Is Elon going down the right path with Amber here?

Is Elon going down the right path with Amber here?

Could he finally be unfucking his shit, or is this the start a long spiral down to JUST town?

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imagine the alimony...

what a dumb motherfucker

>but user Elon Musk is the smartest man in the world
He's still a dumb motherfucker.

>leaving lipstick on his cheek

Yes amber, marking your next victim.

How can Elon be so fucking retarded bros? All that money, but no common sense.

>30 years old

Awful investment.

a dumb motherfucker that gets to bang one of the hottest chicks on the planet

Celebrities posting strange things on IG thread?

stefansimagendiary is /ourguy/. He is doing gods work by warning Elon of this succubus.

>beta works hard
>beta finally gets female attention
>the only females he attracts are in their 30s and in full succubus mode

He's a dead man walking.

Theres honestly so many attractive girls out there that aren't a known harpy. Seriously, she's nothing special when you compare her to his options

I think it's just different priorities or values.
Like whatever the alimony turns out to be it's just the price Elon pays for the type whore he wants the extended girlfriend experience from.

Both people are getting what they want, and Musk is too smart to get fucked over

>Win the lottery
>One week later
>"Hey user, I've heard a lot about you... I was wondering, since you know, you're such a kinographic connoiseur and I work in movies... maybe you'd like to get a cup of coffee tomorrow? I'm sure we have plenty of things to talk about"

What do.

What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What have we done to each other? What will we do?

>musk is too smart to get fucked over

kek sure. Just like how Amber's dad revealed to the press that Amber is ready to settle down and have children. What a coincidence!

Any time a woman is aggressive sexually before you have fucked her do not trust her, for she is a succubus.

i honestly cannot believe he has so little self control that he'd risk anything with this woman. he can have virtually any supermodel on the planet and he picks amber heard. I imagine that anyone that gets near his wallet is professionally vetted and somehow she gets a pass.

Shoo the succubus away and return home to my now gold plated waifu shrine

>3D whore thinks she can compare to my pure nun waifu

y-you too!

if she ends up ruining Musk and stopping him from getting us into space (directly or through hype) she better get fucked merked.

Tell her to come over and suck my dick, and videotape the entire encounter to ward off future rape accusations, then tell her to fuck off

Wasn't this bitch a dyke

Yeah, thinking with their dick has never fucked over any rich, intelligent man before.


Just because she is somewhat famous? I see women of her quality (attractive wise) every single day.

Fuck, she's not even hiding it all. She knows everyone knows and doesn't give a fuck.

Why not marry a cute 7/10 doctor or something? Elon please, your kids have to save the future. Think of how your wife's IQ will affect your children's.

jfc Elon, you could get better tail than that c'mon

I love these posts

I wonder what kind of depraved shit she does. That pussy must be fucking magical.

There's no other explanation for it.

Guys, they posted at the same time. Meaning they made a coordinate effort, as if to say something.

Look at her ring finger. It's over, mankind is about to get cucked out of space travel and renewable energy.

Fuck me, she is a huge whore

he already has 5 kids and they're all attention depraved autists, stop with muh elon bullshit, he ain't saving no one

>based Elon hanging out with the Aquaman crew

True capekino us upon us boys.

>one of the hottest chicks on the planet

It's literally true. If you live in a big city you see people as hot as Amber or better every single fucking day, without all the known baggage

>arms and hands covered in arcane trinkets and sorcerous baubles

we need to stop her before she finishes her spell guys

I dont get it

who drew the dick?

How do you know they're attention depraved autists?

She drew/wrote all of it because she was lonely and got that postcard with a magazine.

ring goes on right hand dum

I don't think Elon Musk is some sweet guy. I think he is just a much a user of people's affection as Amber Heard is.

cause there's videos of them and elon being a really shitty parent

>he can have virtually any supermodel on the planet
No he can't. They can sense a beta's desperation. He can't shoot for the 18 to 21 year olds. He's stuck playing with the 30 year old chicks.

Inb4 he knows exactly what hes doing and his plan is to fuck a pretty face then drop her ass when he gets tired of her. No marriage, nothing binding them legally, no alimony. Making him one smart motherfucker while these dumb motherfuckers in here are too stupid to realize his plan

Link them nigger


She's clearly a fucking pro you might as well lose the ticket

Why do so many celebrities get married without a prenup? When will these fucking retards learn from their colleagues who have been bled dry in the past?

Don't all women pretend to be?

You knew the answer to this before even posting the thread.

You should read up on Elon Musk's dating history. He has already fucked up too often for anything to seem like a smart plan now. Unless he's actually out of money and he's going to pull an Intolerable Cruelty move and take all of Amber's money.

so who is she?

