What did Bill Nye the Science Goy mean by this?

What did Bill Nye the Science Goy mean by this?

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Found the redditor!

Probably something along the lines of conversion therapy is bunk, which it is

This Reddit infiltration trying to say Sup Forums memes and Sup Forums mannerisms are Reddit are beginning to PISS ME OFF! kill yourself redditor

Found the fag.

>white ice cream is the bad guy
Thanks Bill Nyestein the mechanical engineering guy

Found the altright betacuck

What are outraged about now? Tell me what I should be angry about.

Found the niggerloving kike fag.

found the repressed fag

That white countries should bow down to minorities even though every country these minorities come from don't give a shit about the wants of white people

It just looks like an illustration of ice cream characters talking.

White people are evil unless they're faggots

Just your typical liberal condoning mental illness instead of supporting treatment for it.

dumbass. Are you assigning races to the ice creams? then what's the green one supposed to be?

Found the insecure projecting fag.

Not white. That's all that matters.

Good job, you fucking retard. You're literally saying the same thing that they did just a few months ago

Obviously heterosexual people that don't care for the rest are suppressed and really want to participate, but no one lets them.
Way to go, a whole new and level headed approach to this topic.

Filter the word reddit then


BIll Goy the Science SJW can burn in hell

t. triggered cuck

And I found reddit

>the sex they were assigned at birth
Who assigned it? God?

isn't cisgender just being fucking normal. it's a bullshit term.

God's not real Morty

Bullshit comes in all flavors

Clearly not, or he would have stopped this shit.

>mass replies like a newfag to call people reddit

Wasn't this supposed to be about science not politics?

And here's reddit

Do you think electing Trump is making the populace more liberal?

Bill Nye the science kike and the astro-nigger need to fuck off and die already