Is he the worst Villain ever?

I hated how whiney and ineffective Kylo Ren was. They start the movie out with him being a masterful force badass and by the end of the movie he's getting his ass kicked by an untrained force user.

>he's the villain

From whose point of view? Who's to say he's not the protagonist?

He's the love interest. Nu-Star Wars has no villain.

He's not even a villain, just a cuck with anger problems.

That's the point. I didn't even watch the movie and I know it.

He's a pathetic Darth Vader wannabe with daddy issues who tries to compensate for how laughable he is by acquiring dark powers. It's actually one of the best character commentaries I've seen.

>I hated how whiney and ineffective Kylo Ren was
That's the whole point you dumb fuck. He's just some kid pretending to be Darth Vader.

>he's not the cool evil badass I thought he was omg worst villain EVEEER

He's the only redeeming factor of the new trilogy you surface level filthy casual, do you really want literally everything to be as generic as possible?

> fans make fun of his character relentlessly
> in episode 8 he goes completely apeshit
> tortures and murders younglings
> harvests limbs from random people
> attaches the limbs to droids for his amusement
> spins a wheel to find out which planet they're going to destroy today
> randomly force-chokes anyone nearby
> makes Vader and Palpatine look like T-14 in comparison

two words, baby:

Gaius Fucking Caligula.

>> spins a wheel to find out which planet they're going to destroy today

That's a good trick

>I hated how whiney and ineffective Kylo Ren was.
That was the point. He was basically prequels Anakin but done right.

I like how Kylo Ren isn't just a stock "bad guy" like Darth Vader was in the first one. I like that he actually has character and personality and flaws. It makes him interesting because there's actually more to him. He's not just some dark menacing threat, he's like an actual person with genuine motivations beyond just wanting power or enjoying doing bad things.

>do you really want literally everything to be as generic as possible?
You mean like in the OT?

Yeah, pretty much.

No, he isn't bad at all. Does every villain have to be an unstoppable force with no real character?

Isn't that exactly what they were trying to do with his character? He thinks he's scary and awesome, but he's really just a whiny bitch that sucks?

>One is a galaxy-feared Sith, capable of controlling the entire galaxy with a single superweapon that can crush any resistance, a master of force powers, with ambiguous motives
>The other is Kylo Ren

Yes, I do not want to watch the OT all over again, I wish the new trilogy was something new in the SW universe entirely.

it will be neat to see him "complete his training"

In what way?

is there a consortium of tripfags that makes sure there is always a shit opinion being spewed out

everything kylo's done as part of his training has just been a deliberate attack on luke's psyche

Is this the most autistic Star Wars villian?

Sounds gay as fuck

I think he will dismiss the image of Darth Vader entirely in TLJ.

Luke will more then likely tell him about Vader's true last moments in an attempt to reedem Kylo back, but that will only cement Kylo even more on the Dark Side while actually calling Vader weak because he felt the pull of the light, where Kylo straight up murdered his own father while feeling the same pull.

And that's maybe what that shot of the destroyed Kylo mask in the teaser trailer was about, him losing the edgy wannabe Vader act alltogether.

Never gonna happen. Disney would see that as not marketable. Kids wouldn't wanna buy action figures of a big meany-head, user

>try to bring kylo to the light

my theory is that snoke wants luke as his apprentice, and is using kylo to break him and draw him out.

>Luke will more then likely tell him about Vader's true last moments in an attempt to reedem Kylo back

snoke already told kylo what happened, as a warning of what happens when a sith lets their emotions weaken them.

The concept is good, the execution (at least by now) is bad

I'll take kylo faggot

>mfw just ordered his hot toys

he looks so fucking weird i just can't get past it. like why is his face so big.

How hard IS it to freeze a blaster projectile in the air?

Nah fuck off, kylo is the only interesting character (sans luke) in this new trilogy. Meaning he was done successfully dipshit.

adam driver is based yall just haters

Unironically how Snape should have looked

>all these fuckers defending Kylo in this thread
not all villains need to be as mysterious and imposing as Darth Vader, but when the villain is portrayed as as a weak, whiny bitch, why the fuck would I keep watching the series?
we've already seen that bitch Rey defeat him in combat after he had years of training and she hadn't had a single day of training. now she is going to get some real training from a Jedi and they will presumably have a rematch. why the fuck would anyone expect her to lose the rematch?!
even if Kylo wasn't such a shitty villain, Episode 7 still would have been a giant pile of shit, but I might have been a tiny bit interested in Episode 8 if the expectation wasn't that Kylo is just going to get his ass kicked again.

>Kids wouldn't wanna buy action figures of a big meany-head, user
>darth vader merchandise has been some of the best selling merchandise of all time
are you really this retarded?

>why would i want to watch a movie where the villain isn't a 2D caricature

>but when the villain is portrayed as as a weak, whiny bitch, why the fuck would I keep watching the series
Because Snoke's there too

>is the best character in the movie the worst one?

stop this meme

>but when the villain is portrayed as as a weak, whiny bitch, why the fuck would I keep watching the series?

because he has a lightsaber and the force and is therefore capable of fucking up the main character(s).

of course that requires you to actually give a shit about the main characters, but that's a different problem


it's not like villains play underhanded to put the other characters at disadvantage or anything

He's a bad villain but the best character

>the point of a villain is just to be the most physically powerful figure

Also Kylo wasn't even trying to kill her, he tried to take her as an apprentice because he felt that she was powerful, then Rey went raging and caught him by surprise.

>b-but finn fought good too
No he didn’t, Kylo was literally toying with him until he managed to connect a single hit and Kylo BTFO'd him immediately after that.

Though the literal hand to hand overpowerment from Rey was too much no matter his emotional and physical distress, I agree.

>ooooooh no he jobbed once, so now he's fucked forever

try jobbing 10000000 times, then come back to me

I hope it doesn't take you by surprise to see him transformed into Draco Malfoy

im still hoping hell play a role in the kaido arc and make that disaster even that he was so far

fucking jobber

You mean a whiny, ineffective, pathetic little kid?

Because that's already his character

No, I mean the natural conclusion of his character, which will transform Star Wars into Harry Potter and Twilight-tier fare

The whole point is that he's a rebellious kid.

Patricide might be little hard to justify from protagonist's point of view.


I understand that's what the movie wants him to be, but that doesn't make him a compelling villian

so ramsay bolton? could definitely see disney doing that, after seeing how big a draw he was for got

Yeah but who wants a main villain like that? Make him the side character

And who trained him?

He's probably just as untrained as flat-chest is
Plus for bonus points flat-chest is in the matrix and apprently has the ability to down any skill she needs as a new challenge presents itself.

Chaotic stupid the post