Why isn't this as popular as Breaking Bad?

Why isn't this as popular as Breaking Bad?

The real question is why was Breaking Bad so popular?

breaking bad had solid pleb appeal via wacky violent drug war premise, keeping them engaged between what looks to them like "nothing happens"

saul ditches most of that for pure slowkino, outside of the mike scenes; if you aren't capable of paying attention and letting yourself be absorbed, there's nothing in it for you

because bryan Cranston is a better actor than the entire cast combined.

and his story is more interesting

Name one spin off that was as good/popular as the main series?


Dragon Ball Z

The Simpsons
King of the Hill

Better call Saul!!

>Thinking overacting is good

fuck off, King of the Hill isn't a spinoff

maybe Saul is not so popular as BB but it is definetly as good as BB.

Because it's extremely boring and this is coming from a guy who sat through Il Gatopardo

I read that greentext in Dr. Nowzaders voice and now I am a meat popsicle

star gate universe

Ffs you fedoralords ruin every BCS thread
Mike sitting in cars and fiddling with tracking devices is boring. Boring isn't always bad, but this show is excessively slow. Stop acting like you're smarter than everyone else by pretending to enjoy the glacial pacing.

it wasn't
People didnt watch BB until later seasons. BCS actually has better ratings than BB did.

Fuck I forgot to close my spoiler tags.

But the Mike scenes ARE what makes this show so fucking unbearably slow. The Jimmy scenes are decently paced for the most part and pretty interesting.

except they shit the bed in season 5. They could have just ended the series with Walt kills Gus and takes over his operation thats it.
The whole ending of the series felt incredibly contrived and weird like bad fanfiction and completely illogical and shitbrained reactions from characters which was bleeding out in S4 with Jesse siding with Gus after Jesse caused the entire situation for Walt and Gus to have a falling out in the first place. Walt's loyalty to Jesse is ultimately what fucked everything up in the first place but jesse is such a fucking retard thinking with his dick and bizzare moral standards that he cant see Walt has done everything for him but cant see that because of plot contrivances making Walt out to be a bad person.

Jesse deserves all the bad shit that has happened to him while Walt just got in way over his head in terms of sentimentality trying to always make up for his losses in life by trying to brute force his relationship with jesse as sort of a mix of business partner/surrogate son because of his failed family and professional career. If walt had any faults its that he was overly obsessed with trying to make up for his mistakes that hurt his ego which ultimately consumed him and failed to have any lasting legacy because Jesse always was a train wreck piece of shit with no objective sense of reality beyond his own entitled sense of what he wants and thinks he deserves despite the life and world he cultivated around him. Jesse is the type of person who blames everyone else before himself and then quickly moves on to his next meal ticket or pussy after everything has collapsed on him.

Literally 90% of Breaking Bad "fans" are low attention span redditors who jumped on the bandwagon in the 5th season and are overly-proud of "being there for it" even as briefly as they were.

Regardless, Better Call Saul's lowest-viewed episodes were about par for the course for Breaking Bad until Gale and Gus's murders started creating buzz.

Yes it is. Hank Hill came from Beavis and Butthead

because its shit

Id rather watch Mike fiddle with batteries than to see Walther and Skyler family drama again.

I realize I'm fully embracing my pleb status when I say this, but for me, Breaking Bad didn't really fully grab me until the final season (mostly because I knew the series had to end and they couldn't drag it out any longer).

There were several aspects of the show that strained credibility much of the time, and the "consequences of own's actions" was often way too heavy-handed for my liking (the plane crash storyline being the worst example).

I find myself liking BCS more than BB because Jimmy's far more likable and relatable than Walt ever was, and however awful Jimmy can be at times, his motivations ring true.

Wrong. You're thinking of "Tom Anderson", who might have been the prototype for Hank Hill, but he *wasn't* Hank.

Because we already know what happens.

Mental midget redditor

What happened to the data? WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DATA!!?!??????!?

Why is Chuck such a dick, bros?

Mike driving around for an hour would be a better show than half of BB

Walter is more relatble, he's a family man that wants to provide for his family. It turns extreme but his original motivations explain.

Jimmy has is an actual lawyer who could have everything he wanted, and he did. Great job, nice girl and would've been earning a lot. He pisses it all away because hes a greedy fuck. He's not relatable to the average family.

Inferiority complex

I hated the first season and havn't watched it since. desu in hindsight Breaking Bad was way over rated and jumped the shark after season 2.



its just vince jerking him self off

>about 4 million plebes tuned in to S1E1 expecting to see nonstop "YEAH BITCH" and cartel shootouts

Except he doesn't piss it away because of greed at all. In fact, he sacrifices the big car and the big salary without blinking an eye for a more humble and far less well paying alternative that happened to be more in line with his real self. I think a lot of people working decent paying, yet soul crushing jobs can relate to that.

Not in a million years

Pretty sure they tuned in to see Saul Goodman doing crooked lawyer shit, like what was advertized in the actual title of the show.

He does do crooked lawyer shit in the very first episode (the car crash scam with the skateboarders) yet those people all still tuned out.

