
jewess editin

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that mongoloid is probably fantasizing about her


fucking fag thread LMAO

What's with jewesses and big milkers

It's how they lure you in. Most ethnicities, when they interbreed, the children take the culture of the father. This is the natural way, the undisputed way. With Jews though this also extends to their women. Jewish women are just as evil as their men, if not more. It's for this reason not even Jewesses can be spared in a genocide against the Jews. Traditionally the conquerors would take the conquered women as brides, but the Jewess is not a woman. The Jewess is a lie. The Jewess seduces young lads and uses them to breed more soldiers for the Jewish cause. The Jew truly is the cockroach of the human race.

I'd love to make soldiers for the jewish cause with a big titted jewish girl

I'd fuck her anyway, i imagine me fucking them to be like the scene in GOT when Stannis fucks the Red woman



Ah yes, another loyal war-orc.


might put some effort into getting laid lads. feel utterly pathetic playing video games tonight

I understand torrents perfectly. Kodi is quicker and easier. Also you can't torrent live TV you bell shiner

uncut willies are the best t b h

Toot poster is a fascist who wants to fuck ugly jewish whores LOOOOOL!!

Trying to get to the bottom of my femdom fetish desu lads. Remember feeling my first urges for it when I was still a child and didn't even know what sex was, so as far as I can tell it's """natural"""

He's the prince not just just some mong like meghan


Man, Beto has really lost it since I last posted

kodi is good because its the only thing that plays videos properly on my raspberry pi 2

Spitters can't better these levels of terror
I leave my brain in my car but my head is together
I make a team of dons quit when I'm put under pressure
Rate Devlin, why? He's a grime treasure

he is here

Usually more purely Germanic/Celtic women have a wider body and face as almost a pay-off for them.

>tfw playing 3 girls off of each other at the same time

Mentally exhausting but so worth it lads
one is a dirty fucker, exists only to fuck me and we all kinds of kinky shit. One is the future gf who I intend to be with for a long time, and the other is a sex only friend that's jealous of the other two and wants to be more than friends but I only use her for sex with the occasional promise of something more.

ah yes, rorke-core

Post the toot

lads I'm in the kitchen in student halls with normies and I've been with them for hours and I've been too anxious to say a word

How do I get those kodi boxes?

they have all films and TV on them right?


it's very stable streaming. more so than using a web client.



Uncut dicks are fucking disgusting. Literally looks like the top of an union.

>It's how they lure you in. Most ethnicities, when they interbreed, the children take the culture of the father. This is the natural way, the undisputed way. With Jews though this also extends to their women. Jewish women are just as evil as their men, if not more. It's for this reason not even Jewesses can be spared in a genocide against the Jews. Traditionally the conquerors would take the conquered women as brides, but the Jewess is not a woman. The Jewess is a lie. The Jewess seduces young lads and uses them to breed more soldiers for the Jewish cause. The Jew truly is the cockroach of the human race.

love pints and the queen, hate immigrants desu

buy one and install the build. get an android box.


download kodi onto a flash drive
stick the flash drive in your tv


alri' rabbi

lads I think my carrot's broke


>>tfw playing 3 girls off of each other at the same time

>Mentally exhausting but so worth it lads
>one is a dirty fucker, exists only to fuck me and we all kinds of kinky shit. One is the future gf who I intend to be with for a long time, and the other is a sex only friend that's jealous of the other two and wants to be more than friends but I only use her for sex with the occasional promise of something more.

ah yes
let me just suck on this two toned scarred poop ring almost evaporating willy since its so dry
yeah... nah

steamed hams

i want to have sex with kat dennings

worthless goblin


stupid post

UNA VELA...........

Would tell Americans to cut back on the meat pies but they don't even eat them lmao what are they eating to make them so fat

I live in Lambeth

>So user I heard you hate Muslims, is this true?

miss world


can't do it on tv



*puts caked up 4/10 muslim girl through makeapp*

Haha now what muhammad?

Yes, absolutely

NEED a brown eyed gf

are you BLACK?



oh dear it's aussie hours. right lads, I'm off to bed. Toodles.

like how my legs look here

Want to have sex with an asian milf

hmm really made me think

>already two black people in the first pic
rorke btfo



Not a girl but I have brown eyes

dont get it



dumb bimbo

you mean their lack of?


not an argument


Don't have brown eyes but I am a girl

Many are the rainbows, the sunbursts, the gentle breezes—and the hailstorms—we are liable to meet before, by the grace of God, we shall be able to tumble into our graves with the confidence of tired children into their places of peaceful slumber

This person is not me. I am not black, I am a middle-class white person.

>tfw no Milf fuck buddy.

Cossacks are based

White people are known for turning squirrels in to pencil cases

Hi turtle


I wanna fuc u josie

off to bed lads night

don't bum me in my sleep aha x

personally aim for women at the lower end of the acceptable age range

How do you walk around at night? Are you not scared? Where in Lambeth?

Name one white person who has done this



A) You do the right thing, make good decisions, and live in fear of the people making bad/selfish decisions, wherein the consequence is your suffering, and not theirs.


B) You get what you want regardless of consequence, and live without fear because you are the thing that should be feared.

the guy in that pic

>ACDC runt dead
bogan mass suicide soon

>the white kid (singular)
state of yanks


yeah they look long and thin I like it