Post-Infinity War MCU Will Be Very Different

>“We’ve been lucky that [contract expirations] haven’t factored in too much. We’ve had people under contract for certain films, then we’ve had new ideas and new directions like Civil War like we wanted to do, and we’ve been lucky enough to make new contracts. … Certainly, as we get to Infinity War there is a sense of a climax if not a conclusion to, by the time we’re at untitled Avengers 4, the 22 movies that will have encompassed the first three phases of the MCU. And what happens after that will be very different. I don’t know if it’s Phase 4, it might be a new thing.”

Get ready for female thor

You mean Whor lol

What's the point of the (((Phases)))? No, really. They all are the same shit. No difference in tone or story.

They wouldn't go the diversity route without trying a solo female flick first. And I don't see a solo female flick.

Wonder how casual audience goers will handle reboots

Everyone loved The Farce Awakens

Aren't they doing one with Brie Larson or whatever

Marvel playing catch-up to the DCEU

the farce engorges

Bring back Blade in a big budget R-rated action romp, niggas.

I expect the bubble to burst after this MCU phases but I don't want to think what will become the new trend

video games movies
monsters movies
space fantasy movies

It's going to be no new movies for a solid 2 years, and then a Secret Wars event where the MCU reboots into the Ultimate Cinematic Universe starting with Fantastic 4

Vidya movies have been failing, anime adaptations have been failing. Kaijukino it is.

>there are people who actually watch this shit for 22 movies
for what reason

>black female thor
>black captain america and Spiderman
>black, female iron man
>female hulk, probably black

What is Captain Marvel

End this shit.

They're fun.

I'm happy with that.

Hollywood Gamera please.

And Muslim Ms Marvel

To be entertained

No they're not. They're all the same boring shit with no redeeming qualities.

>monsters movies

I think that's the next big trend... Zombie stuff is getting old, Twilight stink is still all over vampires and Star Wars has space sort of locked up. So if you were searching for your next franchise out of no where it's monster movies.

Hispanic captain america when?

The one time it worked.
Nice hyperbole, shame it doesn't mean anything to the majority of the people who saw them.

Wanda will merge with the reality gem and reboot the MCU now with Mutants

>Hulk is a sassy fat black lady now

I would honestly probably watch that

Nice passive aggressive attitude.

when will you capeshit kiddies learn

Basically the average black lady but green

Cast him and main villain

It made 2 billion dollars, do yeah

Are you autistic?

Just trying to fit in to the crowd here

Why doesn't marvel have a disabled superhero yet?

Fucking racists`

Kamala a cute!

Daredevil is a blind.

Professor X is owned by Fox

Daredevil is better than a person with normal eyesight.
I'm shitposting

B R I S B A N E ?

Can't wait.

you could just, like, stop making movies