This qualifies for news in Britain

>this qualifies for news in Britain



>failed to take off
>gets reported by the BBC

I'm not even a Sup Forumsfag but cmon

>This counts as a bannable offense when worse things are posted about other countries every minute

If they take Sup Forums seriously then it won.

>Sup Forums
>not just a board of angry rednecks and 45 year old housewives

>Major News outlets get their news from Sup Forums
>Wonder why they're called Fake News


They take an american site for social outcasts very seriously, i don't think this is healthy.

>mentions Sup Forums dying
>more newfags come to see what Sup Forums is

What the fuck is this?

>Doesn't understand the difference between image macro and meme
Now I understand why this is so confusing for people. It's a bunch of old and very young people trying to talk to eachother.

>Sup Forums

moot sold low

>From a guy to the extremist message board
I see progress

top lel

>not understanding that this is their strategy
They want more people here because that will dilute the pool.

Holy shit.

Nothing gets past a Swede, does it?

Loads of reporters started lurking on Sup Forums during the 2016 presidential election

So now there needs to be a deep Sup Forums
A Sup Forums that devises and launches action more organically before inviting the wider Sup Forums base in on it.

You mean infinitypol?

Are these redditors why Sup Forums has become increasingly obnoxious over the past two years?

>their strategy


BBC is trash now, particularly their online content.

>not just a board of angry rednecks and 45 year old housewives
Pretty sure they are lying larpers.

>They want more people here because that will dilute the pool.
This place is a corrupting influence.

Ya, they are now hiring based on skin colour, instead of merit.

They've been doing it more a while now.

They're desperate to meet certain demographic representation and it kinda shows, especially with the shitty, poorly-written clickbait content they keep publishing

>these are the people who argue with KARA BOGA posters

It's on my news cos the BBC contacted the people and got the petition taken down

How did we fall so far bros

Also the person well started the petition was brit apparently