Anyone knows a shitter actress?

Protip: You cant.

Paris Hilton

Emilia Clarke

That's a dude.

Who is Kristen Stewart?

I can't what?

This. Cara is so much better than Clarke

Bitch is a dead fish on screen and a has a fridge body, but white bitches have been brainwashed to think she's some generational icon because of her fross eyebrows, caked on make-up, and fake dyed hair- so it looks like she's here to stay.


She was the best thing about Suicide Squad

But she's a model.
Can you name a model who can act?

plenty of models in videogames or CG

>implying you have to be an actress to act in Hollywood movies.


Summer Glau, Bella Thorn, Christina Hendricks.

Pretty much all of Sup Forumss waifus are shit.

She's big in the gay community, which is why you'll see her rabidly defended.


You cant know a worse one.

agreed, mhhmmmm guy is a shit

if you mean Charlize than kill yourself. or at least educate yourself


jesus christ, i stopped watching after the red weddings but this bitch got fat as fuck.

OP, that scrawny pug ugly cokehead dyke isn't an actress. She's a trust fund baby who used Mommy and Daddy's money to buy her way into Hollywood after using their connections to be featured on fashion magazines. She's a disgusting looking piece of shit and I will not pay to see anything that the slimy little cunt stars in, including Valerian which will FUCKING BOMB because of her and that effeminate emo beta twink she's co-starring with!!!FACT!!!

At least Clarke is fuckable. Cara Pugskank makes my fuckng skin crawl!!!FACT!!!

I hate this cunt