What is the cancer that's killing Sup Forums?

What is the cancer that's killing Sup Forums?

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What am I suppose to look at?

Been here since 2004, I can honestly say the problem with Sup Forums has been its users.

prove it newfag

Honestly, Sup Forums isn't what it used to be. It seems now that this board is 90% revenge porn/pics of random girls from fb/ig and 10% of regurgitated crap that's forced to repeat itself over and over again and never dies the longer it gets stale.

To bad I missed the glory days...

No, Sup Forums is dead. The cancer won and left after the body died.
It was never good, but it wasn't always like this. I wish you guys who missed out could really know what it was like.

How was it like? Do any alt-chans bring back the old Sup Forums?

>prove it newfag
Back then, CP was almost always at the top of Sup Forums, took hours before it disappeared.

Ass cancer

Sup Forumstards are the cancer that is killing Sup Forums.
There was only one fucking rule. Don't talk about Sup Forums. And yet for some reason the retarded faggots who frequent this board kept doing everything in its power to get the site, and the boards, name in the goddamn press at every oppurtunity. So every day in trickle more moralfags and normalfags because everyone knows about muh sekrit club hangout, so the people who are actually interesting leave because they came here to escape those dipshits in the first place, and then you get asshoels like who think "oh Sup Forums was always liberal" despite not even knowing where the word liberal fucking comes from.

most of b grew up, got jobs, and voted for trump/ what is mostly left is newfags and oldberniefags that don't work and still live in a basement

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Lol, when you google reverse search the image, you get tattoos.

> Twitchlingo
zoom zoom zoomerfag. Here comes 2020. Did you remember to register to vote?

Cancer is a fiction.

True, I guess people from the outside heard of Sup Forums through news or Reddit and they're like "this is kewl to be part of anonymous and h4x0r5 and shit" and being invaded by the originalfags, and then Gamergate and the Fappening happened turning this place into what it is now.

>Do any alt-chans bring back the old Sup Forums
Not that I have seen. They don't have the userbase to. At it's height, old Sup Forums was intensely chaotic, threads moved off the board at an astounding pace because so many new ones were being created.

The primary difference is there was always something new. Sup Forums now is the same threads over and over. New, original content was constantly being posted. That is what cemented Sup Forums as the black heart of the internet, everything originated from here because everything new was here. And that is ultimately why Sup Forums is dead. Nothing new is posted here.
Sup Forums did originally have a leftist lean to it, Occupy Wallstreet kinda started here bro. Not everyone was onboard, but to ignore that is foolish. More left-leaning libertarians than democrats however. I want homosexuals to be able to defend their marijuana crops with machineguns is the kind of thing Sup Forums in general stood for.
definite newfag retelling tall tales. CP was posted with somewhat regularity, but threads would get deleted quickly except on rare occasions. It was absolutely not something that would be at the top of Sup Forums for hours all the time.

hell yea i did user

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libtard commiefag, get out of here and go back to cuckddit

Coomer threads everywhere. There are countless other boards coomers.

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> Sup Forums did originally have a leftistst lean to it
Sup Forums originally had an ANARCHIST lean to it. Which took the form of being lefty because, follow with me if you can, George fucking Bush was the president over a majority conservative government.


I don't care how you feel like rationalizing it to yourself, you don't have to make excuses for what the people who posted here over a decade ago believed.

this threads nifty

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Unironically new Sup Forums

So poltards that overran this site in the last couple years
Loud incels that replaced wizards
And all the Normies that came in after pewds jerked this place off

Yeah, all you pornfags should go over to

There's no excuses to be made. Sup Forums is still Anti Authority. Trump might be the president but he's the cultural minority. More people voted for Hillary Clinton in case you've forgotten, and that was *after* it was already established that she and her permanent government cohorts had fixed the primaries to cheat Bernie Sanders, *AND* after running the single most shambling and oblivious campaign a candidate has run since fucking Al Gore.

Sup Forums always has always had a blazing passion for telling whoever it is that's running the show that they're garbage and they suck dicks. People who think Sup Forums was ever liberal are just fucking deluded lefties who can't get the fuck over the reality that Sup Forums is Anarchist. Plain and Simple.

