So what happened to the girl next door?

So what happened to the girl next door?

she became the pusy mistres next door

she married a hockey player and got fat

>tfw you had a "girl next door" but was too stupid to notice it and she moved away

She aged fast. Only 34 but she looks 40 something.

blonde women seem to age terribly on average


looks like Lexi Belle

how the fuck does the madman keep getting away with it?

based pusyposter

I didn't have any girls next door
Doomed form the start

I lived in a fucking farm area and there were no girls next door, although next door was fucking far away

she moved

do you stick your dick in the farm animals?

I liked how he wouldn't fuck her because she wouldn't stop being a degenerate whore, but then they make a degenerate porn at the end anyways. Makes no sense. Typical Jewish nonsense.

so based

I really hate anybody that says something like this because they all sound like fucking dipshits

Everyone that has lived on farms long enough has tried it. Free silent pussy


The writer probably had a whore complex

She never showed tits even while playing a porn star in a rated R film.

Than she got old Now nobody gives a shit about her.