Definition of kino

Definition of kino

I didn't like how he basically just ignored all of the child abuse by members of the Church because God would sort it out

>now you'll have to rape Eskimo children, God is just

other than that best show I watched last year

It's actually a very fitting punishment. He sends this awful man away from his comfortable home in New York to frozen Alaska, which is metaphorically the 9th circle of hell (apologies to any Alaskans), secure in the knowledge that the bastard will not only suffer for the final 10 years or so of his life, but also protecting the Church's reputation.

The Church, for all its flaws, does so much good in the world. Why allow 1 bastard to cause so much damage to the Church's incredible charitable works? Also, if you think that guy is raping Eskimo kids, you're bonkers, because:

1. Eskimos aren't Catholic

2. The white parents who are Catholic all have guns

3. Your dick does not work in those temperatures without careful preparation

>Why allow 1 bastard to cause so much damage to the Church's incredible charitable works?

Yeah, we shouldn't let one bad guy put a damper on the church's amazing efforts to eliminate condoms and sex education in poor areas with STD problems.

Covering up child abuse by priests and just transferring them instead of removing them from the clergy or reporting them to the police has already done tons of damage to the Church, which is why Lenny's way of handling it in 2016 or whenever seemed so odd to me.

the fat nun who quantum of solaced'ed that village made for some top tier dark comedy.

The Church does a great deal to help the living. It does little to help contraception, but it also does little to actively eliminate contraception in dirt-poor areas. You want somebody to blame for that shit, look at Protestant missionaries over the past few centuries. You think it's a coincidence that the ex-Anglo colonies of Botswana, Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Uganda have the highest rates of AIDS in the world?

>implying sex education and lack of condoms is the problem with poor areas
You sound like a freshman college girl

>The Church, for all its flaws, does so much good in the world. Why allow 1 bastard to cause so much damage to the Church's incredible charitable works?

Can you remind me how kicking a criminal out of your organization and openly showing a desire to punish such criminals damages your reputation in any way? An organization's reputation is sullied far more by protecting criminals and keeping them employed. No one can blame an organization for its employees breaking the law, but you can certainly blame them for covering up criminal activity and actively retaining criminal employees with the knowledge of their atrocities while trying to keep it secret.

So who killed the kangaroo?

>giving this much of a shit about characters
Kek. I honestly pity faggots like you

Why would you not care about characters?

Do you seriously think that black Africans don't use condoms only because of the church?
They're a bunch of tribal retards with no concept of forethought or planning.
They have men with aids who go around giving teenage girls their first times (its a tradition), but it's okay because they piss on the girl afterwards to stop them getting aids.

Reporting such a high-ranking official soes more damage. This wasn't some random pedophile in Miami or Boston, this was the most important cardinal in New York. I disagree with Lenny/Pius XIII's decision because I've had friends who suffered at the hands of such animals*, and I'm not a catholic, but I understand it. It's for the good of the church.

*Two of my 4 best friends growing up in Broward, one full Jew, one half-Jew, both molested by rabbis, oddly enough. I'm not trying to make this into a Sup Forums thing, but still, not what you would expect.

>one full Jew, one half-Jew, both molested by rabbis, oddly enough. I'm not trying to make this into a Sup Forums thing, but still, not what you would expect.

m8 the Orthodox community is notorious for rabbi rape and cover ups of rabbi rape, it's just never really commented on in the wider media

>No one can blame an organization for its employees breaking the law

Are you joking? We do this with the police constantly.




Because the police always do their investigations in-house and never release any information and then give the officer paid vacation for a month. If they just always turned the officers over to the public court system with third party investigations then people wouldn't demonize the police as an organization just because an officer broke the law. The problem is that the police does that "protect our own" bullshit and that's what people hate.

To be fair in the real world abuse cases the transferrals were never intended as a punishment - if a priest kiddy diddled in Michigan he'd just get sent to a different town, not exiled for all intents and purposes to a remote Alaskan township

And surely everyone will suspect something happened when a powerful bishop in New York with sex abuse allegations suddenly decides to minister to a small Alaskan township instead

he'd just get sent to a different state*

Lenny's original solution (kick out the gays) was best. I have nothing against gay people, but straight men aren't going to rape boys because they can easily get female prostitutes. Remove the gay priests, and watch the number of child rape cases plummet.

Also, does anyone else find it interesting that American and British media companies* happily fund movies about Catholic priests committing crimes, but so little about Protestants and Muslims? I know for a fact that my old protestant pastor, Gramling at Flamingo Road Church, was involved in all sorts of corruption/gambling scandals. But he's still preaching all the same.

*Coincidentally, the two countries with the highest Protestant populations and highest Jewish populations (after Israel, of course)

nobody gives a fuck about gambling

>Also, does anyone else find it interesting that American and British media companies* happily fund movies about Catholic priests committing crimes, but so little about Protestants and Muslims?

Protestantism is much more decentralised/divided than Catholicism is, so abuse scandals that arise in Protestant churches don't have the same impact

catholicism is an easier target since isn't really relevant in any of those countries

More like protestant world's vendetta against Catholicism is alive even after they decided to be atheist multicult instead.


A scandal with a protestant pastor affects that single church and nothing else because every church is its own separate entity. The Catholic church goes out of its way to present itself as a large conglomerate and singular entity, so it gets treated that way and scandals have a much different implication in that kind of setting.

Because everyone already knows protestants are hellbound pieces of shit.

>More like protestant world's vendetta against Catholicism is alive even after they decided to be atheist multicult instead.

t. E. Michael "Contraception is a Judeo-Protestant conspiracy to reduce Catholic demographic growth" Jones

*tips mitre*

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


Catholic nutters tend to believe everything they dislike about the modern world is simply because of the latent anti-Catholicism of now-atheist countries with former Protestant majorities

Yes, this is fair. But also this

Anti-Catholicism is the last truly acceptable prejudice in the West, regardless of race.

>everything they dislike about the modern world is simply because of the latent anti-Catholicism
Well, I agree most of the problems in the world come from shit Protestant countries pulled. Anti-Catholicism is another aspect of it, though. And hardly related to contraception.

Who writes this shit.

I mean honestly, who spends all day, in their home, thinking about black people. I swear something must've happened, like a black man fucked their girlfriend or daughter or something.

Why is this on Sup Forums?

>bbbbut blacks are the same as everyone else right user

Go back to plbebbit you bluepilled faggot.
Also, every image is sourced, they aren't written by anyone from Sup Forums.

That Dr. passage in the first image? Never existed.

No really, look it up. It's a fake quote attributed to him that's not even in the original 1939 edition.

It is in the original edition, just not the reprints.

because if you enjoy anything you're reddit

Why are you so sensitive about this? People do far weirder things than write stuff like that. Are you sure you didn't get lost on your way to facebook?


Sup Reddit

That's an awful lot of projection.

he literally never said this

The fact that anyone could believe Schweitzer, of all fucking people, would ever say that is ludicrous.

prove it shit/skinhead


kino doesnt have a definition

Oh come on, denigrate the blacks all you want but at least dig up something from Rhodes or someone who actually thought that shit, I demand veracity from my racists.


Sup Reddit

I lost my Rhodes folder when my other hard drive failed and I don't care enough about the opinions of anons to get them back.