Rate my cat

rate my cat

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It's a sad cat.
It's name is now 44 KB.


i love it

8 out of 10 bc no eyes

Nudge says 10 out of 10

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shave ur pussy user 0/10

Nice cat. I have 4 and love those fuckers to death.

11/10 for being a black cat.

Good cat, I've got a black one myself named Gigi.

My daughter put a sweater on him over xmas to make him festive

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Rate my cat, b

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Ok he do be looking fresh doe

He's a good boi. I have shitloads of pics but they're all over 2mb.

I have...created an app for people to share they cats but I'm afraid to share it on Sup Forums because you know...Sup Forums

10/10 would pet

op here

nice fuckin cat

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once you go black you never go back


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i have two cats that hate each other. Its been 5 years, how do i make them get along?

tell david i said sup

this is dante

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Do the spend a lot of time together or in the same area? Or do they have their own spaces?

mostly together but they can chill on their own like go outside.

cats are like asshole dogs, they'll get the point eventually.

whichever cat is more aggressive and more likely to instigate fights, start punishing them exclusively for aggressive behavior, let them know that they're not the alpha, they're the beta, and even if that means there's a delta in the environment, it doesn't mean they can step out of line.

water bottle goes a long way

don't otherwise show preferential treatment but you want to get across the idea that any degree of instigation will make their day worse.

you don't need them to get along you need them to not fight. if they don't fight, getting along will come naturally


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So floofy 10/10



So divine!

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5/5 masstaapiece

She doesnt look like it but she is a total killer when she is on the prowl

well at least it was cat not scat.

I love all your cats, frens