What went wrong?

What went wrong?

he has a pill problem

He's only funny to redditors with cutting edge humor and unfortunately the rest of the world hasn't caught up yet.

with that whole aaron hernandez revelation I wonder what the real relationship was with that young man that died in his apartment

What the fuck does any of this mean?

Some young man overdosed in Norm's apartment while he was housesitting.
Why would Norm need a housesitter if his mother lives next door?
What was the relationship between Norm and the young man?

His relationship is that it was his sons friend housesitting

I didn't even know he was sick


Next book confirmed for being god-tier.

he's always been a flake

that's why he's had a pretty underwhelming career considering his talents

When does the next episode come out?

I got to hang with Norm for a couple of minutes late last year, around the time he was promoting his little book.

Being around the guy, you generally get the sense that he legitimately doesn't give a shit about anything; especially his 'career.'

Also he's super pale in real life. His skin is the same tone as the great frozen wasteland of Canada.

Is he a big guy? how's the ass?

>Is he a big guy?
Yeah, he's a pretty tall guy. You don't really get a sense of that from his videos.

>how's the ass?
Flat as a board.


This guy... I tell ya, this guy's a REAL JERK

Norm has a stand up coming out in May on Netflix.

he's a volatile performer. In many ways similar to the other great comedians that came to the fore in the late 80s: Sam Kinneson, Dice Clay, Gilbert Gottfried, Dennis Miller, Colin Quinn, Patrice O'Neal.
This generation of comedians had a conservative/traditionalist bent but would at the same time joke about anything. It was also one of the few times where Jews did not dominate American comedy.

Most of the above either died or sabotaged their own careers. But they probably were the funniest generation in American comedy history.

Wait seriously? Because him not finishing his fucking podcast is driving me insane.

did KFC pay this fatass in chicken

I hope he goes on Conan or others to promote it, his late night appearances are the best
He already recorded new podcast episodes, hopefully he will release it after the special.

But why the wait? Wasn't the idea a podcast per week? Then they followed that for a whole 2 weeks.

Norm is a real jerk

I mean this guy was a real jerk.

do you uniroinically believe this?