"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy...

>"Nerd culture is the product of a late capitalist conspiracy, designed to infantalize the consumer as a means of non-aggressive control."
- Simon Pegg

>"A sweet-faced boy of twelve told me proudly that he had seen Star Wars over a hundred times? I said, 'do you think you could promise never to see Star Wars again?' He burst into tears. I just hope the lad, now in his thirties, is not living in a fantasy world of secondhand, childish banalities"
- Alec Guinness

>"I don't think they are making [comic book movies] an elevated art form, I think it's still just Batman running around in a stupid cape.. It's for kids, it's adolescent in its core. "
- David Cronenberg

>"I don't want to see or make films about super heroes that fly around in spandex and a cape solving the problems of the world. I think it's fine for children, children of all ages by the way, but it's not for me."
- William Friedkin

>“They have been poison, this cultural genocide, Because the audience is so overexposed to plot and explosions and shit that doesn’t mean nothing about the experience of being human.”
- Alejandro Iñárritu

>"Superman makes me vomit, Batman and all of that. That whole empire... this religion... It is so important that superheroes suffer... I don't give a damn, I shit on the United States."
- Alejandro Jodorowsky

>"To my mind, this embracing of what were unambiguously children's characters at their mid-20th century inception seems to indicate a retreat from the admittedly overwhelming complexities of modern existence"
- Alan Moore

>"The movies are for children but they don't want to admit that... There is a small group of fans that do not like comic sidekicks. They want the films to be tough like The Terminator, and they get very upset and opinionated about anything that has anything to do with being childlike."
- George Lucas

How do we save culture?

Other urls found in this thread:


Very cool.

Agreed with all of this.

What an embarrassing time to be alive.

You can't. Just keep to you and yours. Raise your children the right way, affect the people closest to you.

>"Hey check what we did while decorating Dovaakhiin's room last weekend ! I can't wait for him to grow up and become a nerd like his parents lol"

You can't


100 years ago white people were slaughtering each other by hundreds of thousands in the middle of europe

Wtf is it with women in their 20's and harry potter? They freak out over this shit.

Is there a version of this image which uses the singular rather than the plural?

>Childhood is worshipping Hitler
>Adulthood is realising that Germany destroyed whitey

this is really all it is about. Look how many nerd references we can jam down our two month's old month and post all over the internet.

is there a cut of sabrina the teenage witch that takes out everything except salem?

gas millenials

Where can I buy that sign? I want one in my bedroom and one in my man cave.

Thats too obvious an idea for there not


maybe geekpride.co.uk.net

Best post ITT.

>Simon Pegg
>stop caring about this stuff, it's only okay if I do it

don't bully him please


its pure escapism, such a low quality way to spend one's finite days on earth

As much as I encourage creation over mindless consumption, sculpting your body isn't something to criticize really.

Yes it is, as much as anything else is.

Also, Huxley was a moron who didn't understand the fundamental nature of reality.

>Yes it is, as much as anything else is.

Why? Keeps you healthy, encourages the person to develop better eating habits, to learn to cook for themselves, etc.

fuck off retard

>Not simply clarifying yourself instead of freaking out like a moron

It is when you there's no byproduct from doing it other than supposed "health". Now, if you do the same type work actually performing work like building or farming then you are doing something and getting healthy. Exercising for the sake of exercising is just masturbation. You need to work for the betterment of the community. Doing so will make you healthy.

>You need to work for the betterment of the community. Doing so will make you healthy.

You fucked up your rhetoric here. You talk to people like this, they immediately shut off to whatever you say. Really helping your community there.

What is a non-trivial culture?

Your post is the result of anti-social Jewish propaganda geared to destroy white America via controlled consumerism.

You know, once upon a time that cat really did look real.

Post posting tweets, millennial.

one could argue that what you are suggesting is very different from the escapist builder who is more concerned with a dysphoria than an actual path of holistic improvement

Now your rhetoric is just trash. You'll never help your community in that way. The thing is I agree with you, I'm just not dumb enough to use your rhetoric.

Goddamn it's disgusting isn't it.

True enough.

I've been helping my community for over 40 years, kid.

Good for you. I'm glad. Stick to it.

Do you have any evidence that the "Jewish plot" isn't just them trying to make money off manchildren as long as they can?

>isn't just them trying to make money off manchildren as long as they can?

That is itself the destruction.

I find it unlikely active destruction is the goal when there's money to be had. It's just capitalism.

people who unironically take motion pictures seriously shouldn't talk about culture

Pegg can fuck off for a start, the hypocrite.
Jodorowsky ftw, lol.

Did you even think out the logical conclusion to what you thought out, here? What do you do, first of all?

Why are SJW helping to stop the companies from appropriating our culture?

You still here or what. I wanna tear your world apart, but I gotta know what you do first.

Even Sup Forums isn't that pathetic

"I call bullshit on the Simon Pegg quote"

-Karl Marx

Fuck it, I'll do it for posterity.

Whatever the fuck you do that helps your community, you're merely helping others so that they can get back to their masturbatory hobbies. With this knowledge in mind, if you're still aiding in your community, you're only doing it because it feels good to YOU to help people, uncaring of what they do afterward. The act of helping your community then becomes your own form of masturbation.

Free Thad

it real but he backpedaled on it the next day, OP wouldn't include that obviously


We believe in REDDIT
We have epic REDDIT
Once upon a REDDIT, and in
We know the answer to
everything is REDDIT and that
The odds are REDDIT in our favour
We do REDDIT and passion
And we aim to REDDIT
And we don't care what others think
Because in this house

Well I dont blame him, gotta get that star trek money meng.

