Can i sue my parents for getting me circumcised?

can i sue my parents for getting me circumcised?

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I circumcized my son. Haha

im uncut and pretty sure cut is generally better

I had a doctor do my son. he hasn't held it against me. sorry to say I can't confirm the same for his mom, my ex.

I don’t hold any grudges but I just wish I had a chance to make the choice for myself.

then get circumcised you faggot

>literally creating slaves

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Ok goy i bet u like kellogs cereal dont you?

i have a suspicion that being uncircumcised could make you less sensitive to the friction action of amaze and therefore able to last longer

I'm fairly sure almost no one will get it

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fuck, wrong image, meant to post this one

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u can sue urself for being a gay boi lollll

rememmer this is an AMERICAN site paroding some 2chn

You last longer when you're cut because most of the pleasure nerves are in the forskin

Damn, I’d like to have a beer with you and listen to other things you apply baseless pseudoscience to. You sound really smart.

No. They had an optional medical procedure preformed that has scientifically proven benefits. That would be like suing them for getting you vaccinated. Or suing them for having you at a hospital instead of a barn.

>scientifically proven benefits
see It literally gives you life-long trauma.

Yes but you're a generation of faggots. Everything gives you "trauma"

>believing schizo infographs about the all powerful all knowing perfectly hidden jewish boogeyman

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Wtf nanachi has a penis?

I don't need any infographs to come to the conclusion that mutilating the genitals of a toddler without any form of anesthetics is a bad idea.

You fucking should be

"proven benefits" that somehow don't seem to be missing in countries that don't circumcise. The science is all faked shit and everyone involved knows it.

If you're circumcised, you're a heeb, a sand nigger, or an Amerifat.


There is no medical necessity to it. Had there been detriments to possessing a pupice, we would see in our ancestral line decreasing size. We don't. And it has nothing to do with clothing. We have been wearing clothes for millennia. Still no beginning of decrease noticeable. Circumcision is mutilation

You need/should not sue your parents, but be vocal of your thoughts

Then get cut

Ameritards talked themselves into it. They thought it would prevent excessive masturbation