20 years later

>20 years later
>western media still hasn't topped it
what went wrong?

>expecting passion from an industry that lost it 40 years ago


What are you talking about? This was pretentious shit. Visually spectacular, but no real depth.

Gurren Lagann is a much better work from Gainax.

dumb anime poster

>Gurren Lagann

Why is it our fault all you watch is capeshit and cartoons when you're done playing videogames, outsider?

as someone who really, really loves gurren lagann, no
lagann has more depth than most people give it credit for but eva is probably the best media we'll see for a while
people like you though clearly haven't watched it

Dumb anime poster

not even the best installment of evangelion

The sad thing is that Japan topped it in kinematografie a little under 10 years ago. Meanwhile the west is still chasing phantoms from the 90s.

>Mainly watch anime only these days (and some YouTube)
>Rarely watch live-action TV shows anymore

Anyone else in this boat? TV these days just isn't worth watching. Anime is much better these days.

>Anyone else in this boat? TV these days just isn't worth watching. Anime is much better these days.

Better be bait. If it's not, you're an actual man-child.

Not bait. Name 5 shows worth watching right now. Seriously.

FLCL is also much, much better than Gurren Lagann. But Evangelion tops them all, it's probably the greatest anime ever made.

Also Cowboy Bebop can fuck itself.

Better Call Saul
Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations
The Leftovers
Big Little Lies

Any number is better than the 0 recent anime series worth watching.

>Maid Dragon

I legitimately wonder what kind of simpleton thinks a show about a lesbian dragon who becomes a maid in human form, with absolutely no substance outside of sexual fan service has more merit than your average British/American TV program.

The Americans
The Leftovers
Young Pope

you're move dumb Sup Forumsedditor

>26 episodes
>3 good movies

Not him but name 5 anime worth watching right now.
All the good anime came and went.

Mr Robot
True Deceive Season 1 (Season 3 is coming soon)
Always Sunny
Twin Peaks is back in 2 months
Fargo (I don't personally like this show because the movie is so much better, but everyone I know does)

So is the last Rebuild movie ever coming out? The last one was a flaming garbage but I guess I might as well see them to the end.

>It's an "anime-only man children think something like 'Madoka' has more artistic value than some like 'The Sopranos' and decide to come to Sup Forums to make their opinions known, and end up looking retarded, instead of just staying in their own territory" thread

What did you think of all these films? All of them were released recently so you without a doubt should have seen them, OP.

Give me a detailed report on each one

Dude it was like some Terrence Malick shit. Go drop acid and watch it again. It made me cry.

Have you ever entertained the possibility, that maybe you're just dead inside?

I don't get he hate for 3
Only thing I didn't like is the whole Toji shirt thing, what made his death in end of eva more impactful is that the show doesn't shed light on it, you make the connection yourself.

Why are Sup Forums drones so embarrassing entry level? not even underage Sup Forums apes are this bad

Leave bebop alone bucko.

Madoka is for manchild faggots, yes Yu are correct.
But here's where your post falls flat: Where the fuck has anyone mentioned madoka in this thread?

>Better Call Saul
Didn't really get into it. Dropped it like I dropped BB at season 3.
>Bizarre Foods: Delicious Destinations
Seems good.
Never like the time setting. The 70s was an ugly period visually. That alien moment was cool though.
>The Leftovers
Haven't heard of it.
>Big Little Lies
Same as above.

I dont watch it. That picture was my nearest anime related picture.

>The Americans
Didn't interest me
>The Leftovers
Think I've heard of it.
>Young Pope
Same as above
Probably will finish that eventually. I didn't hate it by any means.

Currently I'm watching Tsuki ga Kirei, SNK Season 2, Re:Creators, Saekano, Boruto and a few other shows.

>Mr Robot
I did like that.
>True Deceive Season 1 (Season 3 is coming soon)
I thought the atmosphere of S1 was drab and depressing honestly.
>Always Sunny
Seems funny from what I've seen, but since they blocked DNS bypasses for Netflix, I haven't bothered watching it.
>Twin Peaks is back in 2 months
I'd have no problem with it, but is it one of those cash-in revivals or did it need a sequel?




really gets the mind

>Currently I'm watching Tsuki ga Kirei, SNK Season 2, Re:Creators, Saekano, Boruto and a few other shows.
>Dropped Fargo, Better Call Saul, and True Detective

This is bait, right?

>protganist has literally no redeeming features

Only absolute cretins can relate to Shinji and a story where you can't relate the to protagonist can never be perfection.

