I’m the user that got caught jacking off at work yesterday. I have updates, just got off my shift. AMA

I’m the user that got caught jacking off at work yesterday. I have updates, just got off my shift. AMA

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What happened

Just a recap
>work security at Best Buy
>on break go to bathroom to jerk off
>stall is occupied so I start masturbating into the urinal
>new guy Travis walks in and sees me

What do you think of this picture?

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Seems pretty pointless

why did you do that? are you retarded?


I’ve jerked off at work before it’s just this time the stall was occupied and I knew that my break was ending and I wouldn’t have the energy to do it when I got home. If I don’t jack off I have trouble peeing plus I’m just a coomer I guess.

You do realize that jerking it at work could get you fired or worse right?

No more pointless than your life.

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Well anyways when I started my shift today everybody seemed to be acting normal i.e nobody was paying any attention to me. When Travis the dude who caught me jerking off got dropped off by his mom came walking into the store I asked if I could talk with him. Basically I begged him not to tell anybody what happened because I would lose my job and shit and all he said was ok and walked into the store real fast. The manager wasn’t in today so we had our assistant running the store and I couldn’t keep track of Travis well enough to know if he talked to him or anybody else. He’s new so idk if he really knows anybody well enough to talk to them but I’m really nervous that he’s gonna tell my manager tomorrow.

if OP is stupid enough to beat off in public while on the clock he deserves to be fired

I was on an unpaid break so technically not on the clock. Still it was dumb but I genuinely wasn’t thinking I’d get caught

you work at best buy so its a real question are you mentally handicapped?

since hes new they probably wont believe him anyways plus they would think no human is dumb enough to beat it at work

Savage dawg, but think about how much better than nut would have been if you waited.

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this Travis will only not tell your boss IF you suck hum off at work

I hope you’re right. I’m worried that the security cams outside the bathroom will show him walking in then immediately walking out when he caught me. That might be evidence that he walked in on me doing that shit. I’m really tense about all of this and i need to do something to fix this. I was thinking about maybe calling him cuz I know he lives with his mom and I can probably look them up in the phone book.

I’m too ducking old to be here.

First off you were jerking in public, while on company time regardless of your “break”. Here’s your scenarios: Travis doesn’t give a fuck about losing his job by complaining and losing this job as a reference if his mom is dropping him off. So most likely you’re safe.

Let’s go worse: he files a complaint higher up. Fucking deny deny deny. If he’s a minor you have a problem, if a similar age there is a degree (small degree) that exposing yourself can play but in a bathroom there is plausible deniability that a penis could be seen in a place where that happens. As far as jerking it unless he saw your dick you can play this off as a prank as an option.

Worst case the firing for sexual misconduct, you can claim false accusation as there is little to no burden of proof of this besides Travis claim. There may be corporate policy with a situation like this that requires them to terminate you but social media is a bitch and a suddenly you’ve got the Cracker Barrell and Brads wife.

That's pretty pathetic, OP, being so controlled by your urges that you've potentially fucked yourself over with your shitty retail job. You could've been devoting yourself to pic.-related.

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Your good man its not like you were blazing in their.

>phone book
>not an employee directory or contact info on schedule to call for their shift
>yall got baited and mated

Well I didn’t hear him come in, only the door shut behind him I was erect and he definitely could see my dick. I got written up 8 months ago for harassing a female customer so if I get another write up chances are I’m screwed.

So you're in a public restroom at your work in a retail store and it just never occurred to you that other people might enter the restroom? You're lucky it wasn't some customer or some customer's kid that saw you.

I guess you could probably try to bs your way into keeping your job if they decide to fire you. Claim you have some sort of medical condition that requires you massage and relax your muscles in order for you to urinate. Or just claim you're a sex addict and you're seeing a therapist. Most large companies wouldn't want to risk any blowback from firing someone that is "struggling with an addiction."

>be not me
>be jerking it at work bathroom
>bro see me
>me: pleas don't tell the boss
>bro: i will not tell him if you do something for me
bro unzips his pants

I’ve worked 4 jobs including this one and we’ve literally never had that. Only the manager and assistant keeps the numbers in their phone.

How did your life devolve to a point of working a shit tier job where you harass women and jerk off into urinals? Did you ever imagine you would end up as such a failure?

This is probably what actually happened and OP is worried about not having his end of the deal held up.

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First of all there is literally nothing wrong with working security. Second I know I’m not the only person that has jerked off at work. Sorry I don’t work an office job with a door and lock. And the write up was for following a woman around the store I didn’t harass her verbally or physically.

You literally deserve to get fired from being a dumbass and asshole.

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If Travis is some new guy who has his mom drop him off for work, he probably doesn't care enough to really bother with that shit.

You may have made it worse though by confronting him about it- you opened up a huge weak spot there for him to access, and now he has a more tangible confirmation of him witnessing your degenerate behavior.

You still harassed her, you knob

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The restroom is all the way in the back and since it was late on a Monday night hardly anyone was in the store. I figured chances were low that someone was going to talk in. My plan was to use the stall but some kid was in there and idk I really didn’t think he or anyone else would know what I was doing in there.

His mom drops him off because he doesn’t drive. I heard he was homeschooled and has really religious parents or some shit. Dudes like a robot.

This is what zero accountability and complete lack of self reflection looks like

How are you so bad at playing it off that you couldnt just pretend you were holding your dick to aim

I told my little brother about this and he suggested I tell people that I caught Travis jerking off that way when he tells my manager it will seem like he’s lying. Idk if this is a good idea some anons yesterday said it wasn’t but didn’t say why.

Just ask Travis to go into your managers office with you. Tell him you're going to come clean.

And then when all three of you are in the office start jacking off in front of everyone.

If Travis let's you, unzip his pants and Jack him off too.

Bonus points if you get semen on the bosses desk, doesn't matter of it's yours or Travis's

Horrible idea, obvious bullshit that will be seen through IMMEDIATELY, plus fuck you for trying to throw Travis under the bus for this shit, you've put him through enough bro.

It still applies.

If he had really religious parents who turned him into a robot, then he's probably too anxious to initiate any complaints without much further confirmation that he saw what he saw- confronting him about it the way you did though probably gave him more confidence to consciously or subconsciously have manipulation as an option on the table.

You're so focused on trying to avoid 'trouble' just admit to yourself you fucked up, don't do shit like this again at work and you MIGHT not get busted by Travis so you can keep your shitty job. If he busts you just apologize and go on your way


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Give Travis a blow job

OMG, thisthisthis

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