What is gaming like in your cunt? How mainstream is it?

What is gaming like in your cunt? How mainstream is it?

Mainstream, it is pretty much expected any man 30 or under will own a console and buy at least fifa and cod every year. Also slags play connect the colours type games on their phones

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>buy at least fifa and cod every year
mans pretty normie right but I've never done this

when all my mates was chatting about their fifa characters or whatever i used to just nod my head n dat lmao

like fucking ell i like playin footie why u gotta be sittin on ur ass to play it dickhead

Widely seen as the common hobby of faggots.

Will replace all kinds of sports for good soon.

The more you play the more likely you are to either be unemployed or a virgin.

Hey, I'm not unemployed!

>in work with mate
>talking about battlefield 1
>lad comes over said he likes it too
>ask him if hes on playstation or xbox
>he said 'Nah, I'm glorious pc master race, gtx1080 or nothing'
>we just stare at him 'sound lad'

Never knew these people existed irl.


Videogames are fucking pathetic


you broke character there, yank

All the normies in my city have switched to PC too. Consoles are basically only for niggers at this point

If you're gonna larp as a normie at least be consistent with the slang. Embarrassing.

south london
croydon mate lmao
you've never heard the phrase "sittin on ur ass"?

either u live in a bare isolated area or ur just like 70 yrs old or saink

Stop embarrassing yourself, you're a white boy that lives in Berkshire. Who the fuck writes like that?

t. Actual londoner


I'm Turkish you spastic its late night and i dont give a fuck suck out

You try to sound hard but you only come across gay. You even have a fucking lisp. The state of you my g.

>You even have a fucking lisp
I don't tho do I


where's my lisp why are u chattin so much shit

>Acting hard on Sup Forums

Roaches are always wet

im not acting nothing you still wouldnt say shit to my face pussio

you're chatting shit


big man go sleep empty headed prick


Beg you stop, sound like you learnt this the other day and have been practicing, or youre 15.

I don't have it mate