How was German technology in WWII so advanced?

How was German technology in WWII so advanced?
>discuss and post superior german technology

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Just simply pumping obscene amounts of money and work into projects they tought would get them somewhere.

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It’s amazing what whites can accomplish once the jewish problem is addressed

They simply emphasized those projects more. And they had von Braun, who was a lucky break since he was such a powerhouse.

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So advanced that they lost.

Nope, not sufficient explanation

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superior genes makes smart brains

Atom bombs are more advanced than anything the germans had, and we could only build them because the jewish scientists that left germany.

It had zero to do with "genetics", if that's what you're implying.

They conquered the moon, they won

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copy right law has changed so dramatacly that we can't get shit down for atleast 22 years and if disney has a say it will be double or triple

If only they had used some of this superior technology to win the war rather than get to the moon with america's help.

I didn't imply that, I believe the answer is aliens, see

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It was mainly a last-ditch attempt to win late in the war. Most of the tech wasn't ready in time and was flawed because of the rush and lack of development time.

They were desperate by the wars end and were trying anything they could to get an edge. Especially with Russians marching in from the East and completely unstoppable.

In my opinion the complexity of Germany's war machines was a hindrance not a feature. It lead to more downtime and greater cost to produce then the allies and soviet equipment.

Messerschmitt Me 262 is so aesthetically pleasing

Attached: Messerschmitt_Me_262A_at_the_National_Museum_of_the_USAF.jpg (1767x994, 690K)

Why settle for the moon, when you can win a planet?

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i always knew! it was IBM!

Cool tech though, they were at least 10 years ahead in aeronautics and spacecraft design than everyone and Yankees and Ruskies wouldn't have accomplished anything without their Germans (see: operation paperclip, soviet V2 rocket clones manufactured by Korolev flown well into the 50s)

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The reason he lost is religion
Mankind cannot be united under a God
There is no god, Hitler's loss is proof of this
The evil Jews have their victory, and people believe every lie they have told since
Never before have Jews had this world dominating power of suggestion
Before the lie of 6 million Jews were being exiled everywhere they went for being lying stealing blood thirsty pedophiles

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What do the jews have to do with why germany lost?
Most countries fighting germany didn't like their jews either. And it was only after the war was lost that we found out about exactly what Germany was doing to the jews.

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that genuinely looks like a really nice day.
I bet they all had fun

that thing was made out of fucking wood and killed the test pilot


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I agree. I visited the V2 bunker in France (la cupole). If they got that operational, the Brits would have been fucked.


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The submarine pens are what really blew me away...



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Dude, you're weird

jewish scientists,,whom der germans mostly kicked out,and killed those who remained,

>literally a tube filled with gas

Rockets aren't really an advanced technology if you think about it.

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>Rockets aren't really an advanced technology
They are though.

not aliens, ancent kangz - negros & shit

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the jews did this

A british guy invented the jet engine but whatever...

Aliens, which is why the Nazi's had flying saucers

designed, developed and built by Nazis in the USA
operation paperclip

Geran rickets were based on the American Robert Goddard's theories and designs. Goddard was privately funded so it was slow going. The Nazi's gave Von Braun anything he wanted.

Superior German design my Yankee ass. Even if bait read a book for Chissakes.

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Geran rickets our on lie.


I guess you haven’t finished reading that history book yet

It wasn't. Most of that wasn't particulary far ahead and didn't really work. Overengineered is a better description.

Implying aliens would actually give us anything of value.

German scientists

Yeah isnt there a quote that went something like a german panzer could take 4 american tanks but they always had 5

they were superior
quality was defeated by quantity

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Not really. Jet turbines aren't either. Just a glorified fan with lots of spindles.

Ancient china had rockets.

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>German scientists=American scientists
After WWII German scientists were American scientists. They were kidnapped and pressed into working for the US govt.

Not really that advanced considering they were still using horses and horse drawn wagons to move troops and artillery.

Ancient China didn't have shit until ancient white people came over on boats and taught them everything they know

well the point is that rockets arent a big deal, and in fact a lot of things aren't. The only reason we don't have worldwide wireless electricity is because jews suppress knowledge. It's really simply stuff.

It's sad but it's true
Tesla was working on wireless energy and flying vehicles that used this energy before his death
Who knows
Maybe this information was discovered long ago and suppressed by Jews as well

What ever happened to this invention?
Man invented a way to use water as fuel and when it burns through a torch it can melt metal but is cold to the touch on skin
He claimed he was looking to create a cure for cancer as well
Sadly he shot himself in the back of the head 4 times in a mysterious suicide

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You've never actually read a history book have you?

>Maybe this information was discovered long ago and suppressed by Jews as well

Yes it was.

"advanced" technology isn't that complicated. Transistors are relatively simple. All tech and knowledge is suppressed.

Water engines are also a simple premise. But it will never be publicized.

Until very recently these documents were kept secret by Japanese government
Whites came to Asia by boat while Asians were still chucking sharpened sticks and we thought them how to melt metal among other things
Asian history is white history
All history is white history
There is no history without whites, only savages throwing spears

This is why school is so expensive

Dad Juden Scientists.

Hitler was retarded. If he kept the Jewish scientists, Germany would have had the Atom Bomb and would have ended London in a day.

Instead you have jew satanists and their underlings watching you in your bedroom for the new world order, sucking billions of tax dollars in the process. The only flying cars that will exist in the future will be for the ultra elites. The rest will live in squalor as a permanent underclass in eternal poverty. Reproduction will be decided by the top jew satanists. Trees and grass will be owned by corporations.

And nobody cares. We live on a world full of self absorbed trash. Glad Im not having kids.

this is a myth and Einstein is a fraud.

