Loli threads are cancer

Loli threads are cancer

Loli fags are pedos and lie to themselves that its a fetish or sexual orientation and use Sup Forums to normalize being pedophiles

sick of seeing kidding porn methadone when im scrolling for good shit

fuck loli threads

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I am 100% a pedo and I am proud.

Yeah, we need more /ss/

Well at least you admit it, i give you a lot of credit for that. Hope you don't act on it.

Someone tells you in a loli thread to go fuck yourself.
You become so butthurt so you make a new thread
You are a closseted pedo faggot

I’ve been here since 2007 and there have been loli threads the whole time. Sup Forums pretty much has an eternal loli thread so just get over it or leave the board if it bothers you newfag

think you got the wrong guy ya paranoid a schizo fagggggot

Calling me a faggot after I called you a faggot, just makes you a even bigger faggot. Now kys

Woah 2007 good lord what a fuckin vet, i'm an old fuck, i come and go. There have been loli threads. Now b is tranny assholes and kiddie porn.
You fags have gone full fag

>There have been loli threads
>kiddie porn
Isn't that the same shit faggot?

Whats the point of admitting it retard. Why do u get mad at such a stupid thing. Get a life dumb bitch

Said the faggot

I didn't say shit, I wrote it down, faggot. You can't escape your faggotry even when you try to make a comeback.

So this us your round about way to start a loli thread. Disparage loli and pedos upset them so they will eventually post loli in retaliation. If they take the bait. Just ask user.

Yes you said it. Texting is saying and saying is texting now please do me a favor and slit ur throat

There is so much cancer ITT

No you fuckin idiot there are 100 on b everyday I'm trying avoid

People make this joke every loli cancer thread, if i made a loli thread it would be more popular than this one

Fagggggottttttttt pedo

It wasn't a joke you are a pedo in denial possibly and a sad angry incel. I wish you the best.

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>Youre a pedo in denial
Like half of Sup Forums lmao

He killed himself.


well when they realize they can never possibly bag a chick their age, they turn to children where they can relate on their love for MLP and Steven Universe.

It's fucking disgusting and the lot of you should be chemically castrated.

I never wanted anything with the roastie whores you love so much, beta cuck. I’ve always known that cute little girls are the ideal female


As long as it prevents fuckos from going after actual kids, I can put up with it.

That's why you keep posting about it. Cause you hope people will troll the thread with loli pics so that you can secretly beat off to it.

Fuck you