So I'm laying of the devil's lettuce for a while as a new years resolution kinda thing...

So I'm laying of the devil's lettuce for a while as a new years resolution kinda thing, I don't have strong urges or anything but I can't sleep for Jack shit, any tips?

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try weed


Don't look at any bright lights including your phone screen for ~30 minutes before bed.


Get some melatonin.. I started doing that a week ago, and it takes me 2 hours to pass out. So if I’m anxious to sleep early I’ll take it at like 9 and hop in bed at 10 to just relax and then eventually I pass out.
You do feel groggy af in the morning though, as if you smoked wayy too much the night before haha

Check out subreddits. This isn't the best place for advice on this, I think r/sober is a good place to go.

Don't replace the habit (because it is a habit) with another unhealthy habit, just focus on small tasks that take lengthy amounts of time like phone games, distract yourself during this time while your body is recovering from the lack of sertonin/dopamine and getting in balance again.

Opiates will help with sedation.
Just whack up a bunch of heroin

Heroin is harmless fun.

Generous doses of melatonin

or weed

I'll check that out thanks, as I said I don't really have strong urges (to say I would have non would be lied)
I just can't sleep

Doing the same thing and have been having trouble sleeping. Somethings that have worked for me are -
getting out of bed and drinking a glass of water or milk
laying as still as possible in one spot
trying to think about anything except not being able to fall asleep
using my phone to play a few youtube clips (I use Last Week Tonight but its up to you) to use as white noise to fall asleep

usually a combination of those will help me get to sleep.

in my personal experience i just sit out the worst of it. i dont drink or do anything my go to has always been the devils lettuce... i just dont like the feeling of anything else. after about 2-3 days i can sleep normally again.

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Work out early enough in the day, read for an hour before bed, don’t eat for 4 hours before bed and don’t drink coffee after 3, eat a healthy, low sugar diet. Or you could drink it off, I usually drink until I sleep if I’m on a t break. Or harder stuff, but occasionally, when I gain too much wait I’ll do the more conservative approach and focus on myself and weight loss/muscle building/mind building, but yanno

You’re melatonin is going to be fucked and it’s going to be hard for you to create it naturally once you stop taking that shit

Thanks for the tips guys, appreciated

run a couple laps around the block, then do squats until you literally can't feel your legs. You might not be able to sleep still, but at least you get some good cardio in.

Yeah not gonna do that, as some other user said it's bad to replace the habits.

CBD or valerian root

reduce blue light from monitors and phones before bed. a couple hours before bed, dim the lights to signal your brain that it is getting late and will be going to bed and needs the melatonin. Try going to bed at the same time each night. lower your sugar intake. take some benedryl if you want to have a low impact way to get drowsy, will help your breathing if you have post nasal drip or allergies when you sleep. cardio to help burn excess energy.

I'm doing this as well. Ate some weed today and it gave me the worst stomach pain I have ever felt.

Why not consider slowly waning yourself off? Try going from once a night to every other, down to just a few times a week. I'm sure you can cut it down to zero, if that's your goal. If you want to quit, you have to realize that you actually enjoy being sober more than being high. Its tough.

Keep yourself busy with friends and hobbies!