Guns are now banned in virginia!!!

Guns are now banned in virginia!!!

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Isnt the NRA here?

Jumpy little whiner, aren't you?

"Four gun-control bills on Monday advanced in Virginia’s General Assembly, setting the stage for a contentious showdown between gun-rights advocates and Democratic lawmakers who have vowed to bring comprehensive changes to the state."

>setting the stage for a contentious showdown

I know this Sup Forums and blaming the black guy is the thing too due but the black guy is no longer in office the old white guy is so this happing under him.

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God, I wish I was banned in Virginia.

>Duhhh orange man makes state laws

If you think Twitler calls the shots, you are seriously ignorant of the power of the European Bankers.

Sup Forums must be going batshit foaming at the mouth crazy. Not that I am for gun control in VA. Liberal gun control laws are horseshit and don't work (if anything they leave us more vulnerable)

direct violation of the Constitution
they will either see jail time soon or simply be shot by the People

Federal law supersedes state laws

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>gun control laws are horseshit and don't work

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I'll be around shortly to gather them all up.

Says country that overthrew their tyrannical ruler with weapons they weren't allowed to have and will never give up those rights again. The Second Amendment is the backbone of the USA being it's own nation.

You know you can still buy guns illegally right?

have fun taking on helicopters, tanks, missiles, satellite surveillance, etc.

BTW the gun nuts are the ones throwing themselves in league with a guy who wants to be a tyrant (and a VP who wants a theocracy), so go figure that one out too.

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The media keeps saying Trump is literally Hitler but thus far Obama has made WAY more egregious abuses of power than Trump has even attempted to. So what exactly are you talking about?

So you want the Federal govt using the military on its citizens for upholding a constitutional right? The last time the army matched into virginia it ended in civil war. Do you want that again? Also you seem to be under the assumption that the military would fire upon the citizens they signed up to protect. Your a strange minded little monkey.

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you need to talk to the guy who wants guns to overthrow the govt

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Posse Comitatus

Also, for every tank driver, and rotor head willing to kill their fellow Americans, you’ll have two that won’t.

It’s also worth noting that the infrastructure for all of those things isn’t really inside the continental US. We store that stuff near the battlefields and hot spots we expect to fight, especially ordinance.

Your comment is just bullshit that’s based on zero organizational and operational knowledge on how our military operates.

WTF are you idiots replying to me?

>Says country that overthrew their tyrannical ruler with weapons they weren't allowed to have

this faggot is clearly saying he thinks we should keep our guns just in case we need them again, for when our govt goes "tyrannical" again

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You are either high or stupid if you think our gov't doesn't have those types of weapons within our borders.

Switzerland has more gun freedom than we do and nearly no violence so try again


9th and 10th amendments supercede federal law, tho the supreme court seems to have forgotten that


Switzerland also has less people than New York city.

That's the only reason why the 2nd amendment exists, hunting and a gun at home in a safe weren't priorities for the Founding Fathers

>there's an illegal gun vending machine in every 7eleven

But there actually is no way to prevent this. Gun control works to some extent in countries where there aren't 400 million firearms in circulation, and where NATO isn't their daddy to come take care of them if shit goes south.

It would never work in the US in reducing gun violence. We are already too entrenched to bother, which is a good thing if you ask me.

See the forest for the trees, please.
From a statistical standpoint, gun violence is almost entirely attributable to black people.
We don't have a gun problem. They do.

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Because you're retarded. Yes, the guns keep the government at bay. The tyrannical government is going to fight us guerilla warfare style with tanks, fighter jets and helis? Lol ok dude.

In my experience, it's almost never worth arguing with someone who brings up the idea of government using heavy weaponry on civilians in their neighborhoods. They don't know anything about firearms or tactics. Better just to ignore.

Wrong. The 2nd Amendment exists to shoot Indians, and the last Indian was shot in 1899

Thankfully there are plenty of Arabs today.

I'm glad this president had to the balls to fight for gun control.

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worse faggot, they are mobile, and will come to you.

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thats how freedom is taken away from ppl when they allow idiots to take the lead

>Switzerland has more gun freedom than we do
False. Those kids with SG550's on their backs in Swiss markets are on their way back from drill as serving soldiers. The rifle is unloaded and all cartridges kept at home for it are registered and accounted for at the end of their service. The weapon can be de-milled and purchased at mustering out, but it's just a semi-auto rifle, same as is legal in most US states. Muh Swiss Masheengunz is a fatyank meme.

Fuck off lying shill.

And? You need to pay somebody for gas or something?

There has never been a black mass shooter, or black serial killer. Try again, nazi.

Yep. And they don't need to carry because they don't have any black people.
I'm going to keep saying this shit until someone acknowledges it.

kek, we're not far away from the time when someone caught in an active shooting can order a gun from amazon, and have it delivered via drone before the last body drops

More gun restrictions than Obongolama

There are no blacks where you live either.

