I just realized something about force awakens that most criticism missed: The movie literally doesn't stand on its own

I just realized something about force awakens that most criticism missed: The movie literally doesn't stand on its own.

It starts with the hype to find Luke Skywalker, but Luke only matters if you had seen the previous movies. Then Han Solo and Chewbacca magically find the Falcon, from the point of view of someone who's not creaming his pants over seeing and old Han Solo, a new view would just keep asking himself : "how did they find that ship? Is this Han Solo the owner of this cargo ship? How come Han Solo let a bunch of criminals board his ship, does it have no defense? How come that big hairy ape is the only crew he has for this massive cargo ship?

The worst part of "not standing on its own" is the part where Rey magically learns how to do the Jedi mind trick; to someone watching a Star Wars movie for the first time, the scene would be complete nonsense.

Basically, the Force Awakens failed to be its own movie, the entire plot is based on the old star wars movie, and you need to know all the elements from the old movie to understand the Force Awakens. Even thought the percentage of the population who doesn't know Star Wars lore is small, it's still worth to point it out.

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But TFA was great and way better than Rogue One or the prequels.

Are you truly defending the shit awakens? Are you that stupid to defend this shit movie? Really? If you're defending the shit awakens then you should be beaten with sticks and stones and walt disney's bones.

Firstly, The first Order is bull. The Empire returned to the REPUBLIC! The Neo Nazis you're mentioning is a fabrication of Jar Jar Jew's attempt at rehashing ANH. George Lucas prequels were poorly constructed but it had a coherent Story. The Republic Funded the machine that became the Galactic Empire, Clones and all. The Separatist Funded the Death Star. The Empire/Republic, trillions of life forms, funded the second death star that was literally one third the size of the original.

BUT jar jar jew, HAD TO HAVE A TEN TIMES BIGGER AND TEN TIMES MORE EXPENSIVE DEATH STAR. And for a moronic idiot like yourself to say, that a group of neo nazis rebels created and funded the newer more expensive Empire.

Get your head out of jew jew's ass.

The prequels are better that's how shitty tfa is

I wanted to deck that dyke feminst mary sue cunt in the xenomorphic teeth.

You've now realized the problem with 8/10 major movies a year.

Keep thinking critically; discover better films.

Rogue One is more able to stand on it's own than force awakens.

>A movie sequel doesn't stand on its own
Really user?
Fuck, how unexpected.

The Prequels told a story. Jar Jar Abrams is not at all a story teller. He's a brilliant Technical Director, but not a story teller. And that's why Super 8 is not at all, a family classic along the lines of Close Encounters, and E.T. It's well put together shot for shot, but it's logic and coherence goes out the window.

tl;dr lol

Rogue One > TFA

>doesn't stand on it's own
>is based on the most watched franchise in the history of film

Maybe we need to spend more time getting exposition from yoda and obi, eh?
"Rey, this is a 'lightsaber', jedis use them to fight sith using their magical force powers"

While this is a good argument for other things, it's not for star wars. There's enough wrong with The Force Awakens that it doesn't matter it was made for the fans (that's usually actually a good thing) but it catered to the lowest common denominator fans, who didn't want more world building or new shit to love, they wanted the same old shit repackaged, because it's familiar.
Star Wars might be up there with Dracula or Sherlock Holmes as the most referenced and parodied things, I'm sure even normie jock foosball players know what the jedi mind trick is.

My mom loved it and she hadn't seen a single star wars movie before that. Though I did try to explain the background lore from episodes I-VI on the ride to the theater, though I don't think that really counts for much

>the seventh movie in a franchise is missing backstory


Sorry, but when Yoda and Obi wan taught Luke they both taught him how to "FEEL" the force. Obi Wan taught Luke, Through "FEELING" the force how to use the most basic force ability, the very same ability younglings used when Obi Wan in episode 2 went to see Yoda and the very same ability Anakin used in avoiding calamity. And the very same thing Obi Wan used against Grievous and the very same ability Luke used when timing when to Pull the Trigger, Thereby, Launching the HOMING MISSILES, that were programmed to seek out and destroy the lynch pin in the death star thereby blowing it up. And this ability is called, Danger Sense and or Prescience.