Great reply.

didn't he star for free in Star Wars TFA just to be in it like Daniel Craig did?

Same. He's probably targeting the people who want to sell you every supplement under the sun but the way he presented it was too broad.

I've pretty much forgotten about the movie and everything about it desu so I have no idea.

he was the junk dealer on Jakku apparently

does anyone have a list of all capeshit movies coming out next year?

each inch is a different vibration

You have to keep in mind that Nerd Culture or the commercialized version of it is nothing but a smokescreen for liberals and people who went to university or people who are in far too much debt, they want to reassure themselves that they made the right choice in wasting thousands upon thousands on a social science degree but are told to keep buying nerd shit because it'll make them appear smart and like they've made the right decision. They are wearing a chain around their neck and it is only getting tighter as they walk around in a circle while companies pressure them into buying crap like Funko Pop and tricking them into rebelling against the system with shitty YA movies when they are conforming to political leftist beliefs that is really destroying their soul, nerd culture is a way to crush individualism.

I don't know about you but I feel like I'm going to go fucking crazy if someone or critics mention how good the latest Marvel, Star Wars or Harry Potter movie was.

Is Capeshit and nerd culture too big to die or will something come along and replace it?

Everything dies. Nice digits btw

>Decades worth of source material to exploit

Something tells me otherwise

It stops being 'nerd culture' and just becomes culture. It is already happening.

It won't go anywhere. The internet has made it so less people are going to the theaters. The mid-budget film which may or may not be a diamond in the rough, is dead. Teens-20 somethings only go out to the movies when it's a big social event. i.e. capeshit.

I think theaters will eventually go away and in a bed to stop piracy movie companies will just stream the movies in your home for a limited time only before it becomes available on BD, that way Capeshit unfortunately continues to thrive.


High literature and the arts shall be our savior

>Mfw literature is too advanced for nerd culture enthusiasts
>Mfw good literature along with art house kino are being benched while commercialized YA books and the latest copy and paste superhero film are pushed forward more and more
>Soon religion will fall and most places of worship will be podiums for Harry Potter or Star Wars fans to preach their love to commercialism

How do we stop this, is literature the last true bastion of culture?

>that image

t. someone who literally never read BNW or BNWR

Music's pretty great.

Look to the past to save the future my friend

I used to read but then /lit/ told me that reading translations is worthless and I don't have the time to learn french, german, russian, spanish, italian etc.

at least with anime I can just read subs and I am fine

>listening to /lit/

Just read the translations anyway, it's not like they're complete gibberish or you'll miss the meaning or something

if anime existed back then then those men would be watching it

That's why they're reading manga you dingus

If you disagree with any of this you are the problem

All capeshit movies should be open to all forms of criticism

anime culture is just as bad

aside from a few genuine pieces of art it's mostly complete shit

>All Capeshit movies should be open to all forms of criticism

Interesting. I've really noticed how bitter people are if you even point out a legit flaw in comics or Capeshit movies at the height of its popularity, like when TFA came out and Sup Forums instantly noticed how much of a carbon clone of ANW it would be but normies reared their heads and screeched MUH CHILDHOOD CAN BE NO WRONG, HOW DARE YOU!

>he doesn't realize that Sup Forums is the epitome of geek culture

Most geeks end here after a being a while in the internet. Overzealousness never ends in the geek heart, be it for childish movies or to bash geek lowforms

Humanity was a mistake.

OT fags are the worst with this. ANW and ESB seem to be perfect, religious holy texts to them but for some reason they like to bash ROTJ a lot. They really did huge amounts of damage more than people who despise the prequels to fit in since everything has to cater around them.

Gotta get them FB likes


This HP font was that franchise's biggest mistake. It's so fucking ugly.

The irony is that these are probably the people who bullied others who liked Star Wars or Star Trek back in the day and they now only find it socially acceptable because it's the hip thing to do now, cunts.

I agree with these sentiments and hate comic/geek culture, but Simon Pegg sure does have a lot of gall talking shit when his career is based entirely on nerd culture.

Who hurt you, user?

Since Millennials are mostly SJWs and extreme lefties and since Capshit is I wonder if this is going to be one of the causes as to why their offspring will eventually adopt Conservatism as a sort of rebellion or counter culture much like how leftism was the counter culture of the 60s.

Either that or those unfortunate bastards all turn into Chris-chans considering they are automatically born with a phone in their mouth rather than a pacifier

>aside from a few genuine pieces of art it's mostly complete shit

The worst part of this is they never try to immerse their kids in actual nerdy shit like gekiga comics or gypsy jazz, it's always the same mass marketed shit you can get at walmart. What's the point of cultivating your child to obsess over boring media

That goes for a lot of things. Like you can't even criticize a TV show without someone telling you to "stop watching it if you don't enjoy it".

>gekiga comics
You and I would get along well, how do you feel about Yoshihiro Tatsumi?

But it's perfect for the actual target audience they originally aimed for. Young children...

Good shit, I still think hell (collected in good bye I think) is one of the best pieces of short fiction I've ever read

I have loads of COLLECTIBLE SHIT
It can probably be easily pawned for DRUG MONEY
I almost certainly have no weapons except for PROP SWORDS
Please, don't break into this house

Why are Capeshit fans so bad at finances? I've noticed a pattern here where they are pretty much obsessed with buying this shitty merchandise in an futile attempt something might be worth lots of money. Feels like it could be a coping mechanism for them. I wonder if there is an official study to show how much I'm right but it could be interesting.

I need to get round to buying Goodbye eventually, no idea why that's released in a hardcover while his other books are in paperback. A hardcover A Drifting Life would be amazing.

>Nerds are terrible people and capitalist sheep, except when they give me money

Every artist ever