And the teachers are biased payed workers creating soyboys

I love this "hurr, the Jew conspirucy" - everyone dies, and no one can maintain ANY kind of empire or conspiracy more than 10 generations. And that is a fact. See: Rome, Greece, Ottoman Empire, English Empire, Third Reich, etc, etc.

Fucking faggots and their stupid beliefs.

Bam !! Best point this thread

kek snort

Um, no.

The NSA, CIA, and FBI are the underling branches of a worldwide satanic elite. These are the "jews" people keep talking about, not your dumbass tax lawyer. They don't have a fucking clue like the rest of the goyim.

The Germans were, as we would call them today, "unethical" when it came to science.

They performed dangerous experiments, mainly those involving humans as subjects, which you would have your practitioner's license taken today if you attempted them.

Luck favours the bold.

Even if he kept the Jewish scientists there's still no guarantee they would have got to the Atom bomb before the Americans, the German Atom project was very much in it's infancy and vastly underfunded compared to other military projects.

Argument from incredulity

Very nice. Now quit being a retard

They were doing heavy water. If Hitler had not been so stupid, he would have kept the Jewish scientists, stopped at Czechoslovakia waited until he had a definitive advantage, then struck.

Prove me wrong, faggot. Hitler lost. Time travel and show me it wouldn't have worked EXACTLY like I said it would have.

USA = 230 yrs. old. Again, what is that? 7 generations? My fucking sides.

The British are German.

I've been reading a few books that say absolutely alien tech and show quite a bit of convincing evidence. Then the U.S. Navy patents four or five pieces of technology, each worthy of a Noble Prize. Something is up. I think the simple explanation is a mix of Graham Hancock and the Holy Bible. Fallen Angels, tech transfer for the global government of the Antichrist.

All races except the negroid race are actually evolved whites, you know. Ancient Early Europeans traveled and became what we know as asians.

>stopped at Czechoslovakia waited until he had a definitive advantage
One of the big reasons why Germany pushed so hard into Poland and Russia was to take their oilfields because Germany was having massive shortages, no oilfields no oil, no oil = no tanks, no planes, no troop transport and the Russians roll over them even faster then in reality, leaving no time for the Germans to finish the atom project

its going to be used to enslave, not uplift anyone.

Thats why technology isn't that interesting to be honest.


Amen brother. I think the reality is hidden from most people and they will never understand for whatever reason.

Time traveling scholars frequently went back in time to observe The Great War. Lots of safeguards were in place to prevent alterations to the time line kinda like displacement fields and cloaking technology. There isn’t a consensus on what went wrong, but the most widely believed theory is that a small case of personal affects was left behind which included one item that we might consider an advanced smartphone. For some reason this lead to a Second World War. Reverse engineering all the technology (the best they could) is where lots of the technology came from. Unfortunately most of tech was way beyond the Germans and almost all of it never really worked the way it should have.

Oh and in the original time line, Tesla didn’t die destitute and most of his work was continued in the public sector. So much so that the aforementioned “smartphone” had his branding on it. Why do you think the government seized all his work? They knew he had some type of connection to the future tech they recovered from the nazis.

Well, theyre kind of dumb. And let's be honest. If most people were born at the top of the pyramid, they'd do the same thing. Selfish, homogeneous personality traits.


This entire fucking thread and no one is going to mention the StG44?

Nazifags could have probably won the war if they could have gotten to mass production/distribution faster

Not an argument.
Just googled it myself
Einstein worked at a Swiss patent office where he stole other people's ideas and pretended to be some genius

Still, look at this stuff. It's not even obeying the standard model of Physics.

Piezoelectricity-induced High Temperature Superconductor
Publication number: 20190348597

Type: Application
Filed: July 23, 2019
Publication date: November 14, 2019
Applicant: United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
Inventor: Salvatore Cezar Pais
High frequency gravitational wave generator
Patent number: 10322827

Type: Grant
Filed: February 14, 2017
Date of Patent: June 18, 2019
Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
Inventor: Salvatore Cezar Pais
Piezoelectricity-induced Room Temperature Superconductor
Publication number: 20190058105

Type: Application
Filed: August 16, 2017
Publication date: February 21, 2019
Applicant: United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
Inventor: Salvatore Cezar Pais
Craft using an inertial mass reduction device
Patent number: 10144532

Type: Grant
Filed: April 28, 2016
Date of Patent: December 4, 2018
Assignee: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
Inventor: Salvatore Cezar Pais
High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator
Publication number: 20180229864

Type: Application
Filed: February 14, 2017
Publication date: August 16, 2018
Applicant: United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Nary
Inventor: Salvatore Cezar Pais

Most of the math for the ideas had been published. What was needed is engineers and big toys.

i make thing go boom i smart.

no thanks, like my hero shainia twain says "that don't impressa me much"

How old is the Jewish religion?
How many generations is that?
Because that is how many years they have stayed the same.
They aren't different now just because they have gold watches and smartphones.

Desperation, post 43 anyone with half a braincell left knew the war wasn't winnable under normal circumstances, so they started looking for a 'magic bullet' so to speak that could turn things around.
Indeed the time and resources spent would have been better spent elsewhere but they had faith in their ability to innovate i guess.

Pure blood niggers do not have Neanderthal dna
They did not evolve
They did not develop their frontal cortex
This is why they have no empathy and are so violent

At the top of the pyramid are the demons. God gave the world and this domain to Lucifer. It's not a zero sum game. The creator was right. The creator is always right. Jesus is the answer to all of our infighting.

Makes no difference. In the end, you will toil at a customer service job, while some NSA or CIA underling sells your children's freedom to the satanic elite for hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Then we die.

Nah, it's just people, and possibly aliens.