enlisting
Left wingers are undeniably retarded.

user ,you're expecting left wing Democrats to have a clue what they're talking about. That was your first mistake.

I was literally just thinking how much I don't give a shit about Iran and how this basically won't affect me except for maybe higher taxes, which was inevitable no matter who got elected.

Nobody is going to get drafted. No armed conflict is going to land on our shores. Surely to fuck you aren't stupid enough to think this is going to change anything about your lifestyle.

Prez Trump is probley going to send them a new treaty that will blow threre minds and there govt apart. Then it will be done for good. WINNING.

OP is an idiot

>I give zero fucks about dead American soldiers.

Ya, but don't forget to say, "Thanks for your service" next time you see an American in uniform, patriot faggot

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stammering like an idiot
in other countries he would get medical care
he‘s rich enough to even pay for it

I hope not! Sometimes it's OK to have opinions about things that don't affect you directly. Ya know, things like puppy mills, animal cruelty, needless wars.

How exactly did that treaty slow them down at all?

this thread is ghey

right wing lower class cucks will blindly support invading Iran even though they can’t point it out on a map and have no idea why we are invading bc there is no 911 level catastrophe to blame it on

Hahahaha! This moron thinks he knows what would happen in an alternate Universe. LOL! Why would you assume the woman who destroyed Libya would show any restraint against Iran? Because she has such a long history of bending over for the Military Industrial Complex.

If you'd said Bernie, I might of let it slide.

liberals sure are gullible != I support Trump.

You are a moron.

Of course, their nuclear program, at the absolute most successful, is only going to be used to bomb Iraq.


Waiting on all those Obama voters first for the wars he started and Trump inherited

What war?

What you need to know
Ballistic missile strike: Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles at two Iraqi military bases that house US troops, after a US killing of its top military commander last week.
No casualties: US and Iraqi sources said there were no known casualties as a result of the strikes.
Trump says "All is well!": US President Donald Trump has yet to address the nation Wednesday morning US time, but on Twitter he said that "all is well!"

This is the latest update from CNN, note this line:

No casualties: US and Iraqi sources said there were no known casualties as a result of the strikes.

Again, No casualties

No casualties

If Iran wanted to escalate this, they would have made sure there was at least 1 fucking casualty.

So, where is this war coming from that you and your leftist friends have such a boner for?

Comments like this, let the other guy know he won the argument.

Good point.

This guy just summed up what most of my friends on the right think.

See, this is a prime example of moving goal posts.

Person A: Posts in response to a meme "I now care about Iran." By demonstrating how little he cares about Iran.

Person B: then attempts to shift the narrative by attacking Person A for apathy.

This is Person B acknowledging that Person A made an excellent point but hopes that no one will notice.

>things like puppy mills, animal cruelty, needless wars.
Actually, I do have an opinion on puppy mills. I think anyone who spends time and money campaigning for animal welfare while other human beings suffer and die in their city are basically self-righteous public ego masturbators who couldn't give a remote fuck about ethics.

Animals aren't people. They don't suffer like people. They don't have the same mental depth as people. If you prioritize them over people- even pitiful niggers- you are gratifying your own indulgences.


Oh, so you do have opinions on things that don't effect you directly. So why again am I not allowed to have an opinion on the US' choice to do dumb shit in Iran?

In the coming year, if you voice opposition to Trump's policies, you could be told to report to a Patriot Facility.

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>I was literally just thinking
>Surely to fuck you aren't stupid enough to think

OPine all you like, faggot. I just refuted your initial point as explained by this user and then I said surely you aren't so fucking stupid as for your shitty opinion to be that devoid from fact as to believe this will affect you.

You can believe whatever the fuck you like. I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt. I guess your point is I should stop?