Hey there, Jamal. How is your relationship with your biological father?
here you go Musk dick sucker

>mfw faggots still think a prenup can save you

nigga how new are you

her face has been on Sup Forums 24/7 for the past year

I for one am happily bowing to the Queen of Mars.

Her offspring will colonize the red planet, in the glorious city of Amberville

its like watching a slow motion car wreck

imagine if she gets pregnant....

that turbonerd has NO chance to resist that succubus

I'm proud to say I have a life

More proof that he has enough experience to take a smarter approach now. Checkmate

It's almost hilarious how she is literally the stereotype for a golddigging bitch, and yet while it's so obvious to everyone else, this rich fucker is going to fall for it. Hook, line, and sinker...

There's more to life than banging hot chicks. How desperate are some of you?

She's gonna single handedly fuck humanity's future lmao

>Implying they don't
>Thinking a prenup means anything


>imagine if she gets pregnant....

Androids can't get pregnant

beware of jade eyes

If you think that's shitty parenting you don't know shit. The awkward moment in that video is a gold digger revealing her true nature.

My point is that he has already lost and anything he does now is futile. He's forever fucked.


oh my dear sweet summer child. never grow old, always stay sweet, naive, and innocent as you are.

>This bitch ruins Elon's life
>Tesla goes bankrupt
>We're stuck being the Arabs bitch instead of rad Electric Cars

Couldn't she find another worthless celebrity to siphon off of?

She is over 1000 years old and has been doing this for millennia.

You have never experience true power, user. You will never have as much power as a decent to good looking woman.

Musk and Snapchat's co-founder Evan Spiegel are going to get cleaned out by divorce in a few years. Why the fuck would you marry obvious golddiggers?

>Humanity is going to slowly die trapped on earth
>The only reason we couldn't figure out space travel in time to save us is because the only guy giving a shit can't keep his dick in his pants and is going to get JUSTed in alimony payments
Look it up, Elon married his second wife after just 2 weeks

I like to think he is smarter but he already got burned once by that Westworld bitch.

A night with her would be worth a lifetime of alimony.

>le all women are whores meme

back to /r9k/. or Sup Forums or Sup Forums or whatever cesspit you crosspost from

Elon has been talking about how badly he wants to fuck Amber for years now

this has made my fucking day

The Amber Heard phenomenon is truly fascinating to me. She's a beautiful woman, but she isn't uniquely beautiful, she's just on par with all of the other beautiful women in the world. She is also an open supporter of Ayn Rand's selfish objective ideology, which states the self is the most important aspect of life and everything else should serve the self. She openly states this in interviews. Yet she still manages to snag ultra rich hosts to drain resources out of and continues to get away with it. It's honestly amazing, I don't even dislike her for it I almost admire her. It can't just be her beauty because she's not the only woman in the world with that kind of beauty, it has to be something else about her. She must be the most charismatic woman in the history of the human species. Her silver tongue is going to destroy the world.

Because both were betas who still put women on pedestals. If the average user got successful, they'd do the same.

Hell, look at Notch. He was literally an user and he got raped the same way.

His engineers won't randomly disappear from the face of the Earth. They will be hired by other companies. SpaceX's main sales point is making LEO travel cheaper. They were never going to make humanity a space traveling race, that's the heavy lifter rocket builders and long range craft builders job. Not SpaceX. Amber won't do any damage.

>>We're stuck being the Arabs bitch instead of rad Electric Cars
>implying Tesla's cars are worth shit


open your eyes she an average looking women, you only think shes special cuz shes a celebrity.

I don't think anyone is really generalising here faggot we're just talking about one heinous bitch in particular who already has a rep for this behaviour

You are fucking sad my man

Nah, can come back from stuff, many have

Which one?

Hey roastie, do that stupid neck roll thing you slags naturally do to show your displeasure.

Sup Forums gotta love Musk. He's one of the most UNJUST person in the world.


Musk has been the one making all the hard CORRECT decisions over at SpaceX, often against the wishes of his engineers

He's very much the driving force behind it

Yes average.

Who would say no if she were crawling on you like this?


she's a 5/10 at best without makeup


Apparently that's Julia Roberts

There are other companies and other CEOs. And other board members. He is a celebrity but he can be replaced

Amber will do no harm.

You could literally hire a high class prostitute that's more attractive, wont take all your money, and has taken less dick than Amber Heard

John showed us the way by getting chong'd a long time ago.

her seduction skills must be weapons grade

someone should record that shit

don't be stupid, the amount of money he has can attract girls much better looking than this washed up succubus

How can a semon demon avert world wide salvation! We could have gone to the stars and beyond you succubus!