It's an internet meme, so it must be true.

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African-Americans are 13% of the national population and account for 55% of violent.
I know you probably despise that statistic, but there is no avoiding it or talking around. There are responsible for a disproportionately enormous share of gun violence.

If there weren't, why would I be bringing it up?

>African-Americans are 13% of the national population and account for 55% of violent.
First time I heard it was in a conversation between two white ex-felons at Thanksgiving.


So you can't disprove my statement. Nice.

Because you're a pathetic faggot.

>First time I heard it was in a conversation between two white ex-felons at Thanksgiving.
That's nice.
>there is no avoiding it or talking around it.
See above.

ok then faggot, enlighten me.

When some gun fag says "der der we need guns to maybe fight the government if they become tyrannical again", and I say "you want to take on the military?", what am I not understanding?

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Why bother? Bunch of white degenerates cling to it. It's all they've got. That and the junk

And less niggers than any city in America


Obama did was going to take all our guns.

But most guns are used to murder family members or commit suicide.

I don't need to. Real mass shootings, as in shootings in which multiple victims are randomly targeted and killed in a public place by a shooter for the purpose of causing terror and mayhem, make up a tiny fraction of gun crimes. The are simply not statistically significant.

the problem with this is everyone knows Trump is an idiot and we all know he had no idea what he was talking about, so it doesn't even matter if he actually said it, which he 100% did

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women are 50% of the population but account for over 90% of the witchcraft. crime statistics should always be taken at face value


What is gang violence and drive bys. You dont see white people missing their target and hitting a little girl that was playing in the house.

I agree with your first point, but there are plenty of military bases in Virginia. Fort Lee outside of Richmond & pretty much all over Hampton Roads is military.

The Viet Cong did this, granted they are hard little asian motherfuckers who can live on insects and dirty rice and still manage to crank out 5-6 zipperhead kids to replace the gooks they lost to napalm, then learn to cook with napalm and shoot imperialist running dogs on Hamburger Hill so that they cry and have PTSD coming home

lol fuck the USA

The government cannot interfere with the way in which you live your day-to-day life without coming into workplaces and neighborhoods and putting the lives of non-combatant women and children at risk. American soldiers would never be willing to do that. They would mutiny against their commanding officers before that ever happened. The idea that civilians would ever congregate in an open area where heavy weaponry could be used against by the military them is silly.

what about that washington sniper?

This. I live near Gary Indiana and I laugh when I hear that black people dont cause mass shootings. I've seen the aftermath of a drive by. They just dont show the shit on mass media

Fuck we were on the wrong side of that war. Can you imagine having them on our side in Asia since the 50s?

That guy looks like that guy that isn't a guy entirely.

>All they have is statistics verified ad nauseum that state that blacks are responsible for nearly all gun violence.
It's because they don't need anything else. gg user.

>drone strikes can only target parades

Because who the fuck is standing on street corners in Bumfuck Indiana to get shot in the first place? Of course the media cares more when a kindergarten full of innocent 5 year olds is wiped out by an aspie robot

People who start fights with McDonald's employees and throw tantrums and knock shit over in convenience stores should be dragged outside and hanged from the nearest tree.

>all they have is the proven racist track record of arresting and convicting blacks at higher rates for the same shit

By black people mostly. You cant change my views because I've experienced this shit first hand living 10 miles from Gary Indiana. It's not what it was 20 years ago but it's still bad.

But the statistics are that most gun violence is suicide and most murder victims are acquaintances.

And we're done here.

> I live near Gary Indiana
do you even breathe?

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that sounds more like a fine and a weekend in jail type of deal. maybe you should move to saudi arabia where you can live the lifestyle you're comfortable with

Did you miss the gg? You've been made to look like a fool. We're done here.

that's a very pretty gun, is it your sister's?

Suicide =/= gun crime.
>most murder victims are acquaintances.
What's your point?

I am and so are alot of people I know. And bumfuck Indiana. Yea nwi is far from bumfuck buddy. We are practically a suburb of Chicago but we are allowed to have guns

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>be US, late 40s
>Ho Chi Minh dude loves the US Constitution, thinks the American Revolution was wonderful, wants to do the same
>lol fuck off
>dude remembers years later, starts shooting Americans interfering in his fight for independence
>lose a potential ally against the Reds
Ya think?

You should fucking move. You should also not make shitty excuses about the shitty job that's keep you there when you respond to this post.

Do I breathe? What the fuck are you on about with that. Ha must be a steel mill joke cause the air is polluted?

chess? thats a laugh. you were skipping rocks.

It's a picture, on the internet.
Learn how to use google you fucking zoomer.

>Suicide =/= gun crime.
technically wrong but sure. people who don't have a gun laying around can't kill themselves with point and click ease and have a much better chance of making it through a very dark spell and getting the help they need. acknowledging this doesn't mean you have to believe in gun prohibition.