Shit-tier CGI kino thread

Shit-tier CGI kino thread

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great source you took that from, ya fucking idiot.


is that real

Someone post the battle of Geonosis

I need to know sauce

Its fucking King Kong you turbo pleb, how can you not instantly recognize it?

OP here, i don't have it but i something else related to geonosis

kek everytime the door opens

>jumping right onto your own guys spears
>jumping in a fight at all

jesus christ nolan

I remember watching this at the cinemas when I was younger and not understanding if it was supposed to look like this or if somehow my mom took me to an early screening of the movie, which would justify those effects.


I know they get paid millions and all, but fuck, this looks embarrasing as fuck to do.



Other than the cityscape outside that's all real set

Fuck you I liked King Kong

the fuck is going on down by the stairs between 4 and 5 secs? It's like the base of the stairs just pop in or something.


Does anyone remember this?


some real Roger Rabbit shit


Every single dialogue scene in these films is two people slowly walking side by side along a dodgy looking CG background

LOST sub


>the prequels are better than TFA/R1

lmao that looks like a cutscene from a ps2 game

for real that looks like the TV cartoon of the Clone Wars that's all CG

why the fuck didn't he just have actors in clone trooper costumes ffs it looks so bad

I dont understand why they went with CGI for this. Was it really that difficult to make up some prosthetic claws to scrape togethet?

The first X-Men back in 2000 had physical claws Jackman just wore on set. Hell all the other have physical claws used at least much of the time.

No idea why they went for crummy looking CG claws



Spartacus season 1 looks wretched effects wise. They got a little better later.

fuck i didnt save the walking dead deer someone post it

Thats not even PS2 tier. That is N64 graphics. Looks like a sub on Goldeneye.



Literally looks like Phantasmagoria or something


Kino is such a Reddit word

Sup Reddit

like a fucking cartoon




He's the one that I love user

why did you have to remind me?

looks lahk blew has turned on us. prahbahbly blowback from our cunny heist- dunno what else it could be. it's time to get blahdy, brothahs. time tah' bring in- moister memehem.

yew all know whatta dew lads. no wan- NO WAN controls OUR cunny. Ah'll call our othah Shit-Posting chahtahs. get them tah lock everything down till we git this "business" sorted oat.

I remember seeing that in the theater. I was 10. It was at that moment that I realized just how much an otherwise decent movie could be turned to shit in an instant.


>where is the shadow from the closest pillar?

Every fucking time

That was actually a pretty good film. The costumes were cool.





Should have hired the guys from The Thing for this monster tbqhwyf.

We know, Mike.

Holy shit I've never noticed that before

Here's the stairs at 4 seconds

It's hard to tell but pay attention to how the stairs look

And here are the stirs at 5 seconds

Once you see it it looks awful


Every Spy Kids movie

is this a meme

It was an homage to the special effects in the original :)

This scene isn't great, but I think it look worse than it is because the frame rate is fucked in this webm

>no Jumanji

Actually it looks considerably worse with a regular framerate.

Shiny Clone Trooper armor would have had blue screen reflecting off of it.

maybe have fewer bluescreens


You might be right in the sense that increased detail makes anything unrealistic look worse (with frame rate this generally means any motion). But that webm is so bad it looks like a video game cutscene struggling to play on a shitty PC or something. I know it already looks like a video game but still

how did they do C3PO then?

It's a convert of a gif that was too big to post

Whoa is this sped up 60fps or something? I don't remember it looking this bad.

I forgive you and your webm, have this gif friend

post iron man

Looks like Andross

maybe don't make the helmets shiny


same here

Didn't be cut himself or someone else with them at some point or something

try not being 12

the first wave of elves disappear after the second lands

I don't have a webm but the part in Blade II when he's fighting that vampire ninja in front of the light-wall. So jarring

Why shell out for exclusive movie suits, and villain suits, but then make the zords CGI? Surely in 1995 it couldn't have been that much cheaper

forgot my pic

look where the light is coming from you dumb jew then figure it out

so what was the deal with this, anyway? did the real actress die? either way it's no excuse, they could just have had her die off-screen because the scene was totally pointless.

No wonder, they've got stomped.


The Clone Wars looks better indeed: The second battle of Geonosis becomes vietnam

hahahaha that's the lightest tap i've ever seen

somebody help me. What was that motorcycle racing movie that had shit cgi? I cant remember

Why would they even spark?

Like go grab two sharp knives from your kitchen and fucking rub them together, nothing happens. So stupid.

another fresh peter hackson shit tier cgi boys

That's good use of CGI to create a highly stylized environment. The guy wanted a live-action Fleischer cartoon and I thought he achieved it. Honestly surprised it's never been referenced for the "K I N O" meme.