Why do Republicans support a total failure?

Why do Republicans support a total failure?

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Why do Liberals want total failure?

Why is OP a total failure?

Republicans and Democrats are the same political party. Trump is an interloper, thats why they're conspiring to get rid of him.

Trump is SIGNIFICANTLY better than any other politician, if Democrats didn't have such garbage, money whoring, political career climate monsters, there might be a legitimate discussion to be had.

But comparing soldiers getting killed at bengahzi like a political stunt compared to Twitter grammar mistakes is ignorantly subhuman.

I bet this is the same reddit fag that made the "people of walmart thread" saying to report any trump shit posts

Failed at what exactly?
If Obama's presidency would have seen the success of Trump's the media would be calling for him to be named dictator for life.

Projection much op? Do you wish to gargle the manhood?

The economy is at record highs

Median household income is the highest it's ever been

And we now don't look like a bunch of pussies on the world stage

> total failure

Trump is da man, da man with the master plan. You better check yo-self OP.

did someone say spider man?

>Economy record highs!
For who? 45% of americans live off 18k a year or less.
>Median (LOL) household income
60% of all wealth is inherited included houses. Home ownership under 40 years old is below 35% and falling
>Don't look foolish on the world stage?
I don't even know where to start with this one

Those are problems only someone with supreme power could change.
I suggest naming me dictator of the USA.

Did someone say total failure?

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Why do Conservatives hate the environment?

You mean the president who had full control of the house, congress, and the supreme court for the first 2 years? and let his own party and McCain drop the hammer?

you are the same faggot

The education system, fundamentalist religion, pure ignorance, pride and nationalism.

>Record breaking economy
>Continually winning elections
>Continually making the dwindling far left Democrat cult shriek in frustration to the point of being suicidal

If that's what you last remnants of the Democratic party consider "failure", I'll take that over whatever lunacy you're peddling.

>the dwindling far left Democrat cult
this is autism

>Continually winning elections
not in 2018 trumpshit lol




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Agreed. Dude weren't in the club and reckon bes generally tough to work with on all fronts

I think he is right.
Name one fool up there that can beat Trump.
And if you say the 80 year old curmudgeon that wants to turn American in to 1950's USSR lol

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Warren or Sanders
the only fool is you user for swallowing GRU semen

>Record breaking economy
>Continually winning elections
>Continually making the dwindling far left Democrat cult shriek in frustration to the point of being suicidal

Remove contractors and gig economy workers from your numbers and you will see some record breaking numbers

You lost the house last election

Sounds like imaginary people living in your head rent free but keep staying in your safe space

>I'm as stupid as you are

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I'm a fool and you think Warren and Sanders can move the independents to vote away from Trump and for them?
I'm so glad you idiots think so.

so fragile

That "economy" is at the cost of an incredible deficit not seen since the recession Obama inherited, and "low unemployment" due to low-wage workers holding multiple minimum-wage jobs. The Left only complain because they (well, many of them) realize what's going on better than the brainwashed right (much of them as well).

More than half live with more at 18k that's huge by global comparison. Matched only by csecluded countries like Sweden and Norway and other predominantly white countries

>I'm a fool
Yes, we covered that dipshit
>the independents
there are more progressives that would come to the polls if a real progressive ran
>you idiots
you elected an idiot user
enjoy being stupid again in 2020

Because this total failure was better than the other total failure.

Please elaborate. If you are comparing US wages to 3rd world wages (given comparative costs of living) this seems like nonsense on its face.

Let me show you something even your low IQ ass might be able to comprehend.


>More than half live with more at 18k that's huge by global comparison

This more than half you are talking about are mostly over the age of 50 and are dead weight to this economy

Conservative bullshit teat. Try again.

The Democrat's future sure looks pretty white.

This. Sign me up for more Trumpism if the Democrats have nothing better to offer besides the unending tantrums.

Want me to link CNN instead
Or maybe MSNBC or Washington Post

Gotta agree. Trump has been great for the economy and jobs. The Democrats party platform sound like a retread of failed California policies that have resulted in a crumbling state with mass homelessness, the highest wealth disparity in the country, literal streets filled with shit, used needles and drug addicts violently assaulting people at random.

Trips of gospel truth. Trump 2020.

