What would Sup Forums do?

What would Sup Forums do?

>On a popular dating site
>Within 5 minutes she offers to give me a handy and rimjob
>at the Walmart parking lot
>Heading over at 11 tonight, after work
I love crazy women and don't care that she's not a looker, and at least ten years older than me.

Would you guys do it? Have you ever fucked a stranger? Any suggestions as to what I should do to/with her?

Attached: 1123.png (651x909, 503K)

Here is a 2nd one of her. I'm not too impressed, but a handy in a semi-public place sounds like a lot of fun.

Attached: 1124.png (629x755, 300K)

>online stranger offers to give me a rimjob at walmart parking lot around midnight
>What would Sup Forums do?
I would run for the hills and never look back

Definitely wear a rubber if you're putting your dick in strangers. If you plan on it being a one time thing, try out a fetish or fantasy you've always wanted to try. Suck her toes.

Nigga you bout to get robbed and/or rimmed. Enjoy

>Have you ever fucked a stranger?
I've fucked girls that I met at a bar/party and chatted with for a couple of hours.
Big difference between that and going alone to a dark parking lot.

What city is this?

Thankfully I live in a small town, carry a big ass knife in my car, and am definitely crazy enough to fight to the death if someone tries to rob me.

Small town USA

She looks whacked out.

Attached: 1125.png (613x855, 472K)

I've sucked plenty of toes, nothing new there. I want to get her to suck my toes or something.

She doesn't look too dangerous.

Attached: 1126.png (649x671, 427K)

Make sure to get pics of her tongue in your ass, and get her to have at least one tit out.

Go, let a friend know where you're going and what time you'll check in when you're done. Make sure the doors are locked in case someone comes up and tries to rob you. If someone tries to fuck with you, pee and shit everywhere.

>carry a big ass knife in my car, and am definitely crazy enough to fight to the death

Attached: cf7.jpg (750x600, 95K)

If i get robbed during the rimjob, i'll try to poop in her mouth. easy target.

Lol yeah pretty much me. I never said I'd be good in a fight, just that I'm the kind of nerd that carries around a knife in my car.

Enjoy yourself. Don’t stress. Be in charge. Don’t be creepy and don’t take yourself too seriously. If you clap cheeks remember to bag it

Saving thread to see the pics later

I'll try to get some for my Sup Forumsros.

>she looks whacked out
>she doesn’t look too dangerous
Pick one

I don't really know how to take a picture of a girl with her tongue in my ass, but I'll give it the ol' college try.

Okay point taken.

You are the real hero.

Don't worry, you won't need that extra kidney.

Attached: black-market-kidney-thief.jpg (790x528, 58K)

She definitley has a black boyfriend, who will pop out of the bushes and beat your white ass until you give him your credit card