Tell me please about english swearing. Are screw, frick, heck irrelevant? Is "to screw" rude? Is "a hell" rude...

Tell me please about english swearing. Are screw, frick, heck irrelevant? Is "to screw" rude? Is "a hell" rude? Do someone use frick and heck?
We can say go to huy/pizda/her/hren/chort/fig.
Go to huy and pizda translated as "fuck you". Chort means satan or imp so I can translate "go to chort" as "go to hell". But "chort" and "fig" are not rude. "Hren" and "her" are more ruder, sometimes "her" be censored but I don't know how to translate them. So I ask again are "screw you" and " go to hell" sound rude?

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Screw is rude
Frick and heck are used only by 2nd graders who aren't allowed to swear by their parents

Sees flag???

What do you mean?

Frick, heck are what you say when you want to swear but want to act polite. Frick=fuck, heck=hell.

Kinda like saying blin instead of bljat.

Screw you and go to hell are definitely rude, but go to hell is more rude I think.

Kids talk to each other casually in Western English and not in Chinese or some local form of English or whatever in school?

>Frick, heck are what you say when you want to swear but want to act polite
What eight-year-olds say*

Local form of English. It's the lingua franca and language of education.

Yeah, that and your grandma.

Do you actually, unironically use the words "frick" and "heck" in speech?


Russians swear by saying 'horseradish'?

>Are screw, frick, heck irrelevant?
American kids words.

I mean do they use words like "heck", "frick" or whatever English slangs/expletives because they seem too Western. I thought you'd have adopted such words from your own language.

Girls use "freaking" a lot. Guys just say "fuck", because no one uses those words outside of American kids from elementary school.

Youths here are very, very westernised. Many of them (including myself) have already dropped the local variant of colloquial English in favour of a foreign accent and proper grammar.

I never speak English, but if I was around kids I'd probably say "what the heck" and not "what the hell".

It also means "dick". Parents can say little kid to don't say "What the hrenь" or something but it's not very rude.
>go to hell
How it could be more rude than screw you? It's just hell, not a cunt or an asshole. "To screw" means to fuck/to have sex so it's close to "to fuck" I think.

We also say ebat' huem pizdu blyadi

I guess that's fine, but don't do that when you're communicating with any Anglophone adult. You'll just sound like an adolescent.

Where did you learn english?

>getting fucked for some minutes
>spend an eternity in hell with constant suffering

Is cyka and blyat bad words in Russia that are commonly used?

I say 'syka' and 'blyat (with 't', not 'd') practically every day, but don't use 'blyad'

I didn't and don't learn english. Just read some shit in internet and learned basic in school.

What's the difference between pronouncing it with a t and a d?

We also say blya.

blyat is 'fuck' and blyad means 'whore'

Wish they also dabbed Clerks

You know, there are English medium schools here too. In fact higher education exists only in English. Also rich, white-collar class kids usually study in English throughout from the first grade. But even in English medium schools, it is very rare to see children talking to each other in English. It can be seen in Bangalore, I think nowhere else in the country, because of the large number of non-Kannadigas. But then it's always our own local way of speaking. I can never get myself to speak in Western English although I can write in it. Also many kids really suck at English inspite of attending English medium school for most of their lives. Even some teachers don't explain things in English even though the text material is in English.