G/fur Bongue Hutt Tole edition

G/fur Bongue Hutt Tole edition

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Woke up this morning 5:30 sharp with a blowjob from two bitches, one was trying to fit my humongous 3 pound balls in her mouth while the other was choking halfway on my 18 and 3\8 inch dick. Must have came about a quart of sperm. They wanted more, cockslapped them unconcious, I had to hit the gym. Frontflipped from my 14th floor loft into my valet parked 2012 Ferrari (I got connexions) and gave the valet 3000$ in loose change. Pushed my **** to about 4 hundo (mph, mind you) and I was at the gym in no time. When I entered, the room scent suddently changed from sweat to wet pussy. That’s just the effect I have on hoes. Did my usual relax routine, 6000 push-ups, 8500 crunches, bench bressed 30 plates, etc. etc. you know the drill. After doing my **** in 16 minutes, my super strong senses got in action, I was smelling pussy. I looked up, and sure enough this fly honey was coming towards me. When i say fly, I mean that bitch was fine as a ****ing umbrella. 18 years old, 44DD titties on a tight ****ing frame. I mean a real skinny bitch, the type you losers jack off to, she didn’t weigh more than 5 pounds. Took out my trouser monster and she started to squirt hard, she was convulsing and having 6 orgasms at the same time. Then I gave it to her while all the guys were giving me high fives and all the hoes were on the floor squirting like mother****ing fountains. Made the **** beg for my cum, but I didn’t give it to her to prove a point, I still came but only compressed air came out, imagine your best orgasm, then multiply it by 35. Didn’t say nothing, hopped back in the Lambo and went back home. Now I’m sitting here, drinking 15 000$ champagne and eating gold plated sushis made by the 2 bitches from earlier. It’s only 6:30 and I did more in 1 hour than you ***gots will do your whole life. Enjoy jacking off to stupid drawn pictures. Carl out.

Generally, I like to get my bull nice and hard for my wife before he breeds her with his potent jungle seed.

However, this has become a source of conflict for both myself and my bull. He tried to claim that I was bisexual or homosexual for sucking him off, but I told him that by that logic he wouldn't be heterosexual either. My bull then argued that you are only gay if you suck dicks, not if you get your dick sucked.

From that point we argued in circles, he got upset, and he slapped me in the face with his penis before locking me in my cuck shed.

Still, I feel as though I was in the right. I'm sure people here will agree with me that sucking dick is completely heterosexual if I was just prepping him. It's no different than heterosexually sucking a woman's penis.

Imagine the poor doctor on duty when a niglet hatches. A smelly fat 17 year old she beast with her legs open, about to plop out a lifetime crimi-monkey. I just cannot figure out how this poor doctor would know the difference between her pushing out her 4th dumb chimp or her just taking a 6 pound shit. I would bet the doctor skips lunch that day, and maybe dinner too. Gotta be the worst job on earth, delivering shit covered crime monkeys.

Niggers are self-appointed pastors and rev'runs. All they have to do to gain the title is stand up before a nigger church coongregation when they're still niglets and start screechin', preachin' and nigger babbling and sheeit. This impresses the hell out of all the low I.Q. niggers who start ooking, "Mmm hmm! he gots da spirits!" Once the niglet realizes this brings it tons of attention and it can make dat green off of its hustle, a rev'run is born. Fast forward 15 to 20 years and it's wearing a lime green suit, driving around in a purple Cadillac, knocking up sows in its coongregation, stealing money hand over fist and livin' large.

The onions boy meme was the water.
The "turning the frogs gay" meme was an old study about frog populations in WATER. If you drink tap water it's toilet water with xenoestrogens from plastic trash leeching and birth control pills. Also will give you cancer because the chemicals the use to treat the toilet water. The best way to consume water in a city is reverse osmosis system manually adding the minerals back with electrolyte and mineral supplements to mimick a natural water source then storing in glass jugs. You basically have to become a water scientist to avoid dying from cancer as a tranny fuccboi. Now show me your boipucci.

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I really want to eat an 18 year old's smooth butthole some day.

