
Opinions on this movie? I really enjoyed it desu.

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pure nightcore

You know the opinion

Mann's best aside from Miami Vice.

I agree MV is his best. I think Heat and Thief are better than Collateral. They're all great though.

wtf. Miami Vice was shit

The only people who can hold that opinion are plebs.

Miami Vice is a masterpiece, one of the best films of the current century.

You have terrible taste

not liking cocktails the most

what does this mean

Mann fucking sucks. Literally the only director to get a boring performance out of Daniel Day Lewis, Manhunter vs. Silence of the Lambs is absolutely embarrassing. and he got DeNiro and Pacino in a movie together and blew it.

Silence of the Lambs is trash mate

Enjoyed it so much I forgot about that movie. Cruise played amazing.

What's your guys top 5 movies ever?

Tom Cruise rarely makes a bad movie.

In fact, apart from Jack Reacher 2, I don't think hes ever made a bad movie.

>shits on Manhunter
You just outed yourself as a pleb... The ambience alone that Mann creates in that movie is better than anything in Silence of the Lambs.

one hour photo
solaris 2002
melancholia (by lars von trier)
the machinist
wall street
memories of murder
margin call
maniac 2012
the prestige
ninth gate
lost highway
eyes wide shut
whisky romeo zulu
fight club
secret window
only lovers left alive
under the skin
black swan
possible worlds

It was a perfect role for him and he played it perfectly.

Cruise will go down as the biggest movie star of the last 30 years

Watched this movie realistically 7 times.
It's good. Not on my top list but it holds your attention perfectly for a late night with a bowl of snack items.
Probably one of my faverite tom cruise movies though.


For some reason Jack Reacher 2 touched me the wrong way and I'm still upset over it. It was a bad film, it was a bad Tom Cruise film, and it ruined any chances of a Reacher series. The books are actually really good.

But you're right, he rarely makes bad movies. I love most of his movies in fact. I didn't really care for Oblivion though.

not knowing the 1988 classic cocktail starring a very straight Tom Cruise who is not gay at all

>Cruise will go down
reporting you to the FBI for suspected assassination implications

Mann is operatorkino extraordinaire

we were talking about Michael Mann's best movies you gigantic plebeian

You're trying too hard, friend.

I used to consider it one of my favorite movies of all time but not now, still it's really really good and a really nice movie to watch when you want to chill late at night, comfy as fuck

It's one of the few movies that captures late nights perfectly

>No judgement night with based emilio estevez

Fuck off.

There's so many solid 7/10+ Cruise kinos
>The Firm
>Vanilla Sky
>Jerry Maguire
>War of the Worlds
>Knight and Day
The list is endless. The guy's a fucking beast.

Cruise sucks Pitts dick on the daily compare war of the worlds to world war z.

Vanilla Sky, Jerry Maguire, Oblivion, and Knight and Day are all terrible.

I like most of the movie, but maybe 2/3 of the way in I lose interest.

I can't explain why.

The cinematography is great and the story is interesting, I just... stop caring.

LA looks great, though -- better than being there.

Where's Nightcrawler

relax mate. add it to the pic if you want.

I'd literally suck Tom's dick and I'm not even a faggot.

World War Z is trash. War of the Worlds is a masterpiece.

old pic. needs updating

I was gonna point that out to him but what's the point.

Pretty lame but I enjoyed Cruise in some operator stuff


Shut up, Vanilla Sky is kino as fuck. Oblivion was retarded though, that was a huge mistake for him.

Also Edge of Tomorrow is a really great flick. Also pre-99 he also did good works occasionally.

Vanilla Sky is a very, very bad movie my man.

dat nightclub scene

all you need to know about people who enjoy the work of Michael Mann

his movie was literally so forgettable that it only exists for people to go "wow Hopkins did Hannibal so much better"

it was good for its time

You're a faggot.

not that guy but I don't agree

it does seem very Marmite to me though, I can see why someone wouldn't like it

pure fucking kino

I like how you think loving a mainstream, Oscar winning piece of mediocrity is proof of the fact that you have good taste. Sorry but it's the opposite.

And Manhunter isn't even in the top 5 Mann movies, no idea why you keep talking about it. It is good though, leagues above Silence of the Lambs.

Can we all at least agree that Blackhat was shit in every way?

Nope. It's great.

did anyone get a Malick vibe from Miami Vice or am I being retarded

especially the scenes with Farrell and the asian bitch

Absolutely not. It feels very similar to The New World. And I mean that in the best way possible. A double feature of those two movies would make for an incredible experience.

Yeah watching Tom Couch play an idiot father running from aliens with constantly crying Downsy Fanny. Masterpiece.

You sound like someone who probably has nuanced, insightful views on art.

Say something that's great about it.

It doesn't matter what either of (You) think, all of these were a success, including Vanilla Sky.

>I like how you think that there is universal agreement that Silence of the Lambs > Manhunter is proof that liking Manhunter means you have shitty taste

whatever pal, enjoy your totally not mediocre Mann crime flicks, having one movie in the past 20 years that wasn't critically panned doesn't mean he's a bad director

It's absolutely gorgeously filmed.

Enjoy your middle-of-the-road, palatable, soccer mom movies that mainstream critics and the Oscars deem worthy.

Do you think Mann movies are more than just boring, overly serious crime thrillers? Yea those mainstream audiences really hate crime movies that must be why they don't like Mann's movies.