>5 anime worth watching
>worth watching


maybe it's just a coincidence

As a non weeb how much of the actual series do I actually need to watch to appreciate this. I've heard it doesn't matter and this stands on its own but I need the truth pls don't lie

who is this semen demon

>implying you have to relate to the protagonist completely or most of him to be perfection

All 26 episodes, faggot. No half measures.
You need to be fluent in each character's history, as well as their psyche and motivations.

>I don't get he hate for 3
For me it was a combination of :
>The toji shit you mentioned
>DUDE piloting Eva makes you not age lmao how convenient
>Anno shoving in as much shit as he can make into toys as possible, like superbeast mode Eva 02 or whatever the fuck

>what went wrong?
They killed Kubrick.

TD is supposed to be depressing, like No Country for Old Men; if it wasn't depressing it would defeat its own purpose. Also, I felt like the cinematography made it feel filmic. The world is almost trapped in this constant sunset, the leaf-less trees, the way you can almost feel the surreal atmosphere of Louisiana. Watch the whole thing again, I've seen it 8-9 times at least, you notice more symbolism every time.

Watch Always Sunny on a free streaming site.

As for Twin Peaks, it's David Lynch, the original creator and directing, coming back to direct the entire season, his first project in over a decade. It's less of a cash-in then the second season was for sure, and it's been planned all along, especially considering the cliffhanger ending. Remember what Laura says in Cooper's first dream? I'll see you in 25 years? Guess how long it's been.

Well OP? Don't just reply to other posts like a coward.

>Dropped Fargo, Better Call Saul, and True Detective
Fargo just didn't interest me (probably because I wasn't born in the time period it was set in, I couldn't appreciate BCS because I didn't finish BB and TD looked very bland from what I saw.

Each to their own. SNK's manga has beaten many western shows I've seen lately.

top right is fake

you need to watch the series, it's pretty good but EoE is the real shit

It's not fucking canon.

>relate to the protagonist completely
Literally said nothing of the sort.

An unrelatable protagonist is a major flaw in a story.
If you think otherwise then you're a retard.

what's the left flick?

stalker is absolute kino

Don't bother watching any of it. Eva is a garbage clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in waifu faggotry and NEUROSIS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The broken, angsty characters all trying their hardest to hide from their mental issues, the SYMBOLISM, peculiar, complex machinery, the whole Freudian faggotry and everything about the Evangelion world fuels their fantasies of being a patrician, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on guilt tripping, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underage retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

This. As much as I like Eyes Wide Shut, I genuinely wish he hadn't made it, so we could have had 3-4 more Kubrick movies by now. This is the darkest timeline. He had to fucking pull a mozart and make the Magic Flute...

You don't seem to understand that Japan for all intents and purposes is a Westernized country.

It's so Western, it's West of the West.

If you were not such a dense unselfaware faggot surely you could find some ways to relate to this whiny kid. Please give an example of a relatable protagonist.

Yes, we already know that Hideaki was the original Snyder.


thanks senpai

Stop babysitting bait threads made by rejects sange.

Is that so then? I get it now.

Any recommendations? It's hard finding a decent site lately.

Ah good. I wasn't sure if it was one of those awful reboots like Prison Break. I might check out the original then.

Okay then you beta faggot, how do you relate to Shinji?
Better yet, just name one single redeeming quality that he has.

China must be really westernised!

Best Always Sunny episodes in my opinion are

Charlie Work
Mac and Charlie Die
The Nightman Cometh
The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention
Being Frank

Also True Detective is not something you can watch in the background. Like seriously watch it, it took them nearly 3 years to make it, they shot everything on film, its basically an 8 hour movie. Take notes if it helps you follow the obviously complicated plot, watch it in the dark, alone possibly. Take it all in, leave no mental stone unturned. And take time between each episode to try to understand what it meant. It might be the best single season of any TV show ever made.

true detective was pretty good but I wish they did more with the lovecraftian elements

I actually tried to watch that trash and I'm convinced the only reason weebs think it's amazing is because it's about little girls being a bit depressed.

They did a lot, you need to watch closely. Green eared spaghetti monster? The men in "animal masks". The killer who can see through time? Him who eats time, in robes sewn of invisible voices. The preacher's sermon, "The stars and the wind between the stars". The fact that the killer waits decades to "leave his mark" like the entity in IT that only surfaces every 20 years or so.

