Is Bane a big guy?

Is Bane a big guy?


if dubs then baneposting will live forever

baneposters BTFO

CIA, will I ever get maarried?

It's finally over?

Is OP from reddit?

Do I have a chance to get my shit together in the future?

Will MLJM ever love me?

Will I die a painless death?

For the second time I asked to CIA, and for the second time he said it doesn't matter


Am I just praying to a false God, CIA?

Am I a big guy?

is rick and morty kino?

For me

>Not sure

jesus, my world is shaken

Will I git gud in fightan vidya

.t big guy

Will I sleep with that girl I like?

Do I go to sleep?

It will never die.

Roll trips to get permission for it to die.

I knew it. Get schwifteyyy

Should i keep watching lord of the rings in swedish?

Hello my fellow C.I.A. Members.