Itt greatest movies of the decade so far


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Maybe if that faggot kid didn't pussy out, and the faggot cop didn't rat on the other cops

uh...have you only seen like 3 movies?

ive seen more than 3 movies

t. seen 4 movies

I just watched this and am pretty content with it.

Four is more than three, he's got you there.


The Master
Only God Forgives
Beasts Of No Nation

3 of those


Which 3 though?

The reason I haven't seen that one is that I'm pretty sure I won't get it

>Its a choose a semi obscure movie that's okay to claim patrician taste episode.

It was good. But it was far from best of the decade. Maybe top 10 of that year.

Name nine movies from 2012 that are better than The Place Beyond the Pines

the master and OGF sure. beasts was an important film but not very good, some aspects were great but it had unforgivable pacing and direction issues (direction not directorial)

>The Hunt
>Django (not memeing)
>The Master
>Arguably "Such a Beautiful Day" but i'd say they're about even
>Zero Dark Thirty.

And that's about all i got. It was good, I think it belongs up there in that list.

But not in the best of the decade m8. You have to realize there are a lot of fucking obscure and foreign movies that come out in a decade you never even see or know about.

Jodorowsky has 1-2 that came out this decade and that guy has amazing cinematography

All is Lost

GOAT of the 2010s:

Runners Up:
The Master
The Social Network
Inside Llewelyn Davis
La La Land
Before Midnight
Manchester By The Sea

>GOAT of the 2010s:

boyhood was shit.

Inherent Vice should be in there somewhere

Moonrise Kingdom
The Master
Like Someone in Love
Shut Up and Play the Hits
Seven Psychopaths
Killing Them Softly
Jiro Dreams of Sushi
The Imposter

Boyhood was one of the most intimate and accurate portrayals of adolescent masculinity ever committed to cinema. It's the modern Tokyo Story and is a brilliant example of cinemas ability to transcend and preserve time.

But of course since this board is made up of recycled youtube opinions, people just parrot "12 YEARS OMG LOL DID YOU KNOW IT TOOK 12 YEARS HAHAHA"

I'm going to pick one of these movies to prove that you are a fucking idiot and not to be trusted:

>The Imposter
Hey ho reddit

Why is it reddit?

well said, I really liked that movie too. I wouldn't call it best of the decade, but it was good



I don't know if pic related is my favorite movie since 2010, but it's really fucking good and I don't think many people saw it. All three actors on the poster give the best performances of their careers.

It might not be "highbrow," but I can't think of any other action movie this ambitious or impressive in a long time

Comedy wise, Jack & Jill


that movie was so fucking bad. my brother raved about it so much that i actually went and saw it in theatres. i couldn't believe how awful it was.

pleb. Your brother should've smothered you to death in your sleep

the hunt? fucking the hunt??? really???

brb rewatching place beyond the pines

>he doesnt like my action movie with tons of colors and flashing lights
>he is a pleb ! xD


dredd? fucking dredd??? really???

brb rewatching place beyond the pines

Ya, at the top of the trash bin.

>look at this pleb

I don't get the hate. I've watched this movie eight times, it's perfect


It's a good movie, that user is just retarded. PTA literally can't make a bad movie.

i dont think its semi obscure its got two A list actors in it and the main character from goodfellas

The Hunt was fantastic. The movie actually made me feel something rather than being a paint by numbers.

In 5 years you'll all agree with me

Why are they going to keep the title and release a different movie?

it runs in the family

>tons of colors
>almost entirely brown and blue



Good post

great ending scene with bon iver

This didn't really do anything for me, maybe i should rewatch it
Tree of Life was my personal greatest, i guess

Amour is not only the best film of the decade, it is one of the greatest ever made. I'm talking top 10 movies ever made-tier

roach kino

Best list incoming

Inside Llewyn Davis
Tree of Life
The Witch
The Grand Budabest Hotel
The Counselor

We've also had some great blockbusters:

The Planet of the Apes films
Tron Legacy
Jurassic World
Guardians of the Galaxy
Mad Max Fury Road
John Wick 2

been meaning to watch this

snooze kino



GTF Off my board

Just saw the trailer and based on, looks pretty fucking good. I may watch tonight, thanks user.

have you read any pynchon books before?



