Just rewatched Alien and am blown away once again. The pacing and atmosphere are top-notch...

Just rewatched Alien and am blown away once again. The pacing and atmosphere are top-notch, all the set pieces are great, the acting is solid, the horror/gore elements really well done.

What are the chances Alien: Covenant will be half as good as this classic?

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Hey, I just watched Alien too...
Like five minutes ago.

Actually, it's the first time I sat through the whole movie, as a kid it terrified me, but now I've kind of come over that stuff, but I gotta say, this was certainly one of the better horror movies I've seen.

>Alien: Covenant will be half as good as this classic

none but I'll surely watch it at least a couple times in the theater

Yeap, its kind of a shame really.

Can someone explain the whole Alien thing to me? How do they reproduce? Do they turn people into Aliens? If so, how? Do they have their own black goo they can make? Because it looks like facehuggers aren't the only way Aliens are made.

Have you watched any of the films?

I watched Prometheus and Alien today.
The rest? No.

Ah see, you must watch Aliens for your answers

Aliens > Alien

they're both great for different reasaons

The dialogue when The crew was eating was weird. Everyone was talking nonsense all at once


yes but Alien is greaterer

I wasn't really impressed the first time I watched it, then I watched it 10 years later and imo it's easily a 9/10. The whole Trilogy is great. People shit on 2 and 3 but there's not a thing wrong with any of them.

Prometheus is overrated.

So, like when a crew is eating?

Anyone who thinks that Alien 3 is good or, dare I say, better than Alien or Aliens needs to seriously reevaluate their life.

Why is the soundtrack so good?

>Prometheus is overrated.
Doesn't everyone hate it though? I think it's underrated

Yeah it caught my ear was uncanny

are you me? maybe it's cuz fincher is one of my faves but the cut that's on the blu ray is aweome

and resurrection is fun

3's directors cut is quite good.

The cut scene of Dallas and Brett being morphed into cocoons in Alien is horrifying. Wish that stayed in/becomes cannon in future movies.

When the crew are eating dinner, Parker says "I'd rather be eating something else, but right now I'll stick with food" and looks over at Lambert. Was he implying that he wanted to eat Lambert out?

>Anyone who thinks that Alien 3 is good or, dare I say, better than Alien or Aliens
I don't think anyone exists who thinks this

These movies fucking suck. Once you get over the design there's nothing much else to these movies. Plus who gives a shit about the build up in the first one, it's like being a dumbass and watching six sense again after already knowing the ending.

Alien 3 is good

You dont enjoy life much do you

>What are the chances Alien: Covenant will be half as good as this classic?

Alien>Aliens>Alien 3>=Prometheus>dogshit>Alien Ressurection


I watched Alien again not too long ago and thought it was super boring.

alien really is a near perfect moobie
my only problems with it are lambert's acting and how weird the fight scene with ash is. why would he kill ripley by shoving a magazine in her mouth?

It was symbolism for the sexual themes

>why would a malfunctioning robitmin attempt to murder someone in a retarded way
youre stupid

The chances are pretty good because Prometheus was an excellent movie. It's a shame that people couldn't enjoy the 50's pulp throwback aesthetic. I figure Covenant will again be a stylistically different take.

Ash presumably wasn't programmed for murder, which would explain why his attempt at being violent is awkward and ineffective.

Predator > Alien

>Tripfag has shit taste
It's like clockwork

it was turning Brett and Dallas into an egg, but only in the director's cut, and the scene has been ignored by the sequels. so far.

Alien >>>> Aliens > Predator

The rest of the franchise doesn't exist