Any fans of Patrycja around?

Any fans of Patrycja around?

>Especially OP from earlier

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I was in that thread. That bitch fine as hell. Now I know her name, you got more?

Unfortunately not. I have a pic of her friend Hope though. Another girl the other OP posts

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These hoes are sexy as fuck. You got more of her then?

Nah sorry man. Last pic I got is this one. Girls name is Ana. Just hope the OP from earlier returns!

Attached: 22985e0.jpg (1080x1350, 146K)

Holy shit dat booty is so fucking nice. All these girls are so fucking hot man! Why don't you have more saved??

I'm not the OP of this thread but I am the guy who introduced the OP to all these babes. Ask me anything.

Attached: Ptease.jpg (680x1024, 316K)

I dont save much because OP has special threads for the girls, if I saved a whole bunch I would be fapping for the babes way too much!

Ask you anything? How many of these fine ass babes do you have? How long you planning on sticking around for tonight?

Rofl these pics are literally from 2007. This chick is married, divorced, and has kids.

Welcome to the party OP!

>Is making threads like this a good way to find you?

>How many of these fine ass babes do you have
um...I honestly don't know, why do you ask?
>How long you planning on sticking around for tonight?
my time is free, what about yours?

Why ask?
Because I wanna see more sexy ass babes!

I'm free all night long

Next question for either of you I guess.what exactly is the special thread?

>Because I wanna see more sexy ass babes!
oh you're one of those guys who digs variety ;)

Who cares?

Well duh. More sexy babes the better! But you also gotta let the real sexy ones have their time to shine to, you feel me?

Hmm blur why don't you explain to him why I'm your favorite internet person ever

Is that reply meant for both of those posts?

Oh I know exactly what you mean. Sexy babes are my preferred drug

No my mistake just the first

OP makes a thread, and posts a bunch of the girls posted here (and more). Videos too. We talk about the girls, what would you do scenarios, rank them, sometimes roleplay while we all fap and see who can last the longest

>it can (and has) gone on for hours.. ;)

So besides myself how many guys do we got in here that love the babes?

Don't tell me. Tell him! And describe how much you like it!

A good drug, mixes well with liquor and weed!

Sounds like a fucking great time! I dunno if I could last that long my first time tho. I might have to cheat

Blur here.
My bad, but it looks like he got it anyway lol.

These threads really are the best man, best faps I've ever had in my life hands down. They're the main reason I still check Sup Forums

I'm here too dog, so that makes 3

Dont cheat man! If you blow early it's no shame. Just come back for a round 2 after you clean up!

Lol I guess it might be pretty obvious if I cheated and won my first time, besides I guess part of the fun would be trying to last longer to see more next time

since you're the newcomer why don't you select a favorite picture from the ones already posted?

Some newcomers have done really well! And sometimes OP or I cant help ourselves and we bust early. And exactly, trying to improve your time spent looking at and fapping for the babes is one of the best parts!

Tough choice between those two. One for that crazy nice booty, the other for that super sexy lingerie. I call it a tie.

hmmm...shall we begin the competition here or in a new thread?
>i've got good stuff planned for your first time

Is it usually in a new thread? If so let's do that, I wanna get the whole experience ;)

okay 3 minutes and I'll start one then post the link

I'll be waiting homie

oh look what i just dropped