Liked everything except the ending
I found it depressing and hollow, not the depression that's accompanied with satisfaction either like: "Damn.. that sucks but it makes sense"

I think Jamie should have defeated Vincent using his cowardice, turning it and making it a strength somehow. Using Vincents aggression and mercilessness against him, a fight between opposites culminating with nature striking a balance in the end

I didn't see this, I saw the weaker of the two besting the other at his own game for some unexplainable reason.
That drained out the immersion which at the same time mixed in the endings somber setting and.. really fucked shit up

Sounds like you're intimately familiar with his oeuvre

They're peak crime movies though, there's just not that much market for them. I mean how many can you put out in one decade? He has more success on TV and in not-directing roles unfortunately.

It looked awful in a theater. The use of different digital cameras was extremely visible, especially during action scenes like the shootout at the docks.

Blackhat sucked but was beautiful to look at

It sounds like we have different aesthetic standards I guess.

What do you think of the look of Miami Vice? I think it's probably one of the most beautifully shot movies period.

at least 75% of his movies are about criminals

So mainly a bunch of movies from the past decade with a few 80's and 90's flicks here and there.

I think we do.
I didn't see it because I wasn't interested in either a Miami Vice movie or another Mann movie.
I can't even remember why I went to see Blackhat.

Everyone knows hacker movies are impossible to get right so I guess they decided to just go for broke with pleasing executives. It was better than it had any right to be given the circumstances.

Too bad. It's his best movie.

To be quite honest I wasn't into this movie for the story. I heard about it and saw a rip of it online and then purchased the DVD because I thought it was an enjoyable action flick.

When it comes to movies of this sort, you really do have to toss the story in the trash. But on a bit of a side note it did work pretty well. Tom Cruise is believable, although strange looking with the hairdo in this movie.

Really, this movie has some great action sequences (club scene) and works well along side movies like Ronin (my go-to) and Heat. It's in good company there.

>spring breakers
>lost in translation

You were so close

Only thing I couldn't get over was the fact that there was zero chemistry between Hemsworth and the asian chick. I thought they were going to pull one of those "decoy love interest that refuses to fuck the protagonist" shticks but unfortunately I was wrong

Has hemsworth ever had chemistry with anyone but himself?

The script was still an unforgivable mess.
And while I agree it has some great shots, it also has some ridiculous shots, like the bad guy and all his henchmen standing inside an unfinished building in different rooms so all you can see are their silhouettes

No but the one in blackhat was probably the flattest I've ever seen. It makes his relationship with portman in thor look like romeo and fucking juliet.

replace them. add more. jesus christ i didnt even make the image.

Yeah, it was a train wreck from the outset. I want to know what sort of deals went on to get that thing made at all.

What you wanted to happen is exactly what did happen. Vincent shot straight, using the Mozambique drill technique, but the bullets couldn't penetrate the steel center of the subway door. Meanwhile, Jamie jukes around and blindly fires, hitting Vincent in the side. Vincent died because he did the same thing he'd always done, and Jamie took a chance. i.e. literally the theme of the movie. Mann is a genius.

And compare them in Interview with the Vampire.
Cruise blown Pitt out the water.

After hours is amazing

Cruise sucked in that movie, fancy pants hoity toity bitch.
And I like that movie, but it sure as fuck ain't cuz of cruise.

How do you figure? He was accurate to the period the movie is set in. Plus the whole thing smelled of that glam rock era shit that for whatever reason gets women fuckin' moist.

I didn't have a high opinion of the movie before I saw it, but after seeing it it's one of my favorites. It humanizes the vampires and their struggle to cope with what they are. It's fucking fascinating. Both of them did a great job conveying this struggle. It wasn't all "We're invincible and have dem skill n' shit" they were vulnerable and some of them got f'd up.

I thought it enhanced the whole vampire stories quite well.

Dracula was one of my fav's though. Gary Oldman fucking killed it as Dracul.

>Knight and Day
It goes like this.
Rain Man
Eyes Wide Shut
Edge of Tomorrow
Minority Report
Pretty Good:
Interview with the Vampire
Born on the fourth of July
Last Samurai
A Few Good Man
Jerry Maguire
Mission Impossible
The Firm
MI:2 and 4
War of Worlds
Vanilla Sky
Risky Business
Everything else

Knight and Day was perfectly fine for what it was trying to be.

>people dislike Vanilla Sky
what the heck

Fuck that scene was cool

Amazing soundtrack that complimented the scene too


In my top 20 post 2000.

One of my all time favourites. The coyote scene almost made me cry (was weird to find out it was completely unplanned).

I don't know how to say this without sounding really stupid, but there's just something profoundly human about Michael Mann's films. Things like the diner scene or the beach in Thief - he just fucking gets it.

And that's putting aside the dank action and the fact Tom Cruise was born for this role.

Mann brings out the best in his actors by making them actually work for it. Thief is by far his best film, Caan nailed that shit so hard.
>Literally made him crack a safe on film cause why not

nice pleb opinion


him and Bruhl played off each other well

He has that innate chadness that makes his bro chemistry so much better than anything relating to females.

>last Samurai only "pretty good"
jesus christ

Collateral is a fantastic pleb tester.

Tom Cruise is fucking exceptional, plays the part perfectly... but the rest of the film is fucking atrocious.

Foxx is an awful, awful actor. The detective character is waste of a great actor and 40 minutes of screen time. The music sucks. There's no atmosphere. No linear perception of time. No tangible goals for characters. Awful movie.

its a good yet overall generic white savior movie. people who think its anything more are self-inserting weebs

list your top 3
>this should be good

Cool Runnings
Dangerous Minds
Gran Torino

>white savior movie
Oh, so you didn't even watch it then.