God dammit I wish I could have sex

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Have you ever rimmed anyone?

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Loser 18 yo tells me hes been fucked twice before.
Im not about to be a cuck for his boyfriends

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God you're so fucking autistic, Nibi. I can't even take you seriously or pity you because you're genuinely insane.

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Fucking hate sex-havers
Where the tight virgins at?

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I haven't, no. HAve you? What's it like if so?

If you are fucking a virgin your a cuck, no fucking questions asked.
Cucks gets their dicks CUT OFF

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Nope, I'm a 22yo virgin loser. I prefer women and want to eat pussy, but I really want to know what rimming is like too.

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Some skinnyfat loser thought he wanted to hookup. I dont workout and not eat every day to settle for some fat fucking bitch
Fucking hate men.

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Im so tired of taking care of myself 10 years of my life and fucking fat or old or ugly shithead losers who think they are in my league. Fuck them.

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Fucking hate humans, I hate men and I hate women.
Alcohol is all I need.

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Cant wait for ww3. Fuck humans

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If most 18 year olds are like how I was at 18, I imagine they have really sub-par hygiene.

I didn't have it all "figured out" until my mid-20's and I assume that there are plenty of you here who don't even wash behind your ears. Swob around your ears right now with your fingers and give it the smell test. That'll speak volumes about how poorly you shower.

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I dont give a FUCK about hygiene, I rather fuck someone's dirty ass than be the 5th person in line and get cucked and fucked in the ass by the first.

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First in line fucks the ass of everyone else after him because hes alpha. Loser betas get their asses FUCKED

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Wouldn't the guy at the back of the line be fucking everyone, since he's the top of the chain?

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No first guy fucks the bottom, bottom get fuckes by the line then the first chad fucks everyone in the line because hes the best

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I wanna be the chad or fucking NOTHING

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there are enough bottoms for everybody

Post yours.

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There are not enough bottoms, one top needs to beat the other tops and fuck their asses.

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Id fuck every top's ass in the world if I could FUCK TOPS

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I think you're a bit confused over this whole "top"/"bottom" thing.

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Take my dick, bitch

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Have a Snickers™ bar.

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Take my dick, bitch

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Have a cuddle picture.

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Fuck all other men I hate men.
Fuck women too exterminate women and fuck men

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Your V-card is showing.

I dont give a fuck. I wat a war. War is the only thing that cleanses sex

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Imagine not having a sense of smell and thinking your shitty hygiene is normal for your age...

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I love watching men die in war. That video of the americans dying in africa was the best shit ever.
FUCK america

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Actually, the issue at stake is patriotism. We must go back to your world and put an end to the commies. All it takes are a few good men.

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Then support germany

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The bitch boi of Belgium? No thanks.

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If germany won this shit would of never happened.
Homosexuality would be a thing of savage ancient civilizations.

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Show butt

My cock is all you get for your asshole to swallow

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There's no monogamy, cucking shouldn't be an issue for you.

Considering your V-card, I doubt you'd know what to do. So... no thanks!

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Take a fucking 308 for you to swallow from my rifle faggot

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Angry, impotent virgin alert!


Kill you and fuck your dead ass. dead ass cant say no

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Whatever you say... better to vent your virginal rantings here than go out and hurt real people.

Suck shit out of a dead niggers dick

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Well, with a sparkling personality like that, you'll lose your virginity in NO time flat!

Im too old to lose my virginity, I dont want sex. I want it 10 years ago

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id fuck snarf if I could

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But he's a monkey

Dont care, ass is ass

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No one wants to talk to me on grindr, FUCK grindr

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Maybe because you're a psychotic virgin?

And that matters on sex how????

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Well, virginity certainly does, cuz YOU'RE not getting any.

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I dont care if im not getting any

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Its been 15 years im 28. okay with being a 28yo virgin.
I wish I wasnt but I accept my fate.

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I wish I lost my virginity at 18.
Every moment since then is a nightmare

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Literally all I wanted was sex once

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Just once with someone nasty
Just sex once
You took that from me

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Sex once, anyone I would settle for anyone.

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I wonder if I'll lose my virginity before Nibi

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