Sounds better than what the Democrats have been spewing for the past 3 years. Will stick with Trumps proven successes versus the Democrats unhinged hysteria and failed policies.

agreed. pelosi, schumer and the democratic party 2020 pres field have offered nothing that would help the working poor an middle class. at least trump's delivering.

This is the obvious truth

Kek has spoken.

Lol that's not how unemployment rates are tallied you fucking liberal retard. Go spout more debunked AOC talking points on reddit.

>"we have record economy!"
>Says person who doesn't benefit from increased economy.

Can we all stop LARPing about being in the 1%. Its tiresome.

Sadly, I agree with ya. Will hold my nose again and vote for Trump. Would prefer someone less Twitter-obsessed and wanting to constantly dunk on the opposition. But the Democratic party hasn't presented a viable option this cycle, imo.

>great for the economy

Jesus Christ you trump fags are morons
Raise interest rates a quarter of 1% and then tell me how well the economy is doing. You won’t because your full of shit.

Tell the fed to stop pumping liquidity into the repo markets and then let’s see how well the economy is doing. Trumps economy is built just like just businesses, a front built by a conman

This guy gets it. "great for the economy" doesn't mean what Trumptards think it means.

We are being conned and its kinda frustrating.

He's kinda the only real choice now that the DNC screwed the pooch on Tulsi and Yang. Bernie's basically bent over an let the establishment ass pound him like a bottom bitch for 2 election cycles now. Warren's an absolute no. The rest of the Democratic field are fucking jokes. So Trump it is.

What he said. Trump will get my vote.

Why do Democrats cry about a total badass?
>Fixed that for you, faggot.

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These trips don't lie. Voting for Trump with zero hesitations. MAGA2020

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>gets triggered by a 15 year old autist

yeah he’s such a badass

Sources please.

FOX is running propaganda for him 24/7 and all the treasonous traitors in the GOP have corporate owners who are making hand over fist illegal profits because of his fake EPA so they've been ordered not to speak out against Trump for all the retarded, like REALLY utterly RETARDED shit he does and says.

The trips user is spitting facts. Trump's my pick.

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This. Except slightly less autistic. Trumps not badass thats why everyone hates him.

Funny how the cucks in here brush their teeth with trumps cum every night and think they’re the Alphas

The economy is 100% Obama's set trends. Trump is an abject economic failure.

- Expanded deficit spending by over 80%

- First year in US History that the middle class paid higher tax rates than billionaires

- completely DESTROYED the Midwest agricultural industry

- 15 of the top 20 worst single day drops in DOW Industrial Average happened during Trump's one and only term.

- Worst criminal in US political history and a despicable pathological liar. So obsessed with being credited for shit he's resorted to incandescent lightbulbs and CDC cancer rates.

-15,400 confirmed lies and counting

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Say what, Jew?

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Idk why the support you, maybe ask them?

What a child...

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So much diversity

I personally hate him because he never stops lying and he talks like he's actually retarded. He has a smaller vocabulary than some kids I know who are under 10 years of age. I'm a firm believer than the president should be smarter than your average 9 year old.

Nah dude he’s great cause he signed a trade deal with China that gives us a tenth of what he fucked up in the first place

>I've been waiting to post this autism all night

>two females on stage isn't diverse



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How am I still getting produce and paying the same for it? Must be unlimited supply, amirite? According to your graphs, its 2017-2018 currently, correct? I must be missing something.

Kill yourself Ivan.

Every last person in the world knows Trump is a lousy pathetic criminal.

Drumpf had to shell out 12 billion dollars to keep the industry from collapsing under his tariff policies dipshit. Maybe if you read facts instead of making them up you might have known that.

Because it isn't 1850 and we import produce from all over the fucking world to supplement demand???

Why tell your cousin to off himself, Sergei? Get focused on your farms and not who's banging your wife/cousin.


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I thought he wasnt a billionaire?

So I dont give a shit about fly over country, cleetus.

You thought you had a penis

He could cash pennies by the billions tbh.

You might want to get a little more educated in English if you want to fit in on here, Sergei.

>everyone who doesn't suck trumps cock is russian
funny how it's ok if Trump gives handouts to the rich and farmers lol

you were mistaken:
you have no dick

What handouts did the rich get?

You won't get a chance to.

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Top kek.

Fed pumping in liquidity to keep pumping up the markets to boost stock prices.

Nobody wants to fix anything, they just want to be on the winning side - even if that means cutting off their ear to spite their face.

>winning side
Pick one

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