people implying Russia is somehow anti-muslim

> people implying Russia is somehow anti-muslim
> meanwhile, there are 9 million muslims in Russia
> the same number as the entire population of United Arab Emirates

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B-But I thought Russia was le based white country...

What the fuck I love Russia now!

>western european demographics without the money


Russia has colonized the Muslims and rule over their lands, despite that Russians are still majority in every corner of Russia

Europe is being reverse colonized and Europeans are slowly turning into minorities in their own lands

muslims have been in russia for a long time and isn't arabs/blacks like in other european countries

Russian empire conquered Turkestan, conquered North Caucasus, Tatar areas, thus they get Muslims. It's different, if you conquer people, you can expect them to move within the empire, otherwise, don't fucking conquer them.

For most of Western Europe, the Muslims come from non-conquered areas, like Morocco and Turkey for us (we never ruled those places).

yeah the Russian muslims just bomb metros and theatres


fuck off butthurt diaspora

they do it because Russia rules over them you brainlet, they are rebelling

in the case of Europe, it's a conquest, not a rebellion

Russians are BLACK

>Meanwhile Moscow has the largest muslim population of all european capitals with 20% of the population (1.5 million) being muslim migrant workers from central asia

>The Chechens that joined ISIS were only doing it for self determination, I swear !

how do you think muslims got there in the first place?

don't worry sweetie, russians are 150 million, the entire islamic world will have to pour into russia to replace them

Russians are w*hiteoids (one in the middle 4example) next to him are BLACK tatar and BLACK chechen

how did muslims get into USA in 9/11?

i heard that putin hired chechen vets to be his personal subjugation troop for several special jobs
for that service, putin also protect what chechen asked

Considering the rate that ryssä are killing themselves with poverty and alcoholism they'll need all the muslim bulls they get to replenish the population ;)

not sure what your point is

why don't you go pick your sister up from club swagga and not bother with what superior humans are up to


im not sure what your point is either

There are 20 million Muslims in Russia, not 9 million.

I was going by wikipedia. So maybe it's even 20 million.

Muslims from Russia differ from the Muslims of Turkey/Middle east. They are relatively less violent, they arent immigrants (tatars and chechens for example still live in their homeland, thus there are no ghettos like in UK) and they usually assimilate well eventually

15% already? How long until "56%" applies to russia too?

are you unable to hold a conservation or are you just shitposting?

>he thinks the putinbot actually has any independent cognitive ability
don't waste your time with the little goblin.

>They are relatively less violent
Wasn't there a war with the chechens that included them making terrorist attacks in Moscow?

Putin always defends Islam and praises multiculturalism. Russia has the houses the world's 3rd largest number of immigrants, ony beaten by Germany very recently due to the refugee crisis. He literally said that "those who say Russia for Russians are either idiots or provocateurs". Russia is one of the few countries where holocaust denial is illegal. Btw it's also illegal to insult Islam in Russia, hence why the Charlie Hebdo cartoons got banned there.
Western media likes pushe the idea that Putin is an agressive nationalist but this is nothing but propaganda. Meanwhile Navalny, a so-called "oppositional hero" is a literal nazi.
Fucking western hypocrites. Read those articles

are you a girl or just a lowtest soyboy?

>people implying Russia is somehow anti-muslim
It's just Sup Forumstards from the Land of the Free.

Why must one be anti-Muslim? Why not pro-something that helps you keep your society, culture or whatever you want?

Wikipedia states that the estimates range from 6-15%. I've even seen figures close to 20 percent

Most Muslims are Tatars. Most Tatars are as Muslim as Russians are Christian. Real Muslims live in Caucasus and Moscow (Azians).

that's amerigoblin mentality affecting Europe, they never see the beauty in things, they only have hatred, mostly for themselves

it's not like the whole mentality of hatred hasn't been originally conceived in europe

The chechens and the ingushetians are the only ones involved in terrorism afaik
But they are also the smallest in population
Tatars for example are 5-6 million and are nominally muslim but much like the rest, "holiday believers" if you will but not much else

It was the 90s and 2000s, political situation was very unstable everywhere in former USSR. For today, chechen leader pledged full loaylty and devotion to Putin

>Russia is one of the few countries where holocaust denial is illegal.
Not, it's not. Another mistake. Advocating German Nazi crimes is illegal, not denying Holocaust. WWII is about Germans vs. us, not Germans vs. some Jews here.
>Meanwhile Navalny, a so-called "oppositional hero" is a literal nazi.
He is for the moderate control of immigration.

we still has less teracts than france/uk
despite having a fucking terrorist region in our country.
May i say GIGN and SAS btfo?

Navalny took part in nationalist rallies and is against mass immigration. Many of his supporters are nazis

Oh the irony.

This, lol.

