Tfw someone says that Justice League is going to suck

>tfw someone says that Justice League is going to suck

I want to crush that woman's face with my feet.

I was just joking about that. Stop acting like such a butthole.

I want to shove a kitchen knife through her flabby tits and fuck the hole.


Why's that lil nigga wearing goggles

you want to give her pleasure?

Oh yes, Sup Forums is much worse than Sup Forums. The same place who was too STUPID to understand a movie line and turned it into "BIG GUY FOR YOU, WE WERE BEING RETARDED ON PURPOSE" and that posts cunny threads, yes people should leave Sup Forums to the quality posting and go somewhere else.
I'd kill you right now if I could you piece of human shit.

I want to kick her like I want to kick memeposters.

At least they talk about the purpose of the board on Sup Forums.

yes Sup Forumsedditor, your board is cancer. Now go back to it, and spam your epic meme videos there. Favorite directors btw? :^)

Punished cody: A child denied Disneyland

Someone make a shop

>Your board

See boy, I'm not autistic so I don't belong to a board, Sup Forums is a fucking imageboard that you open on a tab and go to the boards that share your interests, you don't live in one like the sad lonely neckbeard virgin you are.
You faggots are worst than reddit, you'd wear a Sup Forums tshirt if Hiroshima was selling them.

Shit bait by the way, I just replied because I know you feed on (You)s and I want you to wallow in your misery for one more day.

She really is an awful person and mother. Having children shouldn't be a right, it should be a privilege you have to earn. Some people really, really shouldn't bring children into the world.

But user, Justice League IS going to suck.

Here's how it works:

Marvel makes movies that are a license to print money, but their cartoon adaptations are lackluster and forgettable. Last good one was the 90s Xmen.

DC makes movies post-Nolan that are box office cancer. However their cartoon adaptations are fucking incredible. Watch Justice League/JLU cartoons. They're like scotch, they literally get better with age.

your board, as in the only board you actually belong to, because you actually do know about video games, and play them all day. For some reason though you decided you want to ruin a board for movies. Take your youtube trash to Sup Forums, and come visit us again when you turn 18.


whats the update on daddyofive?

is cody safe?

he fucking DIE

the father killed all the kids because he can't make more money

Looked it up and apparently they've done other pranks where they emotionally torture their son for Jewtube clicks. No idea how they haven't faced any repressions yet.


It's actually pretty painful to watch. Poor kids.

Actually never mind apparently they're fucked lmao