I bet you faggots aren't even scum fucs

I bet you faggots aren't even scum fucs

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Trump eats the corn out of GG Allin’s shit

I do what I can; am too young to have known him

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I'm wanna be a scumfuck and I wanna die young!!!

I gave all these to a homeless guy. Regret. I gave all my CDs to him. Lost a lot of Boston Hardcore I've been slowly getting back. Only not regret cuz I gave it to a homeless man. :x

Why the fuck would you give a homeless dude CDs anyway?

cuz I gave him portable speakers and my CD player too. :P

overrated talentless edgelord, rest in piss

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Something different. Before hitting eject what's your idea of adequately judged talent?

He could play guitar pretty well, his country stuff was not bad at all either.

I am the homeless guy of whom user spoke.

GG enriched my homeless life

ive heard worse music, but if the main attraction is you shitting on the floor and beating the shit out of yourself and others and not your music, what does that say about your work?

>shits on stage
>eats it
>throws it at the audience
>roams streets
>plays crappy acoustic song
>gets face pissed on by ugly girl
>shoots drugs

hell yea scum fuc kys

lol.. prob not, He was kinda old and covered in eczema so people just disregarded him. I sat with him overnight in the woods, got two 12 packs of shit ice beer, slices of turkey and bullshit and left him with my music on after Thanksgiving. I slept in the dirt shit faced drunk and he shared his fap material which was basically celeb magazines. He liked Britney.

that your work is highly entertaining

sounds like an interesting evening

GG Allin punched like a girl and died like a junkie. His fans are fucking idiots.
His music was redundant and boring.
And his fans are fucking idiots.

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He probably would have voted Trump.

more or less talking about actually produced products, he had some entertaining singles. I wouldn't call it the best shit in the world. Not all of it was simply shit.

fuck gg allin you bitch

Fuck yeah, Boston Hardcore.

live fast die fast

punk isnt my cup of tea anymore, i was into it in high school and the music itself is ok, but i feel like hes super overrated because he was a wild motherucker with a sado-masochistic fetish for shit

just because you like stuff older than yourself doesn't mean you have 'refined tastes' it means you're a cunt so desperate for attention that you'll subject yourself to awful garbage like this shit

His music wasn't good, and neither were his gimmicks.

>i feel like hes super overrated because he was a wild motherucker with a sado-masochistic fetish for shit

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he was a mentally fucked pedo and only had a following because he would do anything for attention like eating his own shit. if youre a poser i guess thats "hardcore"

Of course! All scum fuck shit bags vote Trump


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throw poo not bombs

im pretty deep into the chopper community in the midwest. sooo many aging hardcore kids who idlozed GG and the like when they were teenangers with misplaced anger and cynicism due to the realization that they cant continue living like a dirtbag with no resposibilies and accountability like they could when they were 21

Officially insane.

you can totally continue living like that but its hard work. its never just easy street loafing around getting drunk all the time while your parents pay for everything. you fucking go out and busk for that next case of beer so you can party. but these kids dont want to learn the guitar or harmonica or shit. hell they dont even want to beg. they just want other people to think theyre hard. sorry for the rant im drunk and i hate these posers

Good thing, too. Better than that cunt Hillary

im glad that piece of shit died


he played in burnt out gas stations to 20 people
he also had a small cock ahahahahahaha

is he covered in feces?

Been coding since the early 90s. Hardcore and punk was pretty much always my thing. My only life failure is my need to isolate. Prob could be earning 4x my income but instead I got some semi-functional adsense sites and contracts trickle in. Managed to save more than enough to live anyways. I just never leave the house. I hate society. Don't think I got that from GG though.

Me too! Straight filth

That's right!

Saw Allin once in the 80's it was a crazy show he shit on stage then the guy that owned the studio threw him out,

Turned up the lights the fuking place had GG Allin shit everywhere. I helped the guy clean up it was fucking disgusting.

Allin came back later to get some of his shit, The owner said he threw it out in the dumpster.

Allin was dumpster diving at 4am he's a hoot.

He was Sup Forums incarnate


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GG Allin was a fag

That's fantastic

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He, and people like him, are idiots. Juggalos can fuck off, too.


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What kind of people goes to a show where the lead singer throws literal shit into your face and even attempts to fight you LOL

I live to be hated and I am your enemy. Also, bite it your scum

Yeap i don't miss him, sorry he dead.


watch this you faggots

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what lovely compliments