Our guys doing good job btw.

Putin's election campaign poster

>Many of his supporters are nazis
This is what his supporters look like



>"Russia is the last bastion of the white race"

We don't have a law about Holocaust denial. Wikipedia is not a book of Russian laws. I alredy had an argument about it here, I have red the law.



>Navalny took part in nationalist rallies and is against mass immigration.
It doesn't make him Nazi, lol.
>Many of his supporters are nazis
We don't have any significant number of Nazis in Russia, even in Moscow. Navalny has many supporters in many regions including national republics.

Literally Hitlers.

North Caucasus is cancer tho

It's that crazy German again. He was butthurt about some Ukrainians last time. Take your pills, Hans Ivanovich!

There are some highland mico nationalities who are Pagan/Christian and dindu. Regular people I suppose.

Navalny is co-organizer of the Russian march where people are walking around with the imperial flag shouting things like “Russia for the Russians” and “Stop feeding the Caucasus”

what irony? you're a faggot and you're butthurt because putin wont tolerate your propaganda?

Most of his supporters look like this, young white and nationalist
Most Putin supporters are Muslims and commies



I really like how you can take your personal experiences and project them on other people

Funny that "black" in Russia is referring to caucasians and not africans.

>Navalny is co-organizer of the Russian march
Never heard of that. Proofs? He wasn't to it for like 2 years if I'm not mistaken. Anyways Russian march is a non-thing. Some 500-700 funny people with funny banners.

>Stop feeding the Caucasus

>Most of his supporters look like this, young white and nationalist
We don't have so many nationalists.
>Most Putin supporters are Muslims and commies
We don't have so Many Muslims. And commies acyually support, well, Zuganov.


brilliant argument amigo

How much in denial u are right now

I posted it here >We don't have so Many Muslims.
Already discussed ITT. Up to 15% is a lot, that's a higher percentage than that of Blacks in America

>Meanwhile Navalny, a so-called "oppositional hero" is a literal nazi.

It actually is, you just lack introspection to realize it.

>Already discussed ITT. Up to 15%
You just proved my pioint. We don't have so many. Any facts not taken from someone's ass?

it isn't, you're a lowtest numale

>I have red the law.

>much in denial
You make things up and deny facts. Already was proven wrong about the Holocaust law that doesn't exist here. Lurk more.

Is Russia muslim friendly?
Am I welcomed in Russia?
I am an ex-muslim atheist but really want to experience the Islam in Russia

looks very comfy desu

This thread looks like battle of two retarded bots.

>not so many
You wot? Germany is 5% Muslim and is already called a caliphate.
15% means every 7th Russian citizen practises Islam. That's a fucking lot

WTF, hail Navalny now.

It was like a year ago. Google it if you want.

>You wot?
15% doen't make you a president. You said most of his supporters are Muslim.


>15% means every 7th Russian citizen practises Islam.
This is absolute bullshit for retarded foreigners. They also say Russia is 83% Orthodox. Nobody practices shit here except maybe like 3-5% of the population in general and that if you count all the religions.

If you want war maybe.

Russians are proud MONGOL warriors

>Navalny is co-organizer of the Russian march
>I posted it here
I've read it, it just says he was a co-organizer. Can you bring some real facts?

I showed you my dick answer me

How the fuck is it bad if Navalny is a nationalist?
Russia NEEDS a nazi revolution to clean up house from filth that has been accumulating for a century in a biological, economic and cultural sense.

no, fuck off now milenial

he is libcuck with edgy rhetorics
same team with sorosoid hohols

I think most people wouldn't care if you are Muslim or ex-Muslim

>he is lib
But he is not? He is a democrat actually?

In reality Russians are fine and tolerant people, especially in the bigger cities

They are a bit introspective and drink a lot

But they are glad if you show interest in their culture, because everyone keeps showing them as monsters and/or poor drunktards

Islam is mostly concentrated in a few Caucasus regions, plus bigger cities. Most Russia is not muslim.


t. ahmed

Many are just meme muslims, like in Tatarstan or Bashkortostan.

A lot of secular muslims.

>But he is not?

I don't get it.

>Russians are fine and tolerant people, especially in the bigger cities
Bigger cities re less tolerant because they have immigrant problem. At least from my perspective.

please tell me who else except most braindead libcucks supported pussy riot for example?
you must be absolutely out of you mind to support faggotry circus and separatism and think to pass as nationalist/patriot/not american tool( at least)

If russia is a normal country (which it really isn't but lets pretend anyway) then the anti-immigrantion sentiments should be more prominent outside major cities, like in every single other country.

Of course anti-immigration sentiments go statistically more hand in hand with poverty and lack of education than city/outside city so maybe everyone is a racist in russia?

I mourn over France every day, tho you don't have to be salty. Inshallah my dude.