What did (((Bill Nye))) the science goy mean by this?

What did (((Bill Nye))) the science goy mean by this?


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This song is written and sung poorly

I mean, if you're going to brainwash the youth, at least do it with a little rythm.

>Rachel Bloom
Love her tbqh, but what on earth has happened to this 'science person' doing a talk show?

>you're allowed to be whatever you want
>unless you're a gay guy who wants to choose electrocution to fix his homesexuality
>that's forbidden
>you're stuck with your birth sexuality

What's the matter goy you don't like science? If your son wants to play with a doll you chop his dick off and pump him full of estrogen, simple.

The skinhead board is that way


Yes they have skinhead boards there too that you can recruit at as well, though I'm sure you already knew that.

I would love to see that building and everyone in it burning in a fiery blaze.

Fun song with a powerful message



good stuff

I thought World Peace was cancelled.

>implying you wouldnt

(((You))) should kill yourself, (((shill))).

that's the joke it's supposed to be bad

Bill Nye the senile guy

why do normies find such weird shit funny?

when I look at buzzfeed it's like trying to decode some ancient hieroglyph. I don't understand the fundamental level they operate on

I'll never stop feeling like a passive observer of humanity

Its brave.

bobies bouncing and sily face X[)

I know the feeling. Watched the original Ghostbusters movies, checked out the 2016 Ghostbusters afterwards, since I hadn't seen any Ghostbusters at all, and it fucking blew my mind the amount of references and "lmao how random" humor the 2016 version had. Which means at some point somebody concluded that this was the kind of humor that was in, so they had to have drawn from a bunch of other examples to help back up that perception of theirs, and I just don't understand it.

Dave Chapelle delivered the message so much better in his special with 5 words.

Everybody fucks funny to somebody

I literally can't tell the difference between liberal propaganda and parodies of said liberal propaganda anymore.

There is no slippery sloped, they said.
It's only a matter of what people do in their bedrooms, they said.

dont mind but this shit shit fly on a show that a so called "science guy" hosts

wtf I love marxism now

Its how your dad used to be the coolest guy who could do anything when you were a kid and now he is just drooling and shitting himself in a wheelchair

This video retroactively destroyed all the enjoyment I had watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

I knew she was a feminist but this made her kikery go over the line for me.

you right but if this shit bleeds over to Neil degrasse tyson, I am become a creationist!

The left has become a parody of themselves these days.

The right doesn't even need to put any effort in. They just have to point their fingers and laugh.

Why didn't Bill Nye hug the guy?

Okay now I'm starting to believe pol, this definitely feels like there's some kind of "sexual revolution" psyop going on to normalize more and more sexual acts and I will not be shocked if we see pedo songs in about five years.

he was showing the audience what a microagression looks like

it has already started


you're allowed to go from straight to whatever you want but the other way around is now looked down upon.

>tfw both liberals and islamists just want to fuck children so no matter who wins we will get our cunny soon

Why is reddit obsessed over this hack anyways?

>if it feels good do it, don't think about it

Why do I get the feeling this mentality is going to ruin a lot of people and doom them to a life of permanent serfdom

Because LE SCIENCE, duh.

And it was shown on "science guy's" show so it must be backed up by science right?

when the Islamist take over who do think they will hang first?

The leftists that defend them, ironically.

Leftists that supported them.

You mean like Scott? He's not gay anymore.

Jews, gays, trannies and feminist

So basically the cornerstone of every leftwing pary

>mfw I thought "Sup Forums is always right" was just a funny meme but now realize it's true


>un-ironically support the islamization of the west now

no point in defending liberalism from itself.

How can one photo be so epic?


Americans have to be taught to 'shut their mouths if they are white' says Democratic Party chair candidate as they discuss why they lost election

These truly are the end times


top kek. she's not wrong. white liberals could never really rule. they always had to self emulate into some perpetual revolution. it's not like conservatives are much better.

Tempted to make a "Reddit" folder in My Pictures just for this image.

include a pic of your posts then.

>Nice nice beautiful

Hugs everbody except the man.

Is he being pressured into this?

why is she so lewd bros

This already ruined my day

Why do the alt right get outraged by everything but shit on SJWs for getting outraged about black people getting killed by police?

I don't think the alt right is gonna be shutting down highways over a shitty netflix show

how is this everything? is everything vagina jokes in plebbitland?

>black people getting killed by police?

Because alt-rights and SJW's are the exact same

>people rolling their eyes because the constant and blatant "progressive" propaganda now masquerades as "science"
>people shooting police officers, blocking traffic, burning cars, and spouting racial hatred against white people, because black people aren't allowed to threaten cops without getting shot
Do these seem equal to you?

the new normal is boys that are girls. get with the times bro.

Who is that untalented flabby cunt and why did she get to sing her retarded song on Bill Nye's show?

I get outraged by stupid garbage because that makes sense. Black thugs getting killed by police for chimping out isn't stupid, it's perfectly logical.

There is nothing wrong with cute boy-girls

Does anyone here call for the show to be censored?

I want the show to be uncensored if you know what I mean

common senses awards go to these user

Nah mate, this is totally normal


Was all this fake science shit to get him a TV show again?

wtf, I hate science now.

Because black people kill other black people in droves, kill white people even more than that, and they are outraged at the utterly insignificant number of black people that are killed by white police

And to think I watched my crazy ex gf and enjoyed it

Boy Season 2 was so bad

I feel more and more like George Carlin every day, user.




I made it to 0:45
They're not even creative or hidden with their propaganda anymore

>It's a 'Sup Forumsack doesn't actually know anything about science except what he read on Sup Forums' episode
>muh two genders
Tell me, what gender is a hermaphrodite?

>intersex mutations exist, therefore genders don't exist

This is like saying humans don't have 2 arms and 2 legs because a tiny amount of people are born with extra limbs.

No, it's saying that there's more than two genders/gender is a broad spectrum.
If someone is born with a third leg, they're not a bipedal. How fucking dumb can you be?

What does this have to do with science?

Stop denying science, goy. You don't want to be labeled a bigot, do you?

>No, it's saying that there's more than two genders/gender is a broad spectrum.

But there's not. Intersex individuals are not a third gender.

>If someone is born with a third leg, they're not a bipedal. How fucking dumb can you be?

If we follow your logic it doesn't make sense to call humans a bipedal species because there are some humans who don't fit that category. That is how retarded you are.



Does Bill Nye have an underage daughter or niece?

I can see one of these children being indoctrinated growing up to hate their parents and becoming the next hitler..... did people learn nothing?

>one is fundamentally about change while the other is fundamentally about tradititionalism/conservatism


Are you trying to tell me that a song about people having sex changes is a valid form of scientific inquiry?

I said, "Kiss me, you're beautiful -
These are truly the last days"

If someone has XX chromosomes they are male.
If someone has XY chromosomes they are female.

I wanted to watch this show when I heard about it. But then I saw that there isn't a single god damn scientist on this show m, now 1. Bill has connections and he worked with science departments and centres for so long. Who the fuck are these random people promoting random shit without any citations or expert feedback?

>Intersex individuals are not a third gender
So what gender are they?

Other way around mate.