OP that movie is utter shit


yeah... you should just read the book it's better. that movie is trash

The original stage play of Killer Joe is also absolutely excellent, just saying. Check it out.

hmm your chart makes me not too worried about your opinion

>the act of killing

more like the act of reddit

Actually I agree. I did not think the hunt was very good

i've actually been reading a lot of plays lately, i appreciate the tip.

well i guess you'd know user.

worried is a curious word to use in this context because it indicates that normally strangers opinions might do just that to you.

>I'm Still Here
>The Tree of Life
>The Master
>Post Tenebras Lux
>Hard to be a God
>Upstream Color
>Inherent Vice
>Knight of Cups

Just some of my personal favorites. I also did enjoy Spring Breakers but I know what bringing that film up will do

i grew up in the same time as the main character and honestly besides maybe one or two songs in the soundtrack i couldnt relate at all to anything. The last quarter of the movie seemed very forced and cringy.

how is knight of cups compared to the wonder and TOL?


mad max was awful and thats just the truth.

Why does Ryan Gosling always have this perpetual expression of bemusement?

Silence is the greatest faith based movie I've ever seen. Well Seventh Seal is only a little better.

my nigga.
Post Tenebras Lux and Upstream Color are absolute masterpieces.

Its in my top 3 favorite films ever. Its such a visceral experience

cool, sounds awesome. ill watch it sometime this weeks. thanks user

Thats an opinon, which i totally respect. Saying the movie was too "colorful" is wrong and not a fact.

ok. i admit i may have mispoke. i was referring to this scene as it was one of the only scenes i can remember from the entire movie.

Are you the retarded pleb that claimed it was better than Hiroshima?

okay so whats your point in reference to this scene?

so you haven't seen any bresson or dreyer is what you're saying

I'm the guy you replied to. I found Tree of Life incredibly moving. To The Wonder did very little for me until I rewatched it. I now like it but still think it was quite flawed. I also related to the former a whole lot more. Knight of Cups basically continues down the stylistic rabbit whole. It's my favorite Malick and one of my favorite films. While Malick's path has turned off many, I think KoC is the perfect epitome of this style he's been working on. It just exists in a realm of memory; I felt nostalgia for things I'd never even experienced. It was maybe less moving than ToL because it's far less concrete, but it was also even more emmersive.
Love Carruth, haven't seen any other Reygadas. Do you reccomend his other stuff?

the colors and flashing lights idk i already admitted i was wrong in my original post what do you want? this conversation is so boring

>Plays everywhere January

>600 theaters at the most

well if its anything like TOL i will enjoy it a lot.

Ive only seen Post Tenebras Lux and Silent NIght from Regadas which are two very different films and although Silent Night has a clearer and more direct narrative, it also a very slow burner but if you put in the effort its very rewarding and beautiful. Id recommend it for the Kino cinematography alone. Reygadas is Mexicos answer to Terrance Malick, would be fantastic to seem him collaborate with Lubezki .

The feeling is mutual goodbye.

they do but not yours really


One more thing to add in reference to the similarities between Malick and Reygadas. I feel like Post Tenebras Lux is much more in line with something like Knight of Cups and Silent Night is closer to Tree of Life thematically and visually . Watch this and youll get what im saying

>Grand Budapest and not Moonrise Kingdom
Objectively shit


Tfw I missed a 35mm screening of Stellet licht and a q&a with Reygadas afterwards.

Also I wouldn't compare silent light to TTOL as much as I would compare it to Ordet, ofc.

I believe you're referring to Silent Light*, user.

yes youre correct, sorry its been a while since ive seen it and im very sleepy. Either way check it out