Coomers of Sup Forums, I'm doing a survey

Coomers of Sup Forums, I'm doing a survey.

ITT: State your age, race and how many times a week you regularly coom. I'll start:


Pic related.

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>5 - 24

>Like once or twice

Pic related.

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>uhh.. 5 probably? it's not every night but most nights

pic related

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>Mostly white
>7-14 times a week, maybe more if I don’t go out and/or get plastered

SSRIs don’t help with my coming habits unfortunately

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>3 per day, so 21 a week.

>14 - 21

Nice larp

Around 10


Usually two or three times

I'm in an exam period right now, so I've been wanking more than usual, sometimes up to three times a day to relieve some stress

Surprised how little Sup Forums cooms, pathetic



Two or three times a day.

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Arab age 15 twice a day every day



Fucking Adderall ruining my sex life

where's the larp tho

Pic related.

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>herp derp I but 3 times a day every day
Nobody believes you kid

2 times a day

>not jacking off three times a day
Sorry not all of us have lives, kid.

Glow harder.


I actually do jack off at least three times a day.

Been away from home for last 2 weeks at parents house. Fap folder on computer at home. Not sure when I'm going to get to go home. Need to Fap bad man.

Use your phone user, there's always time for an emergency fap. I can't stand being one day without fapping.

We're like coom brothers

>2 times maybe 4 or 5 if wife is out of town

3-4 times a day so 21-28 times a week.

God damn how much time on average does it take you to cum when you masturbate? This seems like such a huge waste of time lol

An hour, I spend a lot of time reading doujins.

Do you not have a job or go to school or have literally any aspirations in life? Holy fuck 3 hours a day spent jerking your cock

I'm white hispanic tho, what about you coom brother.


I honestly considering cooming and waifus my hobby.
No different than watching tv or playing video games 3 hours.

Already have ED

Do you have a gf/bf? Do you want one?

>Around 12

Also it works like this:
Fap, work/study for several hours until recharge, fap again.
Rinse and Repeat.

Great if you work remote.

No lol
I honestly have no time or motivation for them, and I don't get turned on as much as the degenerate fetish shit I fap to.

6 to 7 times a week. I'm trying to reduce that number.


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>0, (1 once in a while)

Merr merr merr

>I honestly have no time or motivation for them
Maybe just maybe they could be related user if you didnt fap 3 times a day for an hour at a time to degenerate porn you wouldnt have libido issues and would have time to get a real girl / boy to fuck you

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Three-four times a week usually.

>spend 3 hours a day fapping
>mind is cleared and focused, motivated to fap later after libido rises up
>pump out 10+ productive hours everyday and live a successful career
Now think about how much time you would waste with a partner and consequentially a family.

1 every 3 to 4 months

27w, 1-10

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So what part of Yorkshire are you froom?

40 to 50 times a week. Sometimes more.