In fact, there should be a coomer crusade to get them to go to their designated cooming boards.

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Nah, you're just a newfag butthurt that people don't like your party, trying to argue about a time and place you'll never know.

>More people voted for Hillary Clinton in case you've forgotten
Only in the states of CA and NY, where voter ID is not required. Voting rules are so lax in those 2 states you can vote multiple times and nobody knows or cares.

This x 1000

>What is the cancer that's killing Sup Forums?
Stormfags shitting up every rekt/ylyl thread doesn't help.
They just can't help themselves, they see a thread were people are trying to laugh and they can't stop themselves from shitposting copypasta and unfunny memes from their folder of "proof" why they shouldn't be considered the failures in life that they are.

> Lefty is deluding himself again.
What a surprise. Hey how's that impeachment trial going

Sup Forums is more or less the same as it ever was, with a little more porn and less memes and original content than years back

It's always had gays and tranny porn and furries and lolicons, but there used to be epic fail guy and threads about raids and original meme content, and I think there's no real original content anymore, or not much

Also Sup Forums is like 60% normies and zoomers now so I guess that's new ish

Only in the states where the majority of Culture, Technology, and Financial markets operate?????????????????????????
Like they've even got a pretty decent agricultural industry. Not the majority of it mind, but it's nothing to scoff at. These are the power centers. You're just saying "Only in the most powerful parts of the country" like that detracts from the point.

Browsed Sup Forums from 2006 to around 2008 when I moved over to Sup Forums.

Sup Forums was never this bad. Was never good, but was never 9/10ths porn threads. There were threads about other shit most of the time. This board has basically become a more grotesque and unattractive /s/.

Not that Sup Forums is much better. Board is nothing but shitposting. The glory years of that board have long passed as well.

I'm farther right than you, I just don't really think Sup Forums has to agree with me, so I'm ok with telling you you're wrong.

have fun drinking your own piss when we shut the water off califag


>Only in the states where the majority of Culture, Technology, and Financial markets operate?????????????????????????
Hollywood Culture? BWAHAHAHA

zoomer here

Culture Markets.
As in the places where money exchanges hands. Read a fuckin book nigger.

>Like they've even got a pretty decent agricultural industry.
Yeah thats called red state rural California.

So, money changers?

Trap threads and anything that shouldn't have a dick

It's also where the two largest cities in America, NYC and LA are where a lot of the media corporations are headquartered. Also those states have a large urban Millennial, minority and immigrant population and are mainly Democrats

cool yeah I mean Sup Forums has always appealed to the young and edgy, with rekt threads and (used to be) raids, sometimes gore and animal abuse (although not many actually like animal abuse)

We used to rag on newfags but tbh I think it's your zoomer board now do what you will with it

There's more unironic white knights, antifa and SJW than there used to be but they're still kinda minority

it's where transactions are made and people trade services and stocks for money, you zoomerfag


hey at least were not cultural marxist, easily triggered, SJW, "i'm offended, affirmative action, PC commie feminazi libtard millennial.

Jew-phobic teens.

>making this about lefty and righty and not about coomer addicts .
I come here to talk, vent or laugh now I am bombarded with trannies, traps, shared nudes. Feels bad man.

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what is "cultural marxism." I don't think that's a real thing

fucking slaaneshi daemons

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giving "privileges" for "minorities" for the sake of being "minorities" and trying to cram who's not white hetero cis male into that bubble cuz they're "muh oppressors"


From my memory, the Jessie Slaughter incident is what brought the eternal summer here.

'muricans are killing b

it has literally always been the PC crowd and no one else. The influx of lefty faggots is the only thing that correlates with how awful Sup Forums has become. everything else has either been a passing fad that has come and gone, or has always been.

Sup Forums has never been good, but it's particularly more awful than it has ever been.

it has literally always been like this. you are a newfag. stop pretending.

Yeah, lol I remembered her.

>you dun goof'd

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>consequences will never be the same