The cosmic void, which mimicks the spiral symbol seen through the show (which is actually an FBI symbol for "boy-lover") is just the coup-de-gras. That and the final shot of stars.

try again with an argument

That's my point you fucking child. A protagonist doesn't need to have redeeming qualities to be relatable. Who the fuck do you relate to? Batman? You probably relate to Shinji more than most but you're such an unselfaware faggot that you think you can relate to a hero easier which is why you ignored me asking for an example of a relatable protagonist.


Not OP but no one cares faggot.

Very true. Unconfident, beta protagonists are usually the most relatable. Holden Caulfield, Michael Cera, Napoleon Dynamite, they really DON'T have redeeming qualities, which is why people connect with.

Cowboy Bebop >= EVA, especially because the creator had the taste to leave it well enough alone after all these years. Compare with the way Anno has tarted up EVA like a two-bit whore, with countless George Lucas style redux cash ins, to turn tricks for her pimp "Dad".

Then don't post at your superior unless I post at you first. (This one doesn't mean you can reply to me kiddo)

That reply was the highlight of your night.
>3 post
>0 replies
Catch a fucking hint.

>kinematografie a little under 10 years ago


Did you not read the post?(I don't want you to answer) I told you not only reply unless I tell you.

Then what the fuck is Space Dandy? Are you seriously gonna try and tell me THAT isn't an obvious cash grab in the same vein of the original show?

Also, who gives a shit if Rebuild sucks? You realize you don't have to compulsively watch every anime that comes out, like some OCD autistic manchild. The original series, plus End of Evangelion, is far better than the original Bebop series and movie.

Best films ever made since 1990:

1. Eyes Wide Shut
2. Mullholland Drive
3. End of Evangelion
4. Tree of Life
4. Inception

>Then what the fuck is Space Dandy? Are you seriously gonna try and tell me THAT isn't an obvious cash grab in the same vein of the original show?

Yeah, I am. Completely different shows.

>4. Tree of Life
>4. Inception

Bump again, star shitter

>a protagonist doesnt need to have redeeming qualities to be relatable
>actually believing this

Yeah, I can relate to Batman more. He had some pain in his life and he uses those experiences to motivate himself to do good.
Shinji is just a selfish little shit who abuses those around him and makes excuses for himself at every opportunity.

Relatable protagonists? Sure, off the top of my head I'll give one from every piece of media.
book - FitzChivalry Farseer
anime - Yang Wenli
manga - Guts
cartoons - Aang
comics - Rick Grimes
games - Mae Borowski
film - Luke Skywalker
tv - Joel Fleischman

All of them are relatable protagonists that I came up with in like 2 minutes.


Not him, but man, you're fucking retarded.

>book - FitzChivalry Farseer
>anime - Yang Wenli
>manga - Guts
>cartoons - Aang
>comics - Rick Grimes
>games - Mae Borowski
>film - Luke Skywalker
>tv - Joel Fleischman

Kill yourself. You are like reddit and hot-topic incarnate. Holy shit.

Bullshit. It's the same show but even worse. Evangelion the series is nothing like the movies, especially considering the show was good and movies aren't.

Explain yourselves cunts.
The only explanation I can see is that your lives are so shit and you're such despicable people that you're actually somewhat like Shinji.

You straight up got the autism mane.

You can't see any other explanation because you lack self-awareness.

Shinji is an emotionally stunted kid with a dead mother and a completely withdrawn father.

Your inability to empathise might actually be an indicator of a deeper mental abnormality, or you just never emotionally matured past the age of 5.

A character who only has flaws and no positives doesn't become relatable just because you give them a sobby backstory. What is this, Xfactor?

Yeah, you actually have autism.

The idea that a character has to have "positives" to be relatable can only come from the mind of a manchild.

They do if you have the emotional intelligence to recognize your own flaws. If you're an emotionally stunted manchild, not so much.

If you actually knew any of the characters from my list you'd know that they all have their flaws, but also their positives.
A character needs both to be relatable.
Every person in the world has something good about them, a character that doesn't is unrealistic and unrelatable.

>Every person in the world has something good about them
This is why you don't raise kids in front of a television, folks.

Meme anime wise it would be Shoebill. Iwant to make friends and try my best to be a nice person, but i still give off creepy vibs to other people due to being a 6 foot black man whom dosen't shave much and has issues smiling.

Yeah, you need to get outside dude. What kind of lonely, isolated existence has made you think "everyone has something good about them?"

If you actually believe that there are real people with no redeeming qualities then you're the sheltered and unsocialised ones.

Again, this is something from TV and cartoons, not real life. Real life has serial rapists and child murderers.