It's the very same ability Anakin used in Attack of the Clones when he Timed when to Jump out of a speeder into another speeder. The Force tells you when to MOVE Or JUMP or RUN Or BLOCK. Rey however, with no training or anything or even knowing what the force was or how it feels to touch it or access it, PULLS MASTER LEVEL ABILITIES OUT OF HER MARY SUE ASS!

Is there a list somewhere of ratings people have star wars movies based solely on the order they saw them in.

Because I think that would be interesting.

The only thing that wouldn't be 100% obvious to those people who saw rhe prequels first is that sheev was the emperor the whole time. But even then I would assume the vast majority of first time viewers figured out who the emperor was very easily. If they saw the originals.

Throwing this new trilogy into the mix just makes the prequels basically pointless. Although I would still like to see their rating breakdown

>Rey magically learns how to do the Jedi mind trick; to someone watching a Star Wars movie for the first time, the scene would be complete nonsense

That scene was complete nonsense period.

>Order I saw them in
IV>V>VI>ewoks cartoon and endor movies>I>II>III>TFA>R1

RLM plz leave

Neither do Empire or Jedi

Ma showed the first 3 to me before Episode I came out, so I saw them in the order of release.
V > IV > TFA > VI > III > II > I
haven't seen rogue one yet, don't plan to, I don't like feminism.

Well it is the seventh movie in a franchise. The prequels had the luxury of taking place first chronologically. And it's not as if they don't explain who Luke Skywalker and Han are and what the Millenium Falcon is. A kid watching it for the first time hears about how they were great war heroes.

I was a teenager by the time the prequels arrived.
My ratings would be V>IV>VI>III>I>II>TFA
I only half-watched Rogue One at home so I don't feel right rating it; but it's above TFA at the least.

i mean it's called STAR WARS 7 i wouldn't expect it to be standalone

Was it nonsense when Obi-Wan did it? After her stand off with Kylo Ren and Maz blabbering on about taking the lightsaber and achieving her destiny we can assume that she has powers just like Kylo does.

Would you have preferred this over The Force Awakens?

>Things I realized the day after the premier
It's also advertised as "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" instead of "Star Wars: Episode 7: The Force Awakens".

Key phrase: she magically, as in out of thin air, learns to mind trick.

Obi wan was a Jedi and obviously spent years training. Luke had innate powers but had to be taught how to use them to any large degree. Rey is just instantly an expert on day one.

Watched all 6 by release when I was in high school, then I watched the rest as they came out. I go:
IV - V - VI - III - R1 - VII - I - II

until boba fett I thought it was about the force awakens

>R2-D2 fights a lava snake
I'd watch it if he had his jetpacks

Good point. I just I missed what you were getting at.

Rey wuz good actress standin next to da big black man.

She kisssed his forhead at the end, an Shiiit. How dat make whit bois on Sup Forums feel? Not good I exepct.


>this cow shit tastes much better than this dog shit, therefore this cow shit must be good

>a sequel to a series of movies expects you to have seen the previous movies

If they expected you to see the previous ones, why was it A New Hope w/ A Girl?

You're right, the whole movie started off as a quest to find a Luke but we don't get to see him till the end, what a load of shit.

friendly reminder that they made rey proficient with a bo staff so that when she goes evil they can give her a badass dual lightsaber and sell tons of merchandise

what a silly design for a saber. It's not a light saber anymore, it's a light..staff.

How does JJs cock taste you faggot

really makes you think

reminder they made rey proficient in everything because they're terrible writers

That's how sequels work.

mary sues are good when it's the bad guy.

wow, that is quite a stretch

Okay, so this is pasta. I didn't realize that when I saw this before.

>a long weapon where you can only hold the middle or your hands will vaporize
what is the real life equivalent? One of the things about staves or spears is that you have the long reach, being able to hold an end

just make a longer middle staff with light saber blades on the ends

>Leia ignores her old friends completely and goes to hug Rey, a person she barely said 5 words to

She's just so likeable.

Did she lose her staff?

And ANH doesn't stand on its own because you don't care what the death star or its plans are and then Obi-Wan just magically shows up.

What's your point?


Just listening to this just now. Seems like most of the problems everybody already mentions here.

It completely stands on it's own you utter faggot.

And so does TFA that's the point I'm making.

Actually she had never met Rey

>66 minute review

These people shouldn't be allowed YouTube accounts

It's the seventh movie in a series, not a standalone or reboot you fucking retard.

you're right, it's just the seventh in a series that's almost a carbon copy of the fourth in the same series, no problems there