Thor isn't some whacky goofy roller coaster ride like guardians of the galaxy. It is based off Norse mythology medieval...

Thor isn't some whacky goofy roller coaster ride like guardians of the galaxy. It is based off Norse mythology medieval, ancient times. Thor is supposed to have a serious undertone with dark and stoic characters ffs Ragnarok is the equivalent to Armageddon in Revelations which is end of the universe as we know it. This trailer was stupid and a huge disappointment, why would you change a compelling action block bluster filled with rich story and lore into a goofy comedy with rock n roll music? Epic fail.

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Because Disney

>It is based off Norse mythology medieval, ancient times.

When will we get an accurate movie about norse gods lads?

>marvel in charge of making kino
not even once pham

>muh space viking movie isn't dark and serious enough

It's "Revelation" not "Revelations"

Thor Ragnarok trailer: DCuck edition

HAHA NICE! I just love how Thor was like," we know each other, he's a friend from work!" XD LOVE IT!!! CANT WAIT!!!

>epic fail
2007 called and it wants its jargon back.


What is this, the Thor porn parody?

The least of this turd's problems

>Thor isn't some whacky goofy roller coaster ride

Yes it is


>complaining that children's films are silly

The only ones at fault are you fucking manchilren who insist on watching kiddy films and complain that they are light entertainment

The more I think about that scene, the tone is completely fucked by Thor's line. With a serious tone it would probably get the audience more invested in the fight. The goofiness is honestly fucking childish.

>a film designed to entertain children is childish

Well shit, say it ain't fucking so

I get the hate but realistically he's been picking up on English dialect and phrases from spending so much time on Earth, there's even a change seen throughout the movies. For him to use a common phrase in a somewhat off way is an acceptable and in-character joke. It's like laughing at a foreigner who uses a phrase in English in a weird situation.

Well, because IT IS loosely based on Norse mythos, but in actuality, its based on a 5ยข comic.
Searching a dick from a whore.

Thor is indeed whacky. I'd even go so far as to call it zany. Bitch.

none of this shit is serious. None of this shit actually happened or is based on anything actually serious. Norse mythology is not some taboo subject and people don't give a shit about "world ending" scenarios because every single movie with high stakes has the world or the universe ending. So shut the fuck up and focus on important shit, not making threads on how a comic book movie is failing to represent a serious situation were billions of lives could be lost, it's idiotic to say the least. People in general don't go to the movies to be fucking depressed, not every movie is drama, this is a movie to escape reality and eat a shit ton of popcorn and have fun, because it's like eating a fucking hamburger now and then, it's not meant to be the seven seals or citizen kane or any other oscar baiting bullshit. People like you it's what's wrong in the world, too much self importance because your parents were retarded.

>be norwegian
>kind of interested in norse mythology, but never read much about it beyond school
>marvel casts a BLACK MAN as heimdal
>not only that, he was white in the comics as well!
>wow there must be an outrage!
there really wasn't one though
felt a lot like that "cultural appropriation" people talked about 2bh

>I take my coloring book adaptations very very seriously

>Norse mythology is not some taboo subject
That brings the question: why can't it be a superhero named Jesus who fights against hordes of pharisees, snakes and all that crap. He can have a robot dove and twelve faithful soldiers (one's a spy, though).

The final boss is Satan, who wants revenge after what Jesus' father did to him.

>I've never read a Thor comic
>But here I am too tell you what it's supposed to be like anyway

who says there can't? Why don't you write it user

Judas is literally a superhero in the DC comics continuity.

Odins dead


It was not Jesus Christ for whose inclusion South Park received death threats.

>It is based off Norse mythology medieval, ancient times


>Thor is supposed to have a serious undertone with dark and stoic characters ffs

the seventh seal is oscar bait now? I hope this is pasta

I wonder if South Park studios would have the balls to ever try and make (or have made) a Muhammed joke after Charlie Hebdo and the like

>serious undertone with dark and stoic characters
>rich story and lore

it's a comic book movie for little kids, it's like saying pokemon should have a serious undertone with dark and stoic characters

It's not a movie for children, if it was it wouldn't have been shilled relentlessly in a +18 board like this. It's a movie for manchildren, for subhuman sons of that "nerd culture" artistic atrocity. The trailer looked like absolute shit even by those standards, by all agree, but let's not fool ourselves. Kids barely represent a quarter of the audience of these pieces of shit, the rest, well, the rest are people like you, my friends. If you're considering paying a single cent on the third part of Thor franchise, leave this board right now. This is not your place


>A comic book movie is supposed to be serious.

You actually wrote this. Reevaluate your life, user.