May the blood of millions of innocent Iraqis be the lube the world uses to fuck the US

May the blood of millions of innocent Iraqis be the lube the world uses to fuck the US.

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The U.S. doesn't get fucked.
The U.S. does the fuckin'.

Yeah, history would disagree.
You got beat by a bunch rice eating bamboo construction experts.


We fucked 'em.
Cum and go as we please now.
They love us, too.

So 74k dead Americans was worth getting what you would have got anyway?
Do you know your history?
Have you read Ho Chi Min's declaration of independence? It is almost word for word the same as the US declaration of independence.
74k Americans dead. Rich got rich.

You are so fucking American.

>We fucked 'em
Lmao no the Vietcong won. That's why the US pulled out.
Home field advantage

yeah imagine if the US wasnt afraid of backlash, and could burn their forests to the ground, engage with anyone that may be an enemy, e.t.c, so many laws to handicap american military forces

>would burn their forests to the ground,
Not necessary. Agent Orange did that (along with carpet bombing).
Didn't do shit except poison US service men and their descendants.

Is your retardation because you're a product of Agent Orange?

Also made shareholders in chems richer.

We never gave a fuck about Vietnam, lmao. We were only killing asians to avoid a recession and to help the french save face. We bled Vietnam, Cambodia, and China. Showed the Chinese that we were perfectly capable of fucking them at will. We made money and killed gooks...that's all we wanted.

His parents mattress was made of asbestos and they used a Chinese takeout bag for a condom.


Yeah but how much did that loss effect us? Look at us now


Tell that to all the dead and their families and children.
You seem to think that US dead, US tax dollars lost, Vietnamese dead, the spill over to Cambodia and the Kahmer millions dead...was all wroth it to make America what it is today.

You are a horrible person.

Shut your nigger ass up, no one can stand America let alone like it.
You're all just a bunch of obese clowns on motorized scooters.

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the price was fair and you know it

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>We made money and killed gooks...that's all we wanted.

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matching diet to exercise undermines the guiding hand of God!
If you want a different curve or angle then pray for it!

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Tired meme is tired

> Look at us now
Yeah, what has America been up to since Vietnam, shaking their fist at Russia because they were red, playing tiddlywinks with the middle east and crying because a terrorist attack that happened 2 decades ago.
America is a fucking joke and it died with George Washington Carver

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Whats that flag next to the us flag? White and blue. Israel? Hell yeah best buddies ever. Together we conquer the world.

User uberlube, dude.

>their fist at Russia
lol, now Putin is the first Russian President of the United States.
Well done America

Innocent Iraqis lmao!

America gonna blow them up I can't wait

You're next to get glassed.

Maybe America will blow Europe up that'd b neat

Implying that dead sons in a war to defeat americas foes is a bad thing. Sure they will be missed but they sacrificed for america thats all what matters.

That would be in keeping with Putin's objectives.
Best decision he ever made.
Buy a US election.
No more NATO

Sign up fag and stand your post.

They got their asses handed to them by the Iraqis already too. And the Afghans. Only reason for this hullabalooh
Every day is another dead burger

the IRGC knows who is behind the asasination

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Why are you yelling?
Do you have bone spurs?

>So 74k dead Americans was worth getting what you would have got anyway?

Without their sacrifice we wouldn't have had the social revolutions of the 60s, exposing government corruptions, pushing back on policies like the draft, calling out the military industrial complex. America is a lot better and a lot stronger now because of changes made by people back then. 74k dead was a steep price to pay for the cultural and political progress but yes, those lives were invested into making a better and stronger America.

> Have you read Ho Chi Min's declaration of independence? It is almost word for word the same as the US declaration of independence.

Yes, how is that relative to anything? Are you going to argue that America should have supported Vietnamese independence in the face of Frances threat leave NATO and ally with the Soviet Union if America did so?