You're right, I guess. It's just with walt I felt sympathy because hes just trying to provide for his family and doing so causes him to get into increasingly escalating situations, untill you see how fucked he is.

With Jimmy I think you're supposed to feel sympathy because he keeps getting cucked by chuck. But I can't because the dude is still clearly a slimy snake oil salesman and his shady behaviour does him no favours.

Better call Saul?
More like Better cancel Saul amirite?

It's because of DVRs. 2million people are watching it on DVR.

>it totally is
But fine, Daria

Because it's sad. It's a better show though.

Things happened in BB

Things don't happen in BCS

Would have been better if it did pick up with Saul and what happened to him after Breaking Bad.

It does to some extent.

Sure, in another 2 seasons, but at that point it'll have still done better than the majority of other shows AMC has going.

>except they shit the bed in season 5. They could have just ended the series with Walt kills Gus and takes over his operation thats it.
Writers who can't let antiheroes 'win' because they're 'bad guys' and crimes doesn't pay and blah blah. The show tries to be a morality tale, but it loses to the fact that Walt and his criminal escapades are the reason people watched it in the first place. 'Bad guys' get ahead all the time in life and BB already isn't realistic.

It's like Death Note and BBS5 is similar to that series post-L where the series goes downhill after its biggest moment so writers can push their "hey, protagonist is a bad guy and he has to be stopped" shit. Only BB is even sloppier because they still pulled some Neo-Nazis out their asses so Walt could die doing something heroic. To the end, for all his bullshit, Walt is still more sympathetic than retards like Jesse and Skyler.

Enough happens in 40-60 minutes to make it worth watching on Monday though.

100% this.
Of course plebs will get triggered as they simply lack all means to comprehend why realism can be perceived as entertaining.

You're a fucking stupid weeb who has literally no idea what you're talking about.

>bryan Cranston is a better actor than the entire cast combined

>tfw I pretend that the season 4 finale was the BB series finale
>tfw I now pretend that the flash-forwards to Saul in Omaha are showing him on the run from the meth kingpin who calls himself "Heisenberg"

that isnt a pleb opinion. brainlets like BB more because of le epic badass walt xDD without considering any characters development or motivation. BCS isnt a perfect show, but it definitely better than BB. it isnt too popular because, like other people said, it doesnt have pointless action scenes every episode and is more character driven.

Sweet argument, redditor.

>come to an anime imageboard
>complain that people watch anime
that user has bad taste but he actually does have an idea of whats he talking about. the biggest reason season 5 sucked is because the writers couldnt let a bad guy win. Vince got too big of a head and felt the show needed to have a message and he chose "crime doesnt pay" even though it has for most of the characters this whole shows without any consequences and in real life where the only criminals who go to jail are blue collar criminals. if it ended in season 4, i would actually really like the show, but with season 5, it turned into the most hamfisted morality tale on TV


easy, law and order svu

>I stopped watching it because it's boring.
t. my boss

Is he a meme on Sup Forums yet? I love this guy. No nonsense:

>No, you are lying, you didn't diet.
>You actually gained more weight, I can see it here.
>You will die in 2 weeks if you don't stop now.

He has seen too much self-centered "I am the victim" fatties in his life to fall for their shit.

First season was indeed shit. 2nd was better. 3rth is even better so far.

Not enough explosions and gun fights to keep the normies invested.

Will this pathetic strawman ever be laid to rest?

The show is kind of a slow burn and I can see how that would turn off a lot of people. Like people who would tune in with buds for a weekly watch to have something exciting to gab about for the rest of the week would definitely be turned off at some points in season 2 where there was just streaks of episodes of no real rapid forward progress and just a bunch of character development.

This show has no character development though. Literally everyone is the exact same from season 1 ep 1 to the latest episode of season 3. Only the circumstances have slightly changed.


It's fairly mediocre but I appreciate its visual approach to storytelling

I remember watching it in season 1 where everyone on Sup Forums said it was great but will get cancelled due to writer's strike. After no mentions of season 2 due to that, I forgot about the show but later learnt it's gotten 4 seasons later.

Another issue with this show is the size of the cast, I think. It feels like their should be more people the whole ensemble is just kinda small. It wasn't so much a issue in the first season, as the hamlin guy an the crazy imbezzelment couple helped flesh out the cast, and were interesting. But for the last two seasons its pretty much been just Jimmy, Chuck, Kim, and mike with a whole bunch of bland cardboard characters that float in and out of scenes, or one-off loons. BB in contrast, never really felt lacking for cast. The whole show seems kinda empty


Season 2 and 3 are the worst BrBa seasons.

nothing happens: the series

The originals

Xena Warrior Princess
Rock Lee and his ninja pals

Ayooo, hol up, you be saying that Jesse a woman? Shieeeeeeeeeet!

If you watched the show you'd realise how fucking retarded this comment is

>Saul Goodman is patient zero of the zombie disease in TWD

And in the finale, it is revealed the the McGills actually changed their name from McCullough, thus linking all of